yeah for mobile version!!!

Not sure if I'm one of the last to know but today my phone asked me if I wanted to view eccie in its mobile version!!!! Absolutely love it! Thank you!

If you don't see it on your phone clear your cookies then reload the page.
Fuck the mobile version, I now cannot see ANY WEBSITES AT ALL.

Really looking forward to telling the people at sprint that the hooker board broke my browser.

Way to fail.
Mrgru's Avatar
  • Mrgru
  • 01-24-2012, 05:23 PM
Mine doesn't show a mobile version??????
my Iphone 4g went to mobile version.... I DID NOT LIKE IT AT ALL..... hour later it went back the old way...... THANKS ECCIE GODS
Fuck the mobile version, I now cannot see ANY WEBSITES AT ALL.

Really looking forward to telling the people at sprint that the hooker board broke my browser.

Way to fail. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Try clearing your cache and turning your phone off. That usually works for me.
Don't like the mobile. I can't see what boards have new or updated topics at a glance.
Don't like the mobile. I can't see what boards have new or updated topics at a glance. Originally Posted by JHurt1968

Neither can I. I thought it was just me at first.
Neither can I. I thought it was just me at first. Originally Posted by alluringava
Good 'cause I also thought it was just me! lol

Cleared all the cookies from my iPhone and am back to getting the full version of the site. Much better.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We have been testing it for a couple months now. I didn't know it was going out live and it seems to still have a couple bugs we have been complaining about. It will be sweet when those couple things are worked out.
Sorry you guys are having a hard time with it. I've noticed a few minor bugs but overall I'm very impressed with version 1.1
Mobile versions of all sites have less functionality than the full sites, but iced used mobile sites from major companies that have more bugs to date than eccie on the first try. Kudos to eccie for evolving with the times and I wish them speedy progress on fixing the bugs. Maybe a sticky under technical issues would be a good place to report bugs so you know how each phone and phone service is performing.
When is the app coming out?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Maybe a sticky under technical issues would be a good place to report bugs so you know how each phone and phone service is performing.
When is the app coming out? Originally Posted by atxdream
A bitch thread is already well-established there now.
I always get the full version on my phone. I really don't like mobile versions.