The dreaded "NO" Review?

clubpro's Avatar
Every once in a while I have a moment when I feel guilty that I don’t write reviews – I definitely read them and I appreciate them. The reason I don’t write reviews is that last damn question “Recommendation” – aarrgghhh. I wish that wasn’t there or wish it was titled something else. The way it is now, I feel like it’s asking for MY personal recommendation and honestly I wouldn’t “recommend” a fairly large % of the women I’ve seen. That would leave me left with the dreaded NO choice or leaving the question BLANK. Just like I wouldn’t recommend most restaurants I’ve eaten in, or TV shows that I’ve watched or whatever, I’m not comfortable recommending that someone else go there, do that, see her, etc.. Absolutely nothing wrong bad probably about any of them per-se, but just nothing I feel good about actually recommending.

Yet, I feel like I have useful things to post except I can’t honestly put a YES recommendation on someone I don’t want to see again. But on this board, I read review after review of informative information that some guy wrote (thank you) that clearly had a bad time (not what he expected, got stood up 3 times, bad IOP, bad hygiene, her pics were 10 years old, etc. etc.) however, he gives her a YES recommendation. In fact, there are guys as you know with 25, 50, more reviews that never have had a NO recommendation. WTF?

I don’t understand that except that the protocol on this board is to pretty much flame someone who dares to post a NO because that has evolved into fearing backlash from fellow hobbyists and particularly women who might not want to see him if it meant risking a possible NO or BLANK recommendation. For me a BLANK would be someone I don’t want to see again – however, I absolutely understand she may be an ATF for 6 guys here and drop dead gorgeous and punctual and amazing and <fill in the blank>, but we didn’t connect with each other for whatever reason and I wouldn’t see her again – so I’m not recommending her, why would I? I would be happy to write factually about our session – but I don’t - because I’m not giving her a YES, and a NO isn't deserved at all, and leaving it BLANK is – well I don’t know? Is leaving it BLANK akin to a NO in everyone's eyes or would that be acceptable? I guess that’s my reason for writing this in the first place.

That’s my long winded explanation for asking (women and men) here if I should continue on my non-reviewing ways or do my duty and write an unbiased, factual review and leave the recommendation part blank if it’s not someone I would schedule with again, but did nothing wrong? I’m not interested in being black-listed for “BLANK” reviews btw, but occasionally I feel guilty for not reviewing. Just curious…

Oh, and I absolutely understand that “I” wouldn’t deserve all YES’s either from the women I’ve seen (if the guys were reviewed by the women - yikes) - thank God there is not a women’s area for that!
Even "no" reviews serve a purpose. Understand that everything above the Physical Description is Fact (contact, fee, on time, etc.), everything below is Opinion ( how she looks, how she fucks, how she acts with you, etc.)

I've seen girls that got a lukewarm reception in the ROS and still had a great time with them.

You've been here since 2010. Share your info and be honest about it. By the time I get to "Recommendation", I've pretty much decided by then. And not just from your review; several reviews of her.
Just be honest in your reviews and let the chips fall where they may.
Chung Tran's Avatar
By the time I get to "Recommendation", I've pretty much decided by then. And not just from your review; several reviews of her. Originally Posted by Prolongus
that's right... your yes or no is basically immaterial, if you've been honest with the ROS
bored@home's Avatar
I think you can edit the review after you post it and change the yes/no to anything.
I have seen some listed as dashes... again not certain but seems to be in line with some of the other edits.
If you have good info to share then I want to read it.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
I believe a No review can help the Amp or the indy to improve if they are adult about the No
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 11-20-2013, 08:23 PM
Nice post. I feel the same way, ClubPro. And you can look at the number of my reviews with the same conclusion. Although, I might feel just a bit more against a negative recommendation. Why? Many years ago I started the WALDT abbreviation and I stand by it. Just because I may not have had a good time DOES NOT mean the next guy won't. And it is certainly not my intent to negatively affect a ladies opportunity to make a living. Every woman on here provides a service that someone likes. I once had an absolutely HORRIBLE time with a provider. Came as close as I ever had to writing a NO review. I didn't. As it turned out there were many, many guys who enjoyed her company. She was an ASPD favorite poster. I'm glad I didn't write a NO review.

One other thing - I also don't even consider writing a review good/bad on a lady who has plenty of reviews unless I have something different to offer. I'm just not a ME TOO kinda guy. Also, probably comes from my age. When I was young you NEVER told about knocking off a piece to other guys. It just wasn't done.

Good idea, though. I may start writing more reviews and putting in the recommendation line - you read/you decide.
ClubPro, you have articulated very very well much of what I have felt about writing reviews. I just scanned my own reviews (three pages worth when I look at my own profile), and found the following recommendations:

22 "Yes"

and one each of these:
"Yes Yes Yes"
"Yes, Wowsah!
"See ROS"
"Not unless you really liked what you read in ROS (sheesh, what was I thinking?)."

That last one is my personal favorite, although the session wasn't at all!

Feel free to write your review and put whatever you please in the Recommendation slot!
LaStang's Avatar
Honest reviews both yes or no are highly appreciated by most hobbyists
fletch's Avatar
lets be honest, i think most of us can decipher who is being promoted on this site by reviewers given all the 'atta boys' that the same people pile on certain reviewer's reviews.

just be honest in your review and you will be fine. if someone disagrees with you, who the fuck cares?? it was your money, your time, and your experience. that is all that matters. i for one would like to know where to spend my money and realize a guy with a few reviews (is likely to be more honest) vs. a guy with 100+ reviews ~ and not is not a 'promoter' to put it nicely.

good luck and stay safe
I don't think there is even a need for the Recommendation line. Unless you edit it with your own comments, there's no middle ground with Yes or're pretty much recommending her (or not) just by being detailed in the ROS.

I've seen a bunch of great Yes reviews on beautiful girls here but if she doesn't have the "look" I want, I'm not seeing her no matter how strongly you recommend me to see her.
lets be honest, i think most of us can decipher who is being promoted on this site by reviewers given all the 'atta boys' that the same people pile on certain reviewer's reviews.

just be honest in your review and you will be fine. if someone disagrees with you, who the fuck cares?? it was your money, your time, and your experience. that is all that matters. i for one would like to know where to spend my money and realize a guy with a few reviews (is likely to be more honest) vs. a guy with 100+ reviews ~ and not is not a 'promoter' to put it nicely.

good luck and stay safe Originally Posted by fletch