If you had a chance to ask Bill Clinton one question...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Suppose you found yourself in a men's room (much like Randy) or in an elevator when suddenly you notice that Bill Clinton is standing beside you. You have time for one question and one question only. What would it be?

Mine? They say that if you ask 10 women to sleep with you, nine times you will get slapped and once you will get laid. What is your average Mr. President?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Do you give Hillary the Dirty Sanchez after you Donkey Punch her?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What's the deal with the fat chicks?
Who sucked dick the best women or the lama?
joe bloe's Avatar
Suppose you found yourself in a men's room (much like Randy) or in an elevator when suddenly you notice that Bill Clinton is standing beside you. You have time for one question and one question only. What would it be?

Mine? They say that if you ask 10 women to sleep with you, nine times you will get slapped and once you will get laid. What is your average Mr. President? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why did you allow Bernard Schwartz to sell a missile guidance system to the Chinese? You had to know they would use it to target their ICBM's at American cities. Why do something that would severely damage your own country's national security?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would have asked about the Kray supercomputers but I'm trying to keep this light.
joe bloe's Avatar
I would have asked about the Kray supercomputers but I'm trying to keep this light. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's the one-two punch for facilitating nuclear arms; missile guidance system + supercomputers.

Don't forget, Madeleine Albright was on record saying she didn't want America to be the only superpower in the world.
tttalinky's Avatar
Monica.......does she spit or swallow.....how about DT?

I would have asked about the Kray supercomputers but I'm trying to keep this light. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Kray supercomputers?

Uh, that's Cray supercomputers, just for the record. Early versions were designed by Seymour Cray back in the CDC days.
Donkey Punch
The Donkey Punch is when your engaged in anal sex and when your about to ejaculate you punch the poor little lady in the back of the head so her anal cavity tightens making the orgasm all that more better (for you ofcourse).


Bill wouldn't give a no-spin answer to any hard question.
Really......why the ugly bitch with the braces?
Donkey Punch
The Donkey Punch is when your engaged in anal sex and when your about to ejaculate you punch the poor little lady in the back of the head so her anal cavity tightens making the orgasm all that more better (for you ofcourse).


Bill wