NCNS BrittBritt

mmcqtx's Avatar
It makes me sad to report this. I have wanted to see BrittBritt since she went by another name quite some time ago. I noticed a new review of her, so I wrote her a PM. She responded that she would be available on Wednesday. I asked what time and she replied anytime, I get up early.
I PM'ed her at 9am and heard nothing. I checked and she had been online here. I was about to give up and she finally replied. I got her number, an address and we set a 1:00 appointment.
I arrived in the area at 1:00, but couldn't find the right street, I called her and she answered and told me how to get there. I arrived at the address within 5 minutes and discovered in was an apartment complex. I call her back for the apt. number, it went immediately to voicemail. I text her, saying I was there, no reply.
I wait and a car pulls up, it has started to rain, but it looks like her, she is on the phone. I start to get out, but I didn't want to yell across the parking lot when it might not be her. So I wait. At 1:38 I give up.
I come home check for PM's, nothing. I check her status. She posted an ad at 12:57! Now I am boiling. I wrote her a PM asking why she wasted my time. She replied with an apology, saying her phone went dead, her brother came in to town unannounced and that she tried to call me, but it was my home number.
My phone shows who has called, there was no such call. It sure looked like her on the phone around 1:20 and I saw no one with her.

I always give providers the benefit of the doubt, it is a difficult job dealing with unknown men with a wide assortment of needs and desires. However, I feel like I was strung along, left sitting in the rain, and totally mistreated for absolutely no reason. There should be repercussions and consequences!
Major bummer... I'm sure she will get a hold of you, she's a great gal and hope this doesn't become routine
Sucks man I got NC/NS by another provider a few weeks ago. Not taking up for her but I know she does have family that "pops in" sometimes and it has hindered me from doing incalls with her a few times. Don't give up on seeing her, she will more than make it up to you. Come to think of it she NC/NS'd on me the very first time I was scheduled to see her a few years ago and now she is one of my ATF's
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Britt is a friend of mine. We are about to tour houston together next week and i have been helping her with tips on tcb skills lets face it some ladies need a little help with the business side of things.

I can assure your she feels horrible and she will make it up to you. I actually was talking to her earlier when her phone went dead.

Soon she will have a more stable incall, shes a great girl and even greater in the bedroom i hope you will give her another shot
Once again I apologize
After my brother popped in town I was going to get a room but by then yu were upset I inderstand that though! I'll make it up to yu glady sorry again
She says she'll make it up to you. I love a happy ending. (no pun intended)

ManSlut's Avatar
Lmao...Brother popped in town! Posted an ad at 12:57.

OP, sorry to hear this happened to you. I got jerked around by this Provider recently as well after getting to the incall.

8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 03-18-2015, 05:50 PM
It does suck when that happens, but if she apologized and you accepted it why post?!?!?!?

I have had it happen with no explanation at all many times. I would think trying to see a lady after you have outed her makes for an awkward session, assuming she will see you at all now. A lot of times, having compassion for the other person circumstances can work in your favor because they appreciate it.

Shake it off and get back on the horse!
ManSlut's Avatar
How long does it take to fire off a text to a client, who is there at the incall waiting, and say "Such and such has come up unexpectedly, here's what I can do, I'm so sorry".


Forgot, we had the, phone died too base covered also.
In my experience, most of the time, "I'll make it up to you," turns out to be "I still will see you at my regular rate and show up next time."

The fact that I wasted two hours, navigated horrendus traffic on $12 gas, spent 20 minutes parked at a budget hotel with shady characters walking around and wasted $15 on a " little blue helper" has no relevancy, lol.

Self Edit: not referring to Britt, just my experience in general.
professoreccie's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up. I'm suppose to see her this weekend while I'm in town. Guess I need to start work on my backup plan.