TSA Security Theater & Sex Worker

69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 12-03-2010, 07:21 PM
Here's one Sex Worker, and her "Exposure" to TSA.

You're gonna love the video: http://vimeo.com/17057322

Only the first 3 minutes are good. Unless you like hearing bumbling confused TSA employees!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 12-03-2010, 11:19 PM
Ya know... this type of chick somehow managed to piss me off.... by taking a very real problem and turning it into her own -publicity stunt- .. her clothes were see through for fucks sake.. they should have arrested her on public indecency alone before she even got through the metal detector...not even the xray scanner like she wanted.... I love how before she even went to the airport she KNEW she was going to cause trouble.
I for 1 loved it... might have to catch a flight to Seattle soon.

Trooper H
Ze, I agree...she sensationalized the whole issue. Conversely, sometimes it takes radical steps to prompt awareness and change...
pyramider's Avatar
She was just trying to make a point.
She is pretty effing hot though.
  • thx
  • 12-05-2010, 12:14 AM
She did sensationalize the point. However, IMHO, the new security procedure gives a false sense of increased security to the public while at the same time adding additional burden to the TSA and flyers.
Here's a similar story:


This lady wore her underwear through the checkpoint. She's normally hand-checked because she uses a wheelchair.

(By the way, she's also hot!!! I'm not sure all of these hot women stripping down to their underwear is the way to stop intrusive checking. LOL! Just kidding. I know the sexy protesters draw more attention.)
As one who fly's almost every week, I know TSA security measures could certainly be better. Consider though, we're dealing with enormous numbers (passengers, airports, screeners, flights etc.) and a huge geographic expanse. Yet it gets better all the time.

It always amazes me when the ass hats in the security line get irritated with the process, or are unprepared and oblivious as to how to the process works. And they're typically the first ones to complain, when it should be the frequent flyer giving them a boot in the rear end for being such dolts! (Freakin' tourists...)

The process has to be a compromise between not violating an individuals dignity and rights, yet still maintaining safety. There will NEVER be a way to completely minimize ALL risk...evil doer's will always find a way...at least once. Security is an evolving process.

I have no tolerance for the fools who show their ass and give the TSA folks at the airports a hard time. They're simply doing their job. And change won't come from them...they simply implement the procedures that are mandated.

Get real folks...this is still the best damn place in the world to live. Cooperate, be pleasant and let the airport security folks do their job. Let your voices be heard higher up if you don't like what's happening at the airport.

Just my $.02

Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 12-05-2010, 11:16 AM
Funny vid thanks for sharing
Nitwitboy's Avatar
I love her.
Grabazz's Avatar
I just became a Furrygirl fan.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I was behind an 80 year old man with a pin in his hip at DFW.
Pat down, hell, that's a freaking piece of bad theatrics.
I was behind an 80 year old man with a pin in his hip at DFW.
Pat down, hell, that's a freaking piece of bad theatrics. Originally Posted by sancocho
Seen similar scenario's dozens of times. The thing I feel badly about is that many of the seniors get confused and upset about the process.

My Dad is 78, with two knee replacements. He still travels, my Mom goes through normal screening and he gets hand screened. The key is that he knows the gig, tells the TSA agent the scoop, so the process (although a bit of a pain...) isn't that daunting.

I guess the alternative is let everyone board without screening, and wait for the next disaster?
Buff Bagwell's Avatar
I left DFW last night for Southern Cal and was gate raped by the TSA.

The asshole picked me out and I swear he was feeling up my junk.

Next time I think I will try having a hard on and let those fucking assholes feel that.

How come there are not any Hot TSA agents, they all seem to be old, fat or ugly?