Technology and the Hobby

Not sure if this has been posted, but it is an interesting read from Wired.
mansfield's Avatar
Interesting read. The statistics on "beatings" is weird. Even the higher end girls report being beaten a couple of times a year.

I guess I don't understand why a guy would want to beat a woman up. Very strange.
mmcqtx's Avatar
THe article made me look at ECCIE NYC, sad, very sad.
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I guess the word has not reached our poor NYC brethren, again so glad to be in DFW!!

mmcqtx~ wow! Interesting read. Thanks for sharing.

mansfield~I agree that the beatings stat is very strange. Seems high. How did he average? would a lady who'd been beat up 60 times be averaged with 14 who never had and thus their group average is 4 each?

Predicting that FaceBook will become our main recruitment tool was surprising. And that a quarter of the ladies he polled already use it to market themselves.

How does that work? How could a lady get her name out there and how many clients would be able to "friend" her and not worry about family/friends/coworkers seeing her listed among his friends.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I don't FB, so I don't know. Can you create a hobby ID separate from your real one?
With today's requirements for fb, all you need is a valid (maybe unique) email address. So you can create a hobby ID fairly easily on it. It may require a name of sorts instead of a handle, but that would be easy enough.
Thanks, Guys!

I'm getting a clearer picture of how it would work now.

So a person could have a hobby facebook account and friend the provider and then be able to see her daily (hourly?) thoughts, favorite videos, lots of pictures. Maybe chit chat on her wall. NOT post his own pictures/activities on his hobby FB page. Interesting. It's sort of like a fan club and blog rolled into one.

This reminds me of a feature on our old board that allowed agencies to create their own subforum.

FishGuy13's Avatar
I don't FB, so I don't know. Can you create a hobby ID separate from your real one? Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
It is easy to set up an extra yahoo, hotmail, etc type of e-mail acct then an extra FB acct. But FB really, they are kinda strict on their rules. I also question the number and location of the providers in his survey. The beatings seem off, but who am I to say. I'll have to double check but I think all of his 'sources' were from NYC, my gut says he may have inflated his numbers ...
Thanks, Guys!

I'm getting a clearer picture of how it would work now.

So a person could have a hobby facebook account and friend the provider and then be able to see her daily (hourly?) thoughts, favorite videos, lots of pictures. Maybe chit chat on her wall. NOT post his own pictures/activities on his hobby FB page. Interesting. It's sort of like a fan club and blog rolled into one.

This reminds me of a feature on our old board that allowed agencies to create their own subforum.

Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Yup. Though i think the danger here is that facebook is so widely used and on a daily basis. Not logging out of ECCIE is one thing; but not logging out of your hobby fb account could cause problems on shared computers (or even snoopy SOs). Thanksfully, the smart hobbyist would be using incognito mode to minimize this from happening.
I'm an LMT, not a provider, but don't trust FaceBook any more than I trust my own coding skills, which is to say no trust at all. 1) They own your content and make no bones about it. 2) They scoff openly at the idea of privacy of any kind. 3) They cooperate willingly any LEO waving a subpoena. No thanks.

At best, I think social networking sites are some of the most colossal wastes of time ever. At worst, they are just another sucking tentacle of the venomous squid we call "Big Brother." Go back and read Orwell's '1984' again and tell me I'm wrong.
CenterLock's Avatar
I'm an LMT, not a provider, but don't trust FaceBook any more than I trust my own coding skills, which is to say no trust at all. 1) They own your content and make no bones about it. 2) They scoff openly at the idea of privacy of any kind. 3) They cooperate willingly any LEO waving a subpoena. No thanks.

At best, I think social networking sites are some of the most colossal wastes of time ever. At worst, they are just another sucking tentacle of the venomous squid we call "Big Brother." Go back and read Orwell's '1984' again and tell me I'm wrong. Originally Posted by JustMe68
I trust my coding skills which is part of why I don't trust FB - or, more accurately, trust them not to respect privacy of any kind.

In short - it ain't JustYou.
I didn't understand the bit at the end of the article regarding money:

A sex worker never carried Large bills. “Men dumb enough to pay in hundreds don’t deserve change.”

A sex worker never carries Small bills. A john who wants change for a $20 bill will want to rob you.

While is a man dumb to pay in hundreds? For some individuals that is by far the easiest currency to carry for a session.

And if a lady doesn't carry small or large bills, well, what bills does she have?

Any ladies care to offer insight?

For a lady with an incall: They would have to get their purse out, or go to their purse/money hiding place. So the hobbyist would know where their purse/money are.

For a lady doing outcall: I can see where carrying a purse with any kind of of valuables is risky (cell phone, laptop, drivers license), if she doesn't screen well. Leaving money or valuables in the car is riskier in my mind. (but that's because I screen well).

That being said, the article is suspect! A lady might not want to get her purse out to make change and just say "no, I don't have any change." but to say she doesn't carry any money is weird. He was with them for months and said they trusted him but these details don't add up.

I've read a few articles by this author, and while I think he believes he's getting accurate statistics, I don't believe his sources are as reliable as he thinks they are. The conclusions he's drawing and the quotes he uses are so off-the-wall and out there it's funny.

Facebook becoming the main marketing tool by the end of 2011? Twitter and blogging are very popular, but I know only two or three ladies who market on FB, and most people caution against it due to it having so many security flaws. Spending $2000 EVERY MONTH on SHOES to keep clients happy? LOL. How pointless. To my great regret, most men don't really notice our feet.

The ladies he's using as sources are either lying to him, exaggerating, or he just happened to talk to a bunch that are completely unlike all the ladies I know. While I appreciate his intent (to seriously analyze the economic and anthropogical aspects of this business), I hate that so much of what he publishes is utterly wrong.
reciprocity's Avatar
Lol, it is amazing what passes as "statistics" nowadays. With a sample size like his and selection issues, his results are not likely to have any statistical significance.

I was contemplating doing a serious (peer-reviewed) econometric study on the escort industry. To find reliable data is the biggest issue and it is so prohibitive I pretty much abandoned the idea.

What I wanted was to run a counterfactual where I try to answer things like how legalization would affect prices and size of the market. Also, adverse selection (as result of asymmetric information) and moral hazard would be interesting things to look at.