I don't know about any of you other bitches but...

...the home organization section at Target makes my nipples tingle.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I LOVE Target. Always have.
I love it too. The whole store.

But the home and office organization section just sends me from 0-60 in five seconds. Something about upholstered miniature milk crates does it for me.
  • hd
  • 06-02-2015, 09:37 AM
I got a boner thinking about your tingling nipples
and they have good wine selections (;

Wine and nipples.

Yes, please?
DallasRain's Avatar
I would luv to see your tingly nipples Miss Nurse!yumm!!

and I do luv Target!!!
txexetoo's Avatar
I got a boner thinking about your tingling nipples Originally Posted by hd

FunInDFW's Avatar
This is how I feel about the container store.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol...and when I go to Hyvee Grocery!!
I love it too. The whole store.

But the home and office organization section just sends me from 0-60 in five seconds. Something about upholstered miniature milk crates does it for me. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I have a canvas or some kind of cloth like material, that is woven around a basket that I hold extra toiletries in under my table in my bathroom. (yes, I have a table in my bathroom)

I love target.

I love organizing things.

I have tiny plastic dressers for pencils, markers, pens, and I even have a sharpie box that is labeled "sharpies". I probably have any colored sharpie you could even ever imagine. (even ones that are made special for coloring fabric)

I love that shit.
mwsatx's Avatar
Thanks, THN. From now on, everytime I drive by Target, I'm going to be thinking about your rack. How do you propose I explain the smile on my face to my SO?
bojulay's Avatar
Sounds like the toy section at K-Mart when I was a kid.

They had all these brightly colored sort of generic toys
that were all made out of the same kind of plastic.

The smell of that plastic was intoxicating.
(probably toxicating also LOL)

I remember thinking that toy section must be close
to what heaven is like.
...the home organization section at Target makes my nipples tingle. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I'm all for that admirable commitment to home organization, especially if it makes your nipples hard, but one of my former employees gave me a limp penis (despite her nipples getting hard) while bringing her anal retentive skills to the workplace, lol

Her desk, files and drawers were so damn color coded and tidy that no one could find a freaking thing on the numerous days she called in due to her medication changes.

What makes me hard is my employee putting reports needing to be done in one neat pile on her/his desk rather than in the black hole in their drawers. You don't need to shop at Target or the Container Store for that
I'm all for that admirable commitment to home organization, especially if it makes your nipples hard, but one of my former employees gave me a limp penis (despite her nipples getting hard) while bringing her anal retentive skills to the workplace, lol

Her desk, files and drawers were so damn color coded and tidy that no one could find a freaking thing on the numerous days she called in due to her medication changes.

What makes me hard is my employee putting reports needing to be done in one neat pile on her/his desk rather than in the black hole in their drawers. You don't need to shop at Target or the Container Store for that Originally Posted by Fawlty
When I have worked in an office, I DO try to make sure my work is easily able to be picked up and looked through by anyone else and understood.

That's what I appreciated about the other people I worked with. Having a working system in place.