Photo & Video needs competitive rates

Keeping photos updated on showcases is a great way to keep the viewers attention. In most shoots i can shoot, quick edit and give you the photo files on-site same day.

Another way to showcase who you are thats migrating is a video. My video rates vary so we will have to talk about the look and feel of your ideas before we begin.

I've attached a link to my most recent video and photo showcase that i was happy to assist. LolaBrea01 with.

Any question just pm me. Thank you
john_deere's Avatar
the video isn't bad, but i think it's fair to ask....did you pay licensing fees for ricky martin's music?
Nikki Hoffman's Avatar
the video isn't bad, but i think it's fair to ask....did you pay licensing fees for ricky martin's music? Originally Posted by john_deere

I'd guess no... but neither have those other 100,000 other you tube & vimeo videos with background music....
just guessing on this too however...

Its a very nice video BTW... I would love to know what one like that would cost me...with licensed music of course...{wink} PM me!

BTW what did you have to pay JD to use the John Deere name? I bet it was a bundle or are you John Deere? Oh heck I am just playin with ya!
john_deere's Avatar
I'd guess no... but neither have those other 100,000 other you tube & vimeo videos with background music....
just guessing on this too however...

Its a very nice video BTW... I would love to know what one like that would cost me...with licensed music of course...{wink} PM me!

BTW what did you have to pay JD to use the John Deere name? I bet it was a bundle or are you John Deere? Oh heck I am just playin with ya! Originally Posted by Nikki Hoffman
maybe you don't understand copyright law - but don't feel bad, you wouldn't be the only one. the difference is in the intended use. i use the words "john_deere" as a message board handle, not as a brand name. no issue there.

on the other hand, the use of music in a video that is intended for advertising purposes is very different. that constitutes using someone else's work to generate revenue for yourself. that puts both the creator and the client on the wrong side of the law in such a case.

if you want that kind of target on your back, go for it.
Nikki Hoffman's Avatar
I don't wish to pick a fight we all know this is your sacred ground. I am just saying.
As for targets...I doubt Ricky will be perusing the escort ads and come across her vid and start a legal proceeding. Hey is gay right?
Usually if they see something like that they just ask you to remove it. If you don't then they might get legal with it.
Music is everywhere on everything and it isn't always licensed.
The guy was just trying to advertise. I say why peepee on his parade dude? I don't think he's trying to hurt anyone.
These are world wide vids I found Do you think all these ladies and or photogs got license agreements?
actually they are just some cool vids... enjoy
Randall Creed's Avatar
Very interesting.

You're (John Deere) using a handle that is known for and by a particular brand, and it so happens that you're using a picture of the item known by such brand (tractors). I'm willing to bet that if a John Deere spokesperson saw your handle on this board, your avatar, and if they found out that you made a dime off any photo/video you took USING THAT HANDLE, I can almost guarantee you they won't like it.

Of course, I'm merely speculating. I won't profess to have enough knowledge to give a qualified answer either way. However, in my purely amateur opinion, it almost seems to easy for them (John Deere or a rep) to come on here and say, "Don't use our name in any way, OR pay us 99% of any monies you make while using it (effectively telling you to change the name, given that no one's dumb enough to give up 99% of their income for a name).

Agan, aimless speculation. You probably know more than I do. Not here to argue. Just thinking out loud.
john_deere's Avatar
it's not a fight, nikki, but you keep pressing the point.

i asked a fair question, which actually still hasn't been answered.

this is a community. we exchange information that helps us all play safely, and in the case of of the ladies....profitably. in that regard, how would you like to pay someone - not necessarily this guy - to make a video of you only to find that youtube won't allow it because it violates the dmca? how professional is that?

vimeo isn't quite as bad, but youtube runs algorithms that instantly detect any portion of copyrighted music. the music companies get more serious about this every day; don't kid yourself into thinking they won't care or can't find you.

i'm giving drloveftw the benefit of the doubt....maybe he didn't know. in the spirit of sharing useful information, i've made sure that now he - or anyone using any services advertised by any photographer/videographer on eccie who reads this - will know.
john_deere's Avatar
Very interesting.

You're (John Deere) using a handle that is known for and by a particular brand, and it so happens that you're using a picture of the item known by such brand (tractors). I'm willing to bet that if a John Deere spokesperson saw your handle on this board, your avatar, and if they found out that you made a dime off any photo/video you took USING THAT HANDLE, I can almost guarantee you they won't like it. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
there's absolutely ZERO doubt about their reaction if that occurred. i could argue the fair use part of the law and probably win, but IF they could prove i used my handle to make money (they can't) then they could issue a cease and desist.

which is part of the reason it's johnunderscoredeere. i don't need my eccie handle popping up every time somebody googles "farm implements".

oh, and the john deere guy would also have to explain what he was doing here....
john_deere's Avatar
by the way, nikki....i looked at the youtube vids you linked. did you notice....

none of the music is by anybody you ever heard of.

half of them had the music identified below the video with a "buy this song" link.

half of them were made in other countries where they give zero fucks about copyright.

several of them were very professionally produced, with the name of the creator listed. i'd bet an hour of your time that those people did the right thing and purchased the licenses.

here's the thing.....there's no need to steal ricky martin's music. there's tons of stock music services out there that sell stuff specifically for this purpose at a very reasonable price. that's something anybody who advertises professional video services should know.
Drftwlove has done a great job on the video and pictures he is very reliable and works promptly all shoots and video were done in a few hours!!! I only requested he came back over several days because I wanted different looks!

The post is for photographs and videos not in the legal section for a REASON.

If John Deere would like to look through millions of vimeo youtube videos and provider videos then ask for legal documentation on them then you may and feel free to post in the legal section.... Play policeman on a hooker board...
john_deere's Avatar're missing the point.

i don't give a fuck what you or drlove does, i'm just putting the information out there so others can make an educated choice about what THEY do.
As for targets...I doubt Ricky will be perusing the escort ads and come across her vid and start a legal proceeding. Hey is gay right? Originally Posted by Nikki Hoffman
Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be the artist himself. If a provider uses an unlicensed song on a video, or worse, on their website, all it takes is for one of your haters (i.e. a competitor, or disgruntled ex-client) to report you, and they could get your site taken down until the problem is corrected. It may not result in being sued, but it could still hurt your business and/or reputation. Not picking sides here, just saying

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