More "Fake News" From The Lib-Retard Press: NPR Forced To Retract Story

I B Hankering's Avatar

NPR published a report Friday asserting that Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony to the Senate about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow were inconsistent with Michael Cohen’s claims about the same project in his plea deal Thursday.

A transcript from Trump Jr.’s Sept. 7, 2017 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee shows that he claimed the Trump Organization ceased pursuing a deal to build Trump Tower in Moscow in by the end of 2014, NPR reported.

The news organization quoted Trump Jr. as saying that the project “faded away” by “the end of ’14.”

“But not in 2015 or 2016?” Trump Jr. was asked.

“Certainly not ’16,” the president’s son replied. “There was never a definitive end to it. It just died of deal fatigue.”

NPR asserted that the testimony would pose a problem for Trump Jr. since attorney Cohen said in his plea agreement with the special counsel’s office that he continued negotiating the building through June 2016. He also said he briefed President Donald Trump and his children that year before the deal fell through.

NPR issued a lengthy editor’s note to the article five hours after publication but did not retract the piece.

As The Federalist’s Sean Davis noted on Twitter, NPR left out parts of Trump Jr.’s testimony where the real estate executive acknowledged that Trump Tower Moscow was being discussed into 2016.

(The Daily Caller)
Donald Trump Jr Responds To NPR Finally Retracting False Story About Him

In another example of why Americans increasingly distrust the establishment media to present factually sound, unbiased news, NPR published a report Friday claiming that Donald Trump Jr.'s testimony to Congress conflicted with the current claims of Michael Cohen about the "Moscow Trump Tower" deal discussions taking place in 2016.

After a number of reporters from various outlets called out NPR for reporting what was a verifiably false claim, the network finally issued a correction and deleted its original tweet -- but not before the false report had permeated social media and made its way to CNN.

Among the reporters who caught NPR peddling the falsehood were the Washington Post's Phillip Bump and the Federalist's Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway, whose posts were highlighted by Twitchy, among others.

"This NPR story appears to be wrong. It notes that Trump Jr. told a Senate committee that a deal in Moscow died of 'deal fatigue' by 2014," Bump explained. "But that was a deal with the Agalarovs. He was also asked if a deal was in the works in 2015/2016 and said yes."

"This entire story is a lie," wrote Davis. "Trump, Jr. was explicitly asked whether the Trump Organization was pursuing a plan to develop a Trump Tower in Moscow in 2016. His answer: 'Yes.' He even offered to give the 2015 LOI signed by Trump to Judiciary investigators."

"This story is completely wrong, as shown in attached link using the actual testimony," tweeted Hemingway. "Shocking that this was published given its lack of truth. It needs to be retracted." ....

After the pushback reached critical mass, NPR finally issued a correction....

NPR also deleted its original post and issued a new one....

But since it took about five hours for NPR to make any changes, by that time the story had already been promoted by several outlets, including CNN, which invited on analyst Susan Hennessey to repeat NPR's false claim.

(The Daily Wire)
themystic's Avatar
Fake news about fake news. Junior is a scum. Lock the mother fucker up
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2018, 09:56 AM
They retracted it....that is wtf news organisations do unloke Trump when he flat out lies.

Your continual praise of the biggest liar the WH has ever seen is ironic.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like it took NPR 1 day and 5 hours to issue a retraction. this long, they did it on purpose to hurt people they don't like. Its long enough to get picked up by other outlets who run with it and report it.

what about retractions from other networks that picked up what NPR reported???? haven't seen that. according to the articles CNN picked it up and reported it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
They retracted it....that is wtf news organisations do unloke Trump when he flat out lies.

