Senate fails to advance Green New Deal as Democrats protest McConnell 'sham vote'

  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2019, 07:16 PM

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Tuesday failed to advance the Green New Deal, the ambitious plan to combat climate change proposed by Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, after what Democrats said was an politically-motivated show vote.
The measure, which needed 60 votes to clear a procedural hurdle, failed in a 0-57 vote, with 43 Democrats voting present.
The resolution was doomed both because Republicans hold the majority in the Senate and because many Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., were expected to vote "present" in protest of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's tactics. Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Doug Jones of Alabama and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona voted with Republicans.
In remarks on the Senate floor before the vote, Schumer said that Republicans are not taking the warnings of climate change seriously.
"We're not going to stand for sham bills that the other side is all voting no on. They know what a trick and joke and sham that is, so does all the American people," Schumer said in a speech on the Senate flor just before the vote began. "But we are finally talking about the issue, and that is great because climate change is not a joke. It's not a hoax, it's a crisis and that why we're doing these things."
McConnell wanted to force the vote in order to put Democrats up for re-election and those running for president in 2020 in a tough spot politically.
"Communities practically everywhere else would be absolutely crushed," the Kentucky Republican said on the Senate floor Tuesday ahead of the vote. "Killing off entire domestic industries. Winding down millions of jobs. Basically outlawing the only sources of energy that working-class and middle-class families can actually afford."
McConnell also told reporters on Tuesday that "a vote present today is a vote in favor of the Green New Deal."
Some Republicans, including President Donald Trump, believe antipathy to the Green New Deal is a winning issue for the party going into the election cycle.
"The Green New Deal is not the solution for America, it is a big green bomb that will blow a hole in our strong, healthy and growing economy," said Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said in remarks on the Senate floor before the vote. "That's exactly why Democrats aren't voting for it. That's exactly why Democrats are ducking and dodging and distancing themselves from this so-called Green New Deal."
When asked if Trump brought up the Green New Deal in the Senate GOP lunch today, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. said, "Yeah, he said, 'Make sure you don't kill it too much because I want to run against it.'"
Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., along with Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., introduced the Green New Deal resolution in February. It calls for a complete transition to renewable energy by 2030 and to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
Some of its Senate co-sponsors include Democratic presidential contenders Kamala Harris of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.

DPST's are running for cover to not be on record as voting for AOC's Soylent Green New Deal, They are afraid of the proposal from their own foolish party - that the sky will fall at 12 years unless DPST's take total control and remake America into a country of mud huts.

Show me the accepted Science for a 12 year deadline on catastrophe. It does not exist. Not to mention, India, China, and Russia will surely not cooperate. Earth ha been warming since before the end of the last ice Age - ended 11-10,000 years ago. There is much we do not understand.
The Soylent Green New Deal is not an answer - it shows the scientific ignorance and moral cowardice of the DPST's.

The usual standard for conduct for them.

All the AOC lovers and WK's are welcome to follow her to Venezuela for a good dose of Reality.

AOC got no "yes" votes - wow!
The dems are like a deer in the headlights right now. They don't know what to do. I think they are scared shitless right now. They have been exposed for the frauds they are.
The Soylent Green New Deal failed = for now.
The dems are like a deer in the headlights right now. They don't know what to do. I think they are scared shitless right now. They have been exposed for the frauds they are. Originally Posted by Muscleup
You are absolutely 100% correct! The Dems are nothing but frauds. They promote and encourage criminality.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Get to the core issue.
No politician will vote for anything that will damage their chance at getting reelected.
winn dixie's Avatar
And if they did not hold this procedural vote. The libs would be cryin' that the republicans are scared to bring this issue up for a vote! bunch of cry babies
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
AOC got no "yes" votes - wow! Originally Posted by friendly fred

exactly! the vote was 0-57. they count it yea/nay and show it that way. let's translate into a football score ...


Both Pelosi is holding press conference today about some Green issue and Schumer is holding a separate press conference for which the Senate Dems are going to form their own environmental subcommittee.

"The era of big government is over."- Bill Clinton

The Dims are the existential threat.
lustylad's Avatar
So 43 Democratic Senators voted "present"? Really?

To quote mystic - "what a bunch of scardy (sic) cats!"

Does anyone elect a Senator to go to Washington and vote "present" on anything?
Both Pelosi is holding press conference today about some Green issue and Schumer is holding a separate press conference for which the Senate Dems are going to form their own environmental subcommittee.

"The era of big government is over."- Bill Clinton

The Dims are the existential threat. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What Slick Willy wanted to say but didn't
The era of big Gummet is overDUE!!
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2019, 03:15 PM
And Obama.

