Addison hotels with a balcony?

Looking for a 2.5 star + hotel in Addison or close to it for a little fantasy I have a burning desire to play out. Searching for balcony rooms online is nearly impossible. I thought, if anybody knows about hotels in DFW, it's the fine ladies and gentlemen on Eccie. So 3.2.1....who knows of one?
Isn't Addison a hot area?
Not really sure, but this date is for me and my girlfriend. Prob should have posted in the sandbox.
I went to a downtown hotel and did it on the balcony with my girlfriend.
We were facing a high rise and it was hot.

Not really sure, but this date is for me and my girlfriend. Prob should have posted in the sandbox. Originally Posted by Smokin
Do you remember which one you were at that had a balcony?
There is a couple of hotel on the right side of I35 heading south close to the World Trade Center across from the Hilton Anotole. One of them is the Sheraton Suite with balcony.