ol' Harry on the edge...

Mr_Winter's Avatar
On a whim, I checked out the Sun Herald online while on my break and look at what I found...


Think ol' Harry is grasping at straws now? I do.

Biloxi should be the last thing on his mind,The feds are going to throw his ass away
well, i was going to say my how rough he looks now compared to how he looked out by his pool in gautier with red speedos on as he flaunts around all of us girls back in 2000 lmao! WOW how i wished i could see his ex right now. i know she is happy he got what he had coming to him.
Mr_Winter's Avatar
Belinda and Lowgear,
Amen on both. I have zero tolerance for anyone that does the things he's been charged with, and you can bet if the Feds are involved, then he was distributing. In any case, the Feds and LEO's did us a favor by removing this wart off the ass of society.

The part that will be worse for him when the GP of whatever Federal Penetentary finds out what he did, his life will more or less be in jeopardy, which means he'll spend his time in solitary. He will have a permanent target on his forehead and he knows it. This is probably why he's making these claims against Biloxi PD.

wildcat4fun's Avatar
He should be used to the things thats gonna happen to him in prison by now.He has spent alot of time there recently.He must love it there.
Mr_Winter's Avatar
He should be used to the things thats gonna happen to him in prison by now.He has spent alot of time there recently.He must love it there. Originally Posted by wildcat4fun
It'll be worse in a Federal Pen, as criminals of his caliber are considered the lowest of the low. As I said, his life will be more or less worthless the moment the general population catches wind of his crimes, and believe me... They WILL find out.

Oh well.

wildcat4fun's Avatar
Very true.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
Stupid move by 'ole Harry.

Now the feds can work with Biloxi and use Harry's own damage lawsuit to gather more information about him and his activties. By asking for money, he'll have to turn over a lot more documents and answer many more questions. They will have a field day digging into things they never could get any other way!

They'll take all the stuff they get and use it for more criminal prosecutions. Financial records he'll have to let go of might lead to tax evasion charges at a minumum. I can just see the gleam in the eyes of the feds and can see their mouths watering at the chance to get even more info to hang him with.

He's serving himself up to them on a platter. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
This dirty sob was found not guilty yesterday by the feds,in his child pornography trial.but i would bet the state is going to give him a nice vacation
you have got to be shitting me! wow, ms is getting bad with the way they run things i see!!!
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
No shit, Belinda. It't true. In this a.m.'s Sun-Herald paper.

But based on their persistence with other slimeballs, the feds do not like to lose. They've got him and they've got his number, so to speak, so I expect them to continue to dig and hound until they can find something else and drop that hammer on him too.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Hey Belinda what did i tell you.He is a S.O.B but hes not stupid.
wonder if he is out now that BP has jacked up on the ads...lol the guys should be going backshit here on the coast.