
SweetBabyBeth's Avatar
Allright you little BIOTCH. I'm a little late on this WW post that I just saw of Staysha's and saw you running my name through the mud AGAIN. Get over it dude, you're freakin bipolar and i've had enough of your shit. Who are you to determine who I need to apologize to. You are such a liar. I even got a PM from another provider whom I won't mention BUT CAN PROVE if I need to that you are most likely the one calling girls to south austin and f***ing them over. Do yourself a favor and get off the board. And for the rest of you, SORRY to bring more drama to the table. I know we have enough going on around here already.
Damn BIOTCH if you quit NCNS on a fellow hobbyist then all of this would be mute. I also love the gloating you did to me about how that fellow hobbyist cannot do a review about your NCNS.

I AM NOT the one sending providers to south austin, now that shit is mean in a very demented way.

Who the fuck are you telling me what I should do and not do and running your name through the mud:

  • RSB
  • 09-20-2012, 07:43 AM
Dude (ThekNight),

Maybe with a little more stretching of your imagination, you can blame Beth for the Austin traffic, the piss poor economy, and global warming.

Seems pretty obvious that you must have flamed Staysha when (or if) she didn't show for your appointment. And you are going to blame Beth for that.

I know Beth well and she would never gloat to anyone about NCNS'ing a hobbyist. I will not defend her instances of NCNS, she knows she was wrong doing that and has admitted it in her posts.

I will however, defend her character! She is one of the nicest and most caring women I know. If you knew one iota about how she conducts herself in her private life, you would stick your head up your ass and never be heard from again. It is obvious from your various posts that you are one sick fuck! Get a life!

Just saying...

Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 09-20-2012, 01:15 PM
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Oy vey...,
Beth is sweet very caring and awesome
she is responsible and will admit when she's wrong!
*Unlike a few PROVIDERS on this board*
sixxbach's Avatar
I even got a PM from another provider whom I won't mention BUT CAN PROVE if I need to that you are most likely the one calling girls to south austin and f***ing them over

That's pretty irresponsible of you to post. You say you can prove he is most likely the guy calling providers to South Austin? Most likely? Are you saying you don't have REAL proof? Only speculation?

. Do yourself a favor and get off the board. And for the rest of you, SORRY to bring more drama to the table. I know we have enough going on around here already. Originally Posted by SweetBabyBeth

I could care less about either of you but hey carry on.... lol

SweetBabyBeth's Avatar
I could care less about either of you but hey carry on.... lol

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
If you cared less honey why would you even feel the need to participate in this thread? Just askin. Definitely not trying to stir up any more b.s. around here
If you cared less honey why would you even feel the need to participate in this thread? Just askin. Definitely not trying to stir up any more b.s. around here Originally Posted by SweetBabyBeth
You really should just get back in my flirting thread where you belong. It's a happy peaceful thread where you get to just think about happy flirty things. I did make the thread for you after all. The night is way to smart to come into my thread and start anything.

Mr night, come on man you really need to chill a little. Relax and enjoy yourself. Don't surround yourself with drama, who wants to pay to be surrounded with drama. Has Beth messed up recently with some ncns issues yes but she is fixing and it shouldn't be an issue. Why you think that has anything to do with another chick ncns'ing on you is crazy but I will tell you that you are burning every provider bridge you are ever gonna get. You are going to end up on the black list, the powder room what ever they call it dns list with all kinds of shit posted about you if you don't chill. Now feel free to pm me anytime you want some advice, or pm some other veteran guys who's post you feel kindred to and we will help you as we can but you have to have some self control and maturity to have fun here.

sixxbach's Avatar
If you cared less honey why would you even feel the need to participate in this thread? Just askin. Definitely not trying to stir up any more b.s. around here Originally Posted by SweetBabyBeth

I posted only because its irresponsible to claim you have proof that he MIGHT be someone who has been alerted on. Proof means that he IS not MIGHT or MAYBE

SweetBabyBeth's Avatar
I posted only because its irresponsible to claim you have proof that he MIGHT be someone who has been alerted on. Proof means that he IS not MIGHT or MAYBE

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
You are right. What I was trying to say and apparently didn't express it correctly was that a provider pm'd me and said she thinks that he was the one doing that. I only have proof of the pm from her stating that. I have no evidence that he really is the one, I was just adding her statement to my post. That's all. I was not accusing him of 100% being that s. austin guy.
sixxbach's Avatar

Mr night, come on man you really need to chill a little. Relax and enjoy yourself. Don't surround yourself with drama, who wants to pay to be surrounded with drama. Has Beth messed up recently with some ncns issues yes but she is fixing and it shouldn't be an issue. Why you think that has anything to do with another chick ncns'ing on you is crazy but I will tell you that you are burning every provider bridge you are ever gonna get. You are going to end up on the black list, the powder room what ever they call it dns list with all kinds of shit posted about you if you don't chill. Now feel free to pm me anytime you want some advice, or pm some other veteran guys who's post you feel kindred to and we will help you as we can but you have to have some self control and maturity to have fun here.

Homie Originally Posted by homer13
Why should he worry about being on any DNS lists, powder room, etc? You and I are on a few. We play the game how we want to play. It sounds like the Night wants to play it his way... kudos. Too many wusses allow their board participation be influenced by women they have to pay to have sex with. I would rather guest my handle than allow that for me personally

SweetBabyBeth's Avatar
I have nothing else to say in this thread. I'm all drama'd out! Thank you Absolutely and RSB fand Homie for the support. It is definitely much appreciated. MUAH
Capt. Howdy's Avatar
I would appear you pissed her off sixx!
sixxbach's Avatar
I would appear you pissed her off sixx! Originally Posted by Capt. Howdy


Well Capt, I would think so but I would not have commented had she not claimed to have second hand information that someone may be someone to be avoided. She is clearly not without fault, as most of us are including yours truly.
