Rousey, Holmes, Tate and My Inner-Kink

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Rousey, Holms, Tate and My Inner-Kink

There is something about seeing two women fighting that many men find at least mildly erotic. Never a fan of boxingin the past or the newer rage, mixed martial arts,I did seek out video of the Rousey-Holmesfight and the Holmes-Tate fight.I liked seeing two fit hard-body spinners in swim suits going at it. . . .and it got me thinking.

Not a fan of many of the Olympic sports, I did enjoy watching women's beach volly ball. Fit hard-bodies in bilinis jumping around and all that.Now this is considered a real sport, with sports betting and everything.

So now the fantasy: A women's basketball league (OK, OK so its been done!), but they wear the beach volly ball outfits and high heels! There could be a Victoria's Secret team in lingerie, and a Tropic Tan team in itty-bitty thongs etc. Just think about the cheerleaders!
B.Wayne's Avatar
have you not heard of the female football league bikini thing? they wear helmets and shoulder pads, and pretty much bikinis. I don't know how popular it is but I watched a little bit of it and after about a half an hour lost interest because if I wanted to watch football i'd watch an nfl game. but it might float your boat. the lingerie football league. Enjoy!