
Can one of the TS girls or anyone else shed some light on this:

I understand sexual identity issues
I understand being true to oneself
What I don't understand is why a man that feels like a woman and goes to great links to appear as a woman, won't take that final step and cut that dick off.

What's the point otherwise?

Honestly, I really want to know the thinking behind this. I've been to Asia and seen the best looking ts girls in the world and if was drunk and they didn't have a penis I'd fuck them. And I couldn't know they used to be men....although in Thailand. ...

So....what gives? Why not go all the way?
mark77070's Avatar
Along that line, I really want to read an autobiography of Bruce Jenner, or better yet, an unflinching biography written by someone not just out to make a quick buck on a fallen celebrity. But why did he do what he did? The All-American Hero, got his picture on the Wheaties box, "world's greatest athlete." Did being grafted into the Kardashian gene pool do that to a man's man who finally acted out what he'd lived for years, being castrated by American culture that he took the final step?