Theres ALWAYS a fox in the hen house..

MISS2868's Avatar
Hello all, let me just start by introducing myself as MISS2868!

There are a couple of things that have been lingering in my mind for a while now that I think need to be shared with the rest of the Hobby world, both for guys and gals. First thing is first, when a LADY sets her boundaries, respect them. Do not push and try to demean her or her dignity. It is my understanding that this does not go over well with too many of the hobby-ers. everyone loves a good deal or a great bargain. But a lady's dignity has no price. it is not something that can be bought, sold, bartered, or given away. though, and i speak for myself, i generally enjoy most of the hobby-ists i come to know. and most of them are generous and respectable and nice and clean. anywaysssss.....

POINT LIES HERE: BBBJ is something that is becoming a regular "side-dish" amongst many of the "generous, clean***(whatever that means) and respectful upscale men," of the hobby world, which most of you are, but who really knows????? You may be a may be a CEO or a multi-million dollar man of some company over may be a well respected man of the cloth.....OR you may be just some regular guy next door (which is fine)....point being it doesnt matter. BBBJ needs to be evaluated by all hobby-ers and providers.

HOWEVER, i hear all the time from "generous, respectable, upscale, clean*******(whatever that means)" men that , "oh, its okay, BBBJ with me is a doctor baby!" (again, whatever that means) BBBJ needs to be YMMV!

Stop pushing the boundaries, accept that a respectable, inteligent lady who is here for you wants to be safe. what more could you ask for??????? AGAIN, it should always be up to the provider and always YMMV.

YES! i have done it. many providers have. but not because they wanted to! this needs to change, for the protection of everybody. i know now that for my future rendezvous it will be YMMV! YMMV! YMMV! my discretion, on my own terms. Not to be preassured or bullied.

chipsandsalsa's Avatar
Welcome,miss2868, hold on while I get the popcorn going..anyone want to join me on the couch and watch? Or should that be miss fox?
Hi baby , you remind me of somebody I've exchanged with ! Hahahaha ! WTF ?

MISS2868's Avatar
HMMM i think i would remember someone like you DIE HARD. good or bad?
Talking about foxes in the hen house this makes 3 new miss somethings. Miss1402, you and miss1708. Are you all three having your anonymous fun or has the first started a new epidemic?
MISS1402's Avatar
Stop pushing the boundaries, accept that a respectable, inteligent lady who is here for you wants to be safe. what more could you ask for??????? AGAIN, it should always be up to the provider and always YMMV. Originally Posted by MISS2868
I couldn't agree with you more. Glad to see I have another groupie that has my back, and a hottie at that!
This is TOO FUNNY !
And I'm always BAD !
MISS2868's Avatar
I just think its a great way to share feedback, just like we (us girls) are subjected to feedback. Our special private world would be a much better safer place if certain things were openly discussed and talked about amongst both teams. Honesty is the best policy. :P
You're not subjected to anything , you actively pursued this ! I see you like to edit repeatedly like the one that came before .
MISS1402's Avatar
I've had clients (sportfisherman, we are texas, jollygaroger, dretec, mychalday) just to name a few request BBFS with me early this year. WTF!
MISS2868's Avatar
cant you just be a little more open minded??? YES! we ARE subjected to feedback. YES! we ARE subjected to your words. YES! (I can speak for myself and some of the providers i know well) We do this on free will alone. its a definitely choice. couldnt agree with you more DIE HARD. But it is not a choice to be brutally scrutinized and torn to bits by certain hobby-ists when we dont "choose" to do things because we rely on YMMV! you think any one of us would chose AIDS? DO YOU THINK any one of us would choose to get any type of disease???? oh wait im sorry.... you might be a doctor....
Well at least one of those writes it in his reviews / maybe do some research on clients before scheduling !
Eraserman's Avatar
That's all fine, do what you feel you want to do. Also, for our benefit make sure you're completely open about all your menu options, boundaries, and attitude towards hobbiests up front, especially the YMMV. A completely HONEST LADY would be so. Then we can just move on or make a connection without any illusions about what to expect.

Hello all, let me just start by introducing myself as MISS2868!

There are a couple of things that have been lingering in my mind for a while now that I think need to be shared with the rest of the Hobby world, both for guys and gals. First thing is first, when a LADY sets her boundaries, respect them. Do not push and try to demean her or her dignity. It is my understanding that this does not go over well with too many of the hobby-ers. everyone loves a good deal or a great bargain. But a lady's dignity has no price. it is not something that can be bought, sold, bartered, or given away. though, and i speak for myself, i generally enjoy most of the hobby-ists i come to know. and most of them are generous and respectable and nice and clean. anywaysssss.....

POINT LIES HERE: BBBJ is something that is becoming a regular "side-dish" amongst many of the "generous, clean***(whatever that means) and respectful upscale men," of the hobby world, which most of you are, but who really knows????? You may be a may be a CEO or a multi-million dollar man of some company over may be a well respected man of the cloth.....OR you may be just some regular guy next door (which is fine)....point being it doesnt matter. BBBJ needs to be evaluated by all hobby-ers and providers.

HOWEVER, i hear all the time from "generous, respectable, upscale, clean*******(whatever that means)" men that , "oh, its okay, BBBJ with me is a doctor baby!" (again, whatever that means) BBBJ needs to be YMMV!

Stop pushing the boundaries, accept that a respectable, inteligent lady who is here for you wants to be safe. what more could you ask for??????? AGAIN, it should always be up to the provider and always YMMV.

YES! i have done it. many providers have. but not because they wanted to! this needs to change, for the protection of everybody. i know now that for my future rendezvous it will be YMMV! YMMV! YMMV! my discretion, on my own terms. Not to be preassured or bullied.

THANKS Originally Posted by MISS2868
cant you just be a little more open minded??? YES! we ARE subjected to feedback. YES! we ARE subjected to your words. YES! (I can speak for myself and some of the providers i know well) We do this on free will alone. its a definitely choice. couldnt agree with you more DIE HARD. But it is not a choice to be brutally scrutinized and torn to bits by certain hobby-ists when we dont "choose" to do things because we rely on YMMV! you think any one of us would chose AIDS? DO YOU THINK any one of us would choose to get any type of disease???? oh wait im sorry.... you might be a doctor.... Originally Posted by MISS2868
Don't worry Humpty , hicks 36 , and Mr Bill , will probably be along soon to tell you that you have no reason for concern . Being as its all a conspiracy to get rid of bad people in the world . Hahahaha !
MISS2868's Avatar
sure, i agree its always a good thing to be honest about menu. and i do. but "pushing the boundaries" as stated in my first post is what is really on my mind. a provider can be as open as possible with a hobby-ist and he may or may not still push to get his way. BULLY at that... not saying you would do that. Again this is only to put that out there that YMMV should be more common amongst providers and hobby-ists when it comes to BBBJ.

DIE not insult me. my screening process is complex and accurate. I am safe always and go through leaps and bounds to see "gentlemen". Unfortunately my screening process does not have a radar for cheap, unclean, disrespectful men who claim that they are anything but. thats when anyonymous posting on my experiences with my fellow providers comes in handy. Lets me know whos really who and whos really who they "claim" to be.