When does the call-back statute of limitations run out?

textodd11's Avatar
OK, twice in the last week, I've had a provider return a call more than a day after I had left a message. Both times the call was basically, "Hey, who is this? I saw your number on my missed calls list." Both times I replied, "You must have the wrong number." And in both instances, the return, "who is this?" call came well after the time I had requested and came at a very awkward and inconvenient moment. Now keep in mind, I had left a voicemail in both instances about who I was and when I was looking to see that provider.

So my question is: Is there a time limit (statute of limitations) after a client has called at which the provider should not call back unless the client has specified other instructions?

Do you have one or what should it be?
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
My rule is that if I see the call less than hour from when it was missed I will call back. If not, then I just don't. We can't always answer the phone... imagine that conversation... ummm can you hold on a sec babe, there is another client calling.. it'll just be a second then I'll finish you off LMAO ... that wouldn't be good.

So I would say no more than an hour.
redrum's Avatar
Anything more then an hour is wrong. It happened to me twicw saturday. I have even had text out of nowhere advertising specials. Not good at all!
textodd11's Avatar
Yep Redrum, had the same thing happen to me with a text that rudely said, "Who is this?"
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I say one hour at most.
camodeuce's Avatar
I would have to agree, an hour seems to be fair unless otherwise specified.

The other school of thought is that a hobby phone is the absolute best way to go.
I actually enjoy being contacted by a provider out of the blue to say "hey lets hook up again." It always makes me think of the naughty things I like to do with certain ladies. Then again I let all the ladies know that my number is specifically for the hobby.

Its always great to be under Sonya!!!

Willen's Avatar
I think the big rule here is that when we call, we ought to be clear about our parameters and constraints. First,I very rarely call anyone cold, i.e. without a PM in advance, and without the advance notice I will only call ladies I've seen before. Whenever I leave a message, I'll let them know about my window of availablity on the phone. This system has served me well, only once in a number of years hobbying have I had a call at an unwelcome time which ignorred my instructions about when to reach me.
ANONONE's Avatar
Get a hobby phone, and this won't be as big of an issue. Until then, be more clear about your communication needs when leaving a message with them, and include your handle in the voice mail, or send a PM/email to coincide with the message you leave.

If, after those measures, she still calls you at an awkward time that bothers you, either she is not for you, or perhaps you aren't for this hobby.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
hour, after that I'm already trying someone else.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I never call a client back if it has been more than 45minutes to 1 hours after he called. Never, never, never. If you cannot answer within the hour- DO NOT call back because you have NO idea what type of trouble this could cause him if the number is his personal number. Not all clients have a hobby phone and this should be apparent in all situations! If I were a client and a provider called me more than an hour later or especially a day later- I would NEVER call or see her again. That is unprofessional and rude not to mention a breach of discretion and safety.

But that's just me....

darter's Avatar
It seems that the problem lies with the ladies he called not listening to their messages. If they had they wouldn't have said that they saw his number on the missed call list and would have known who he was, when he called and when it was okay to call back. It should be easy enough to listen to messages.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
It seems that the problem lies with the ladies he called not listening to their messages. If they had they wouldn't have said that they saw his number on the missed call list and would have known who he was, when he called and when it was okay to call back. It should be easy enough to listen to messages. Originally Posted by darter

Very true darter! I agree. However, some girls do not have voicemail service.

I, for one, do not because I feel it compromises security if my phone is ever lost, taken etc.

Plus, I took it off because I used to get alot of calls and out of ten I only got one voicemail (lol) so I dont think many men like to leave them anyway.

But this lady HAD voicemail and he left her a message and she still called way after- that is uncalled for and totally unprofessional to my way of thinking and doing biz. There is rarely an excuse for stupidity, if any at all.

darter's Avatar
Very true darter! I agree. However, some girls do not have voicemail service.

I, for one, do not because I feel it compromises security if my phone is ever lost, taken etc.

Plus, I took it off because I used to get alot of calls and out of ten I only got one voicemail (lol) so I dont think many men like to leave them anyway.

But this lady HAD voicemail and he left her a message and she still called way after- that is uncalled for and totally unprofessional to my way of thinking and doing biz. There is rarely an excuse for stupidity, if any at all.

KKA Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
Thank you for enlightening me KKA, it never occured to me that someone might not have voicemail! I just assumed if you had a cell phone you had voicemail.

Security- excellent point!

You are also right about leaving voice mails, until I get in touch with someone (either by pm or phone) I will not normally leave a message.

Thanks for not smacking me around for my ignorance... Klassy indeed
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Thank you for enlightening me KKA, it never occured to me that someone might not have voicemail! I just assumed if you had a cell phone you had voicemail.

Security- excellent point!

You are also right about leaving voice mails, until I get in touch with someone (either by pm or phone) I will not normally leave a message.

Thanks for not smacking me around for my ignorance... Klassy indeed Originally Posted by darter
No problem darter. LOL

Now, if you had called me ever, you would have known all this! LOL!!!

darter's Avatar
No problem darter. LOL

Now, if you had called me ever, you would have known all this! LOL!!!

KKA Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
So true... Just might have to remedy that one of these days...