Texas Saving Obama

hydraulic fracturing has saved the obama economy from COMPLETE COLLAPSE

texas, in its free market approach, and on its private lands, and in its its use of hydraulic fracturing has rescued obama and masked his total single-handed destructiveness which otherwise would have cast us back to the jimmy carter days of lament and malaise and gas lines and ever higher energy prices and who knows what else

texas has increased its daily production of oil to a 28 year high

alone texas, as a nation, would be the 12th largest producer of oil in the world

texas is on a pace to become the 9th largest producer of oil, if an independent "nation", surpassing mexico, venzuela, kuwait and iraq.

"Abundant low-cost energy is stimulating a revival of manufacturing in the U.S. as well as increased American economic competitiveness," countering what otherwise is "a time of stubbornly high unemployment," notes energy expert Daniel Yergin.

By 2020, according to Yergin, shale gas alone is expected to support 4 million jobs, up from 1.7 million today. That's the year the U.S. (and Texas) will pass up Saudi Arabia as the world's leading oil exporter, according to the International Energy Agency.

NONE of this is due to the energy and environmental policies of the obama administration, in fact, it is DESPITE the policies of the obama administration.

the Texas Rangers to the rescue once more
One half of the net job gains during the Obama years were created in Texas. Astounding. And it is reverberating thru the economy. No thanks to Obama's heavy handed regulations and anti-growth policies.

In Dallas, home sales are booming; sellers report immediate bidding wars for listings that hit the market.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2013, 11:28 AM
One half of the net job gains during the Obama years were created in Texas. Astounding. And it is reverberating thru the economy. No thanks to Obama's heavy handed regulations and anti-growth policies.

In Dallas, home sales are booming; sellers report immediate bidding wars for listings that hit the market. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

pretty good sign of a growing economy IMO.

if you have a link reporting "bidding wars" in the Dallas market I'd sure like to see it. I have two friends in Big D that are realtors, I'am sure they would like to see t too.
If they are realtors; then they should already in the know.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2013, 11:32 AM
If they are realtors; then they should already in the know. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
yup, like everyone else they know you're full of shit
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  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2013, 11:36 AM
Ask your realtor friends if you don't believe me, or not.

Here. and since May the market has gotten even hotter.

But that is a side benefit to the OP.......................despi te obama, the texas economy is booming..........

Low regulation/taxation, quality of life, affordable housing = jobs, jobs, jobs.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2013, 12:08 PM
Fracking has been around since the 40's ... leases are opening up that have been dormant for decades due to energy prices ...good for us

I say tomato you say _____ .
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  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2013, 12:20 PM
I say tomato you say _____ . Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I said you're full of shit ... pay attention
pretty good sign of a growing economy IMO.

if you have a link reporting "bidding wars" in the Dallas market I'd sure like to see it. I have two friends in Big D that are realtors, I'am sure they would like to see t too. Originally Posted by CJ7

No, no no. The economy sucks!

Oh, wait. The economy is great! The economy is booming to the extent that people are fighting over who gets to pay the most for a house!

No, wait. The economy is only great in Texas! But, but, but.....Texas hasn't seceded (yet) and is still part of the economy for which Obama gets the credit, and the blame.

Whirlytard's head is going to explode. Fuck face.

The fact of the matter is that the real estate market in DFW, while suffering a bit of a downturn, never underwent the cataclysmic collapse that occurred in other parts of the country. That's because the value of houses was never artificially inflated.

As for Texas surpassing Saudi Arabia in oil production by 2020.....you're on Pluto if you believe that bullshit.
Fracking has been around since the 40's ... leases are opening up that have been dormant for decades due to energy prices ...good for us. Originally Posted by CJ7
That's misleading.

In the more distant past, wells were drilled vertically, which meant perpendicular to the layers in the shale. So there was only limited fracturing horizontally through the shale.

What is different now is the development of horizontal drilling techniques that run parallel to the layers in the shale and cause much greater fracturing horizontally through the shale. So of the pipes go for thousands of meters horizontally and the cracks run horizontally outward to greater distances, thereby extracting far more gas and oil.

The new drilling techniques were developed in the 1990s. As the technique was used more and more over the last 20 years, we have had a huge increase in oil and gas.
As for Texas surpassing Saudi Arabia in oil production by 2020.....you're on Pluto if you believe that bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
Actually, that is being widely reported in reputable journals.

Saudi reserves are dwindling. The days of thin, low-sulfur oil close to the surface are winding down. They now have to drill deeper and deeper for less oil. So their comparative advantage is going away.
You mean the US may surpass Saudi Arabia, right? I've seen that speculation. But, not Texas alone.