‘Undoubtedly there is collusion’: Trump antagonist Adam Schiff doubles down after Mueller finds no conspiracy

  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2019, 08:45 AM
President Trump, emboldened by the special counsel’s determination he was not part of a criminal conspiracy to sway the 2016 election, has an early target as he seeks recompense from his critics: Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), who maintains he’s seen evidence Trump colluded with Russia.
Over the past two years, Schiff, who now chairs the House Intelligence Committee, has emerged as a public foil to Trump and his supporters. He has delivered scathing takedowns of Trump for calling Robert S. Mueller III’s probe a “witch hunt,” and he offered similar criticism of Trump’s congressional allies now leading a charge to depose Schiff as chairman on the grounds that his bias against the president makes him unfit to lead.
Yet even as House Democrats make a clear pivot away from the collusion question, they continue to rally around Schiff — who refuses to let the matter go until lawmakers can assess the investigative materials that informed Mueller’s findings.

“Undoubtedly there is collusion,” Schiff said in an interview this week, after Attorney General William P. Barr submitted a four-page letter to Congress summarizing key aspects of Mueller’s report. “We will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues. That is, is the president or people around him compromised in any way by a hostile foreign power? . . . It doesn’t appear that was any part of Mueller’s report.”

A Justice Department official said Tuesday it will take weeks to make the Mueller report public. House Democrats on Monday gave Barr an April 2 deadline to provide Congress with a copy.
This week, the Trump campaign singled out Schiff, along with Intelligence Committee member Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), on a list of people it urged media outlets to avoid booking for interviews after Barr announced Mueller’s findings, according to reports. The list includes House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and former CIA director John Brennan, both of whom, like Schiff, have infuriated the president with their public scrutiny and criticism.
Though Barr’s summary has cast doubt on the premise of the Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe, at least among Republicans, Democrats maintain that Schiff is not wrong in saying there was evidence of collusion even if Mueller determined that the matter did not rise to a level that warranted prosecution.
“It doesn’t mean there wasn’t an enormous amount of smoke there,” said Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.), a member of the Intelligence Committee. “This was a fine legal distinction Mr. Mueller had to make.”
Still, Schiff has taken steps to put the panel’s investigation on hold, pending the release of Mueller’s findings. On Monday, he announced that the committee had indefinitely postponed a planned hearing with Felix Sater, a former business associate of the president’s who was involved with the pursuit to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Schiff said the pause is temporary, adding that the intelligence panel might still uncover “deeply compromising” evidence in its counterintelligence investigation that falls outside the scope of Mueller’s criminal probe. He pledged that his panel, in partnership with the House Financial Services Committee, would continue to explore allegations of money laundering involving Trump’s properties and loans his business sought through Deutsche Bank.
© J. Scott Applewhite/AP Rep. Adam B. Schif (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, speaks with journalists on March 6, 2019, after his committee heard testimony from Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer. The House Intelligence Committee was a center of partisan fighting over Trump’s alleged Russia ties even before Mueller began his investigation, developing a reputation for discord and sniping during the GOP-led Russia probe that determined there was no evidence Trump colluded with Russia.
Republicans see Schiff’s recalibration as proof he was wrong to challenge Trump.
“He essentially spent 22 months lying to the country,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), one of Trump’s most vocal supporters in Congress.
Gaetz said that in seeking Schiff’s ouster as committee chair, Republicans were following the example set by Democrats, who in 2017 sought to remove Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) when he chaired the committee.
Democrats called for Nunes to step down as chairman after a controversial visit to the White House in which he reviewed classified reports with administration officials and then told reporters that aides to the president may have been caught up in wiretaps. Nunes was put under ethics investigation and was eventually cleared of wrongdoing, but he stepped aside from running the Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe.
During that episode, Schiff questioned Nunes’s motivation for the “midnight run,” as he called it, and later accused Nunes of being “misleading” in his efforts to portray federal law enforcement officials as corrupt and biased for seeking to conduct surveillance on a former Trump campaign adviser.
Republicans consider those episodes “important context,” Gaetz said, in their own calls for Schiff to step down, which have been voiced by figures as prominent as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway, and the president’s son Donald Trump Jr.
Thus far, those demands appear to be going nowhere. Schiff has the support of party leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who counts him among her closest confidants and most trusted advisers.
Politically, the GOP’s focus on Schiff “probably helps him,” said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a University of Southern California communication professor and close watcher of California politics. “You’re talking about California, the state that is the fulcrum of the anti-Trump resistance,” she said. “This will not hurt Adam Schiff in California, period.”

Schiff continues his McCarthism - Holding "evidence" in hi hand and waving his commitment to a false narrative.

DPST's - go ahead and support Schiff - let AOC talk all she wants. Let's see how the rats and roaches scurry away from their Soylent Green New Deal - DPST proposed and Not One supporting Senate vote in favor!

