Backpage restrictions must be killing them LOL

gaijin1969's Avatar
So, I'm on POF. (Insert groan here.... Any of those damn sites work? Lol) anyways, I haven't been on there long with mixed results, and not for mongering. I'm getting a divorce and due to work schedule, am having a hell of a time trying to meet gals for something other than "dates" well I'm trying the ol' online dating thing.

And, have had two providers contact me on there! These are not VP's or reviewed here... Seems fairly brazen to me to be contacting POF users for P4P. Use the same #'s they post on Craigslist with lol

Is Backpage's new restrictions driving gals to use other nontraditional sites? Or has POF always been a hotbed for this? What strikes me as funny, is I made a legit "dating" profile... It doesn't say anything about casual encounters or whatnot. Marketing at its finest for these ladies perhaps, but it strikes me as risky for them. How more so than CL or BP? Well, guys on those sites are just looking to get laid. On POF? Likely some guys are, but I imagine it's a smaller pool of guys and some of the guys are just as likely to get offended and report em.

Getting propositioned once was funny, twice? I was like WTF? LOL
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Escorts use all types of dating sites and have got a while now. Sometimes for business, and sometimes they're just looking for a normal date as well. I know lots of sugar babies have been using tinder.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Dating sites are just diff words. "Let's chit chat and get to know each other to meet" is screening. "Hey I may be in your area if you want to cover my room and dinner like a Gent on my lunch break so we can meet and see if we click" Is Donation. Guys that would "never see an escort" are totally fine with meeting that way.
gaijin1969's Avatar
Ugh. There are sites for that (like this one) kinda a pita when not looking to P4P to get propositioned, but I can understand marketing and casting a wider net.

Thanks ladies
gaijin1969's Avatar
I'd date a working gal, but not for $ if that makes sense... If I were to bump into one on a dating site, I'd be OK with it if it were casual dating as I'm not looking to get married again any time soon! LOL it just struck me as funny.

I did suggest to the one gal she use a different number than the ones linked to her Craigslist ads LOL
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Ugh. There are sites for that (like this one) kinda a pita when not looking to P4P to get propositioned, but I can understand marketing and casting a wider net.

Thanks ladies Originally Posted by gaijin1969
I agree with this
Don't forget to change your FB status!

DocHolyday's Avatar
You shouldn't smash the ladies for marketing strategies. Nice work ladies. If want to complain about marketing, write a letter to the nitwit personal injury attorneys and complain about their moronic television commercials!!
gaijin1969's Avatar
You shouldn't smash the ladies for marketing strategies. Nice work ladies. If want to complain about marketing, write a letter to the nitwit personal injury attorneys and complain about their moronic television commercials!! Originally Posted by DocHolyday
This. Lol I have their damn phone numbers memorized from the damn jingles whether I need em or not!

And trust me doc... Not trashing the gals for marketing I do understand it.
gaijin1969's Avatar
Don't forget to change your FB status!

GL.... Originally Posted by Notuagain
Ha! Did it. Ex deleted her FB account entirely LOL
Lexxxy's Avatar
Ugh. There are sites for that (like this one) kinda a pita when not looking to P4P to get propositioned, but I can understand marketing and casting a wider net.

Thanks ladies Originally Posted by gaijin1969
It's more for sugar dating or quick smashing wild hook up than the more traditional gfe of here.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
see the same girls on sa, pof, tinder, eccie, bp, cl...
Carlos Danger's Avatar
At least here we are spared the horrid face pics whew
Alchemist2u's Avatar
Dating sites are just diff words. "Let's chit chat and get to know each other to meet" is screening. "Hey I may be in your area if you want to cover my room and dinner like a Gent on my lunch break so we can meet and see if we click" Is Donation. Guys that would "never see an escort" are totally fine with meeting that way. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Always struck by the difference between European and American attitudes. Americans have the misguided idea that they are seeking ‘happiness’, Europeans think that the parallel pursuit of pleasure and of a separate marriage is ok, even normal. Consider that at French Premier Francois Mitterand’s 1996 funeral, his wife and long term mistress accompanied by Mitterand’s children with each all sat together at funeral and gravesite. Vive la France!
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
At least here we are spared the horrid face pics whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
beg to differ. there are beautiful girls on here.