Your continual praise of the biggest liar the WH has ever seen is ironic. Originally Posted by WTF
NPR published a lie that was then circulated by other outlets, e.g., CNN, which also circulated the lie. And NPR and CNN's gullible listeners swallowed the lie like baby pablum because they're good and "#Grubered" little lib-retards just the way their handlers like them. And it took more than five hours before NPR begrudgingly made the retraction allowing the lie to fester in the minds of the listening, "#Grubered" lib-retards -- some, if not many, who probably still don't know they were lied to.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2018, 01:30 PM
NPR published a lie that was then circulated by other outlets, e.g., CNN, which also circulated the lie. And NPR and CNN's gullible listeners swallowed the lie like baby pablum because they're good and "#Grubered" little lib-retards just the way their handlers like them. And it took more than five hours before NPR begrudgingly made the retraction allowing the lie to fester in the minds of the listening, "#Grubered" lib-retards -- some, if not many, who probably still don't know they were lied to. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Trump made his political bones in the primary quoting from fake news from The National Enquirer.

...your crocodile tears carry no weight with me in this matter.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2018, 01:32 PM
looks like it took NPR 1 day and 5 hours to issue a retraction. this long, they did it on purpose to hurt people they don't like. Its long enough to get picked up by other outlets who run with it and report it.

what about retractions from other networks that picked up what NPR reported???? haven't seen that. according to the articles CNN picked it up and reported it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Again...very rich coming from a Trump supporter.

Trump traffics in Alex Jones and Infowars in the National Enquirer come or Trump retract any of the b******* they spread
Gvillehobbyist's Avatar
Trump is one of a kind, that’s for sure!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trump made his political bones in the primary quoting from fake news from The National Enquirer.

...your crocodile tears carry no weight with me in this matter. Originally Posted by WTF
No tears. I know they lie and misrepresent the truth: especially CNN which helped propagate this lie.
themystic's Avatar
No tears. I know they lie and misrepresent the truth: especially CNN which helped propagate this lie. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Those dumb asses at NPR. Shame on them. They should follow Donald J Putin's strategy. Double and Triple down on the lie. Thanks for exposing those weak bastards IB. After all, you and me are friends
I B Hankering's Avatar
Those dumb asses at NPR. Shame on them. They should follow Donald J Trump's strategy. Double and Triple down on the lie. Thanks for exposing those weak bastards IB. After all, you and me are friends Originally Posted by themystic

There's truth in the part about NPR and CNN being congenital liars who produce Fake News, but all of my real friends went to school, learned how to spell and graduated.
themystic's Avatar

There's truth in the part about NPR and CNN being congenital liars, but all of my real friends went to school, learned how to spell and graduated.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How come you didn't do the same as your friends? I'm sorry I forgot that you were patrolling the borders of Afghanistan & Iraq. Following the Trump strategy, I'm retracting the NPR apology. Fake News
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The disciples of the truthless one complaining about a 5-hour wait for a news organization to retract a story.
How many tweets, that are obvious lies or unfounded claims, has trump retracted in 5 hours, 5 days, or 5 months? None that I'm aware of. Maybe you know some I don't.

Think about it. The article you posted claims the American people are losing confidence in the mainstream media because of a mistake once in a while? They believe someone who lies 10-20 times a day?
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
The disciples of the truthless one complaining about a 5-hour wait for a news organization to retract a story.
How many tweets, that are obvious lies or unfounded claims, has trump retracted in 5 hours, 5 days, or 5 months? None that I'm aware of. Maybe you know some I don't.

Think about it. The article you posted claims the American people are losing confidence in the mainstream media because of a mistake once in a while? They believe someone who lies 10-20 times a day?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Unlike Trump who is paying for his own Twitter account, how many U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used to pay for the dim-retard propaganda spouted by NPR? Besides, all of Trump's Tweets are filtered through the likes of NPR; thus, about half the so-called lies originate in the mischaracterization of what he says. And NPR's retraction lacked the same urgency and celebrity as the original lie.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2018, 04:12 PM
No tears. I know they lie and misrepresent the truth: especially CNN which helped propagate this lie. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Unlike Info Wars and the National Enquire!

And Donald J Trump