We will see how voters are affected by their non-sense in 2020!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Swallowwell doubled down on collusion last night. What a lunatic.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Trump will bury the liberal idiots
Trump will bury the liberal idiots Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I hope so!

I'm not optomistic about it, though.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump will bury the liberal idiots Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Lets hope its very deep!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
did not Schiff claim to have or have seen evidence from his role in the Senate? Then what happened to it? if it came from Mueller why didn't the report conclude that? If Schiff has it why hasn't he released it? wouldn't that itself be obstruction? yep. ironic and stupid Schiff keeps doubling down. he'll go bust. they all do in Vegas. and D.C.

But look at it from Schiff's view. There is no backing down now. he bet his ass on indicting/impeaching Trump. Now that's not going to happen from Mueller. Any of these SDNY and other investigations all you'll get is some minor campaign stuff. probably from this other witch hunt over his Inauguration celebration.

Schiff and the Democrats intend to keep these investigations going up to 2020, that's obvious. No backing down from them now. they just lost a battle but their infowar marches on as planned with the help of the bulk of the media.
Swallowwell doubled down on collusion last night. What a lunatic. Originally Posted by bambino
This M-F'r takes the cake. I might despise him worse than Brennan. What a cheese-plug! That fool is living in a fantasy alternative universe.
winn dixie's Avatar
Point to ponder. Schifftless like many others are wanting to make names for themselves no matter how credible their story or sources are. It most often times leads them into obscurity because of their exposed lack of any credibility!
I see little Schitt on TV waving the "evidence" he has on Russian collusion. The ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN mouthpiece never demand it. When asked he says its "secret" and he can't reveal it. Yet there he is waving it on national TV like they train you to do with National Secrets.

Most of the MSM just get their nightly talking points from Democratic news outlets like MediaMatters and ThinkProgress. They couldn't even begin to think for themselves.
  • oeb11
  • 03-28-2019, 11:21 AM
As i have previously Written
Schiff is practicing McCarthy politics.

He is hoping something in what can be released of the Mueller report will be
evidence" for him
Likely Not.

Hypocritical DPST's are demanding Barr violate the law and DOJ regulations
Barr should make that point to them, Emphatically!
bambino's Avatar
If Pencil neck continues to harass Trump he should just pull his security clearances.
to paraphrase ronald reagan

its not that these dims don't know anything, its that what they espouse isn't true
gfejunkie's Avatar
Schitt lost his schitt this morning...

I wonder if Schitt ever reported this conversation to the FBI...

Russians offering dirt???
themystic's Avatar
gnadfly: I love Trump. Anyone who doesn't I ignore them

oeb: I love Trump to. These DPST are ruining the country

IB Hankering: Yeah Fuck the Lib Tards. They eat poisonous fruit

Hot Rod: Yeah they are a bunch of Chimps

Lusty Lad: Have you noticed how much better the grammar has been

Bambino: Yeah. Whatever Lusty said, I agree

Ex CEO: Ive been appalled at the liberals behavior. Im so above that pay grade

Moscow Ellen: I love Trump and Hate Gays. BTW did I tell everyone Im retired because I got rich in one year of Trump. Fuck everyone except Trump

Winn Dixie: I stand by Israel and Trump. Fuck everyone else in the Ass> Fuck the Gays. Fuck Liberals and Everyone but Trump and Israel. Did I tell you how much I love God?

The Real Barleycorn: Yes Im a proud Military man who serves Trump. Why dont any liberals send me pictures of their junk?

IB Hankering: This is the best debate ever!

oeb: I agree IB. See you at Lustys Pajama party tonight. Love you boys. Thanks for taking up for me.Great debate
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
gnadfly: I love Trump. Anyone who doesn't I ignore them

oeb: I love Trump to. These DPST are ruining the country

IB Hankering: Yeah Fuck the Lib Tards. They eat poisonous fruit

Hot Rod: Yeah they are a bunch of Chimps

Lusty Lad: Have you noticed how much better the grammar has been

Bambino: Yeah. Whatever Lusty said, I agree

Ex CEO: Ive been appalled at the liberals behavior. Im so above that pay grade

Moscow Ellen: I love Trump and Hate Gays. BTW did I tell everyone Im retired because I got rich in one year of Trump. Fuck everyone except Trump

Winn Dixie: I stand by Israel and Trump. Fuck everyone else in the Ass> Fuck the Gays. Fuck Liberals and Everyone but Trump and Israel. Did I tell you how much I love God?

The Real Barleycorn: Yes Im a proud Military man who serves Trump. Why dont any liberals send me pictures of their junk?

IB Hankering: This is the best debate ever!

oeb: I agree IB. See you at Lustys Pajama party tonight. Love you boys. Thanks for taking up for me.Great debate Originally Posted by themystic