“A Drag Queen for every school” is a great summation of today’s Democrat Party Platform.

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"Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun," DEMOCRAT Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says at a civil rights conference in Lansing while speaking out against what she describes as efforts to divide people.

"A drag queen for every school," she adds.

Drag queens predates even the parents of the boomer generation.

If men want to dress up in dresses and put on makeup (or blackface, ghasp!) then let them. It sold tickets in the 1900s, it'll get views in the 2000s. Same thing
... Problem with odd ideas such as this one is the lack
of numbers... People who actually want it.

... You wanna do it and sell tickets, mate - have at it!

But ya bring 'em to the schoolhouses and the parents surely
might not like it. ... In fact, the parents may VOTE OUT
the school boards who approve such things.

See? ... Democracy at its finest! ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Exactly Salty - these guys want to get freaky, do so in the privacy of their own place with other adults

The issue is when the left is forcing them on students in school. Utter lunacy
Notice how the drag queens of yesteryear don't look like clowns from the circus??

When my great grandmother died, among her belongings was a program from when she owned a Hotel in Atlantic City back in the 40s (she died penniless). The program was for a "Female Impersonator Show". Some of the pages were autographed too!! I also noticed they still looked like men, just dressed in womans' clothes. No garish clown makeup!