AOC is on record today that "People are dying!!!":
'People are dying': Ocasio-Cortez defends Green New Deal from 'elitist' knock
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Tuesday tore into a Republican colleague who suggested the so-called Green New Deal she is championing is “elitist.”
“This is not an elitist issue; this is a quality-of-life issue,” Ocasio-Cortez said during a House Financial Services Committee meeting. “You want to tell people that their concern and their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist? Tell that to the kids in the South Bronx, which are suffering from the highest rates of childhood asthma in the country.
“Tell that to the families in Flint whose kids have their blood ascending in lead levels, their brains are damaged for the rest of their lives,” she continued. “Call them elitist.”
Moments earlier, Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., blasted the ambitious environmental plan to move the country toward zero carbon emissions.

“If you’re a rich liberal from maybe New York or California, it sounds great because you can afford to retrofit your home or build a new home that has zero emissions, that’s energy-efficient,” Duffy said.
The Green New Deal, which was introduced last month by Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., failed in the Senate on Tuesday after Republicans pushed the controversial bill for a vote. Not one senator voted in support of the nonbinding resolution. All Republicans and four members of the Democratic caucus voted against it. Others voted “present.”
Ocasio-Cortez, who in January suggested implementing an income tax rate of up to 70 percent on wealthy Americans to pay for the plan, said the environmental costs to Americans are coming.
“People are dying. They are dying,” she said. “This is about American lives, and it should not be partisan. Science should not be partisan."
"We talk about cost — we’re going to pay for this whether we pass a Green New Deal or not,” she continued. “Because as towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we are going to pay. And we're either going to decide if we’re going to pay to react, or if we're going to pay to be proactive."
She added: “I’m very sad to say that the government knew that climate change was real starting as far back as 1989. I’m going to turn 30 this year, and for the entire 30 years of my lifetime, we did not make substantial investments to prepare our entire country for what we knew was coming.”
Duffy wasn't the only GOP lawmaker to mock the plan Tuesday. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, attempted a strange pivot in a speech on the Senate floor.
"The solution to climate change is not this unserious resolution," Lee said. "The solution to so many of our problems at all times and in all places is to fall in love, get married and have some kids."
Ocasio-Cortez fired back on Twitter.
“If this guy can be Senator," she wrote, "you can do anything.”

Show me the factual evidence tha people are dying from not having a Soylent Green New Deal in place.

The'Deal" is about total DPST control of America - that is the rality.
winn dixie's Avatar
So 43 Democratic Senators voted "present"? Really?

To quote mystic - "what a bunch of scardy (sic) cats!"

Does anyone elect a Senator to go to Washington and vote "present" on anything? Originally Posted by lustylad
Where is the mystic? Is the lil' fellar scared ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And Obama.

AOC is on record today that "People are dying!!!":
'People are dying': Ocasio-Cortez defends Green New Deal from 'elitist' knock
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Tuesday tore into a Republican colleague who suggested the so-called Green New Deal she is championing is “elitist.”
“This is not an elitist issue; this is a quality-of-life issue,” Ocasio-Cortez said during a House Financial Services Committee meeting. “You want to tell people that their concern and their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist? Tell that to the kids in the South Bronx, which are suffering from the highest rates of childhood asthma in the country.
“Tell that to the families in Flint whose kids have their blood ascending in lead levels, their brains are damaged for the rest of their lives,” she continued. “Call them elitist.”
Moments earlier, Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., blasted the ambitious environmental plan to move the country toward zero carbon emissions.

“If you’re a rich liberal from maybe New York or California, it sounds great because you can afford to retrofit your home or build a new home that has zero emissions, that’s energy-efficient,” Duffy said.
The Green New Deal, which was introduced last month by Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., failed in the Senate on Tuesday after Republicans pushed the controversial bill for a vote. Not one senator voted in support of the nonbinding resolution. All Republicans and four members of the Democratic caucus voted against it. Others voted “present.”
Ocasio-Cortez, who in January suggested implementing an income tax rate of up to 70 percent on wealthy Americans to pay for the plan, said the environmental costs to Americans are coming.
“People are dying. They are dying,” she said. “This is about American lives, and it should not be partisan. Science should not be partisan."
"We talk about cost — we’re going to pay for this whether we pass a Green New Deal or not,” she continued. “Because as towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we are going to pay. And we're either going to decide if we’re going to pay to react, or if we're going to pay to be proactive."
She added: “I’m very sad to say that the government knew that climate change was real starting as far back as 1989. I’m going to turn 30 this year, and for the entire 30 years of my lifetime, we did not make substantial investments to prepare our entire country for what we knew was coming.”
Duffy wasn't the only GOP lawmaker to mock the plan Tuesday. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, attempted a strange pivot in a speech on the Senate floor.
"The solution to climate change is not this unserious resolution," Lee said. "The solution to so many of our problems at all times and in all places is to fall in love, get married and have some kids."
Ocasio-Cortez fired back on Twitter.
“If this guy can be Senator," she wrote, "you can do anything.”

Show me the factual evidence tha people are dying from not having a Soylent Green New Deal in place.

The'Deal" is about total DPST control of America - that is the rality. Originally Posted by oeb11

Obama just recently attacked the freshman democrats on the need for moderation and to be aware of costs of their ideas.
I B Hankering's Avatar