Movie Bullshit Thread-- Mad Max: Fury Road

I'm not sure who is a fan of the Mad Max films, like I was. But this new teaser looks off the fucking chain-- literally. This footage premiered at Comic-Con and I think it looks amazing. Definitely jumped to the top of my most anticipated for 2015.

For those who are aware, Mad Max is now being played by Tom Hardy. Why? Well, because Mel Gibson lost his marbles, and Tom Hardy is a badass. What do yall think of the teaser?

EDIT: I couldn't get the vid to embed sooo... here's the link.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Tom Hardy is brilliant...!

He played a street wise cockney cunt on telly years ago (The Take). Not sure you lot got it on cable. In any case he's been good in film & theatre for years. One of my favourite British actors. I must say I'm pleased a fellow Englishman got the role;-) As for Mel...fuck that anti Semite in the arse with a cactus (Or, any blunt painful object.)
Yeah, I heard about The Take. Never had a chance to see it, but they had it on Netflix for a good while. May need to see if it's still there. Tom Hardy is just all kinds of fucking awesome.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Caught the trailer. Looks fantastic. I have faith because it looks like George Miller is behind the helm again.

Some some flak on the internet that this will probably be PG-13. But others were countering that The Road Warrior today would probably be PG-13 (with one edit I can think of).
bored@home's Avatar
Thumbs up from me.
Pretty non stop high octane pursuit and siege
bojulay's Avatar
Yeah, looks cool, hope it dose the original justice or even one ups it.

The Road Warrior was based off an earlier movie called A Boy And His Dog
Check it out if you have never scene it.
It was Don Johnson's first movie I think.

Don and his dog survive a nuclear holocaust and because of the radiation
effect he is able to communicate with his dog telepathically, and his dog
is the brains of the duo, always getting Don out of trouble as they roam
the wasteland. Great old sci fi dark comedy
Lunytunz's Avatar
Saw it tonight. Worst movie ever. Extremely dissappointed.
Damn Luny... sorry to hear... I loved it but goes to show... Not everyone will have the same experience with a movie.
Saw it. Worst movie ever is a little strong...Citizen Kane it's not, but solid for a shoot-em-up flick. Gotta know what to expect with that type of movie. Things go boom, people die by the dozen, heros escape certian ruin against long odds, etc. Charlize rocks it more than Hardy in this one.
Yeah, looks cool, hope it dose the original justice or even one ups it.

The Road Warrior was based off an earlier movie called A Boy And His Dog
Check it out if you have never scene it.
It was Don Johnson's first movie I think.

Don and his dog survive a nuclear holocaust and because of the radiation
effect he is able to communicate with his dog telepathically, and his dog
is the brains of the duo, always getting Don out of trouble as they roam
the wasteland. Great old sci fi dark comedy Originally Posted by bojulay
Thank's for that info. I'm a big fan of this series and I never knew about Don Jonson's movie. Now I'm going to try to find that movie and I'll bet a movie that obscure won't be easy to find.

I thought the first three movies were all great but today movies are made in a very different way. Today there is so much emphasis put on computerized and animated special effects that many times the plot and acting seem to be forgotten. In many ways I like the old style better.
For example the movie Jaws. One of the best movies ever made and they never got the fucking mechanical shark to work right.
bojulay's Avatar
Thank's for that info. I'm a big fan of this series and I never knew about Don Jonson's movie. Now I'm going to try to find that movie and I'll bet a movie that obscure won't be easy to find.

I thought the first three movies were all great but today movies are made in a very different way. Today there is so much emphasis put on computerized special effects and animated special effects that many times the plot and acting seem to be forgotten. In many ways I like the old style better. Originally Posted by atf searcher
You can watch it for free on this site. Link to the movie below

It is very misogynistic as well. Feminist would probably be protesting it
if it were a current release LOL. The ending is classic when he has to make a choice.
I watched this movie A BOY AND HIS DOG. It is definitely a low budget, ridiculous, bizarre, piece of crap, and I really liked it.
That talking dog was hilarious. I think the talking dog was a better actor than Don Johnson.
They should have shown that sex scene with that actress Susanne Benton. She was in
Playboy magazine May 1970 issue, definitely was a babe.
bojulay's Avatar
I watched this movie A BOY AND HIS DOG. It is definitely a low budget, ridiculous, bizarre, piece of crap, and I really liked it.
That talking dog was hilarious. I think the talking dog was a better actor than Don Johnson.
They should have shown that sex scene with that actress Susanne Benton. She was in
Playboy magazine May 1970 issue, definitely was a babe. Originally Posted by atf searcher

Check out one called Land Of Doom.

It was a Mad Max ripoff that is hilarious because it isn't trying to be.
The hero reminds me of Bruce Campbell but with none of his charisma.

It has scenes where things blow up for no apparent reason, and is famous
(or infamous) for a scene where there is a break neck motorcycle chase
through the wasteland at about 5 or 10 miles an hour, on the most
ridiculous looking armored motorcycles. I think they are about 100cc bikes.

The hero is severely injured at the beginning of the movie, and by the end
has magically recovered with no apparent treatment. Also a great scene
where a man is terrorized by what appears to be a garden snake.

Couldn't find a free link to the whole movie.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thank's for that info. I'm a big fan of this series and I never knew about Don Jonson's movie. Now I'm going to try to find that movie and I'll bet a movie that obscure won't be easy to find.

I thought the first three movies were all great but today movies are made in a very different way. Today there is so much emphasis put on computerized and animated special effects that many times the plot and acting seem to be forgotten. In many ways I like the old style better.
.... Originally Posted by atf searcher
When I was much younger, Road Warrior was one of my MOST favorite films. Bad boys and a great dog. Loved it. Thanks for sharing with us about that Don Johnson film. I'd like to see that.

I would also like to see the new film. Haven't yet. Rarely get to the movie theater but it sounded promising. Too bad that some people didn't like it.

I will admit, and I just watched The Kingsmen yesterday, and it had that same computerized vibe/visual to it. Some of it didn't look real, not that it was meant to be.
jdkees's Avatar
A Boy And His Dog Wasn't related to Mad Max in any way. It's a movie adaptation of a group of short stories by noted cokehead and sci fi author Harlan Ellison. Just sayin.

Thanks for the heads up about the new Mad Max, MovieMan! I think I'll go check it out.