NCNS, Sex, Lies and Videotaped Excuses and Bust Sessions.

What do you think is the real motivation for a hobbyist to exhaustedly write about NCNS experiences or really bad sessions or reasons to flame a provider? The vitriol that comes out in these type of posts and threads is amazing.

Do you think the motivation is to inform the fellow hobbying community for "caveat emptor" purposes or do you think it's beacuse the hobbyist is just a pissed off little brat that didn't get their way and the only thing that makes them feel better is to scream to the world how they got fucked over, used and had their time wasted? You know, Wha Wha Poor Me.

Are these posts more of a way to vent being pissed off and angry through character assasination or to inform fellow hobbyists?

Is it a combination of both?

Do the ladies "like" when another provider gets flammed on the boards? Does it mean more potential biz for you?

Why do people get off on saying "seeee, I told you so."
  • Vyt
  • 02-14-2012, 04:22 PM
I get really irritated when I get NCNS'ed. I know providers do as well so -- more so because they most likely passed up other appointments to schedule the one that decided to 'forget'.

Given that irritation I think an impulse to post about it is normal, and it has a benefit in letting others know which providers aren't as conscientious about their client's time.
sixxbach's Avatar

I think many of the guys are trying to be informative but are posting upset. Not all hobbyists have alot of opportunity to hobby. I have read a few where the hobbyist has one or two opportunities to hobby in a month. Imagine the frustration if all you had was that window and due to shitty TCB, etc you lose that chance.

I really feel that these "incidents' are not reported often. Think of ALL the sessions that occur in a weeks time and if you have three a week that is posted on the boards, that is a very small percentage. Kudos to the hobbyists who keep the information flowing

trynagetlaid's Avatar
I wish those type of threads had controlled response. The only people who would see the 'Reply' button would be the provider or hobbyist being called out, and mods.

Everything else you see in those threads looks like it was copied and pasted from a similar thread.

I'm only interested in what the accuser and accused have to say in these matters.
As I've only written 2 negative threads, I would say it it was part being warning others, part being pissed about time and gas money wasted. 1 was warning of provider thats takes cash up front/then shorts you, 1 was ncns .Better question might be the motivation of Provider written NCNS threads, as they effect business?
levibob56's Avatar
Most guys don't want to come across as an asshole on the boards. They still want to get laid down the road so to speak. But for some of us it takes a lot of effort to set up a session, make excuses to the S O, and are on a limited time frame.Its happened to me with some new providers and even some provides I known for awhile. The first thing I want to do is flame!!!! But I have found it's best to just text them and wait 24 hours.Most times she will come back with a good excuse and make up sessions are soooo much fun!!!!
sixxbach's Avatar
Most guys don't want to come across as an asshole on the boards. They still want to get laid down the road so to speak. hours.

I have always found it hilarious that some guys are worried about coming across as an asshole on the boards. Many of us are lying and cheating on our spouses and SO's. We could care less about being an asshole to THEM but to someone we are paying to have sex with, we now care about being an asshole? I have never understood that.

Most times she will come back with a good excuse and make up sessions are soooo much fun!!!! Originally Posted by levibob56
For some guys any excuse is a good excuse when you want to get laid

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I just dont get NCNS at all//how hard is it to give a heads up in close to 8 years I have been around I have never ncns anyone
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
On any and all of my reviews, I call 'em like I see 'em......even if it goes against the norm. I actually gave a "No" on a recent review to a gal that had all "Yes" reviews. It could have been a bad day for her or a chemistry issue....either way, it adds to the data pool so guys can make an informed decision. By far, the thing I hate the worst is a NCNS and that happened to me with a Flavor of the Month that has recently been banned. I know things happen last minute on both sides of the fence but PLEASE stop giving half baked candy ass excuses.
harkontume's Avatar
Never happened to me.
(that I remember)
You just jinxed yourself!
It's impossible to conclusively state what the motivation is as Every situation is different. Some vent, some warn and some do both.

I'm more curious about what the motivation is of mongers who start threads clearly for the purpose of impressing providers.
Are they delusional enough to believe that doing so will actually improve their standing with the ladies?
I honestly can't recall many threads started by a guy other than whispers or sixx so I'm not too sure what threads you are talking about? Can you give examples? Do you mean this thread? Because I am not impressed. lol.

oh and about NCNS- I have only had ONE guy(I refuse to call him a man) from Eccie NCNS me. He was the first person to get in touch with me my first day on the board and he NCNS'ed me not once but TWICE and tried to schedule for a third time but by then I was a bit more informed as to who he is and I was able to politely refuse to see him. Thank Jesus, Satan and anyone I forgot for that.

It's hard to say what the motivation is as every situation is different. Some vent, some warn and some do both.

I'm more curious about what the motivation is of mongers who start threads clearly for the purpose of impressing providers.
Are they delusional enough to believe that doing so will actually improve their standing with the ladies? Originally Posted by Codybeast
Do you mean this thread? Because I am not impressed. lol. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
arthur_s's Avatar
NCNS likely dont get reported because they dont fit as a review and they dont fit as an alert, so they are practically hard to search and find and lost in the sea of coed. Why not have a separate sub-forum for NCNS and similar non alert worthy issues that is searchable and can appear as part of member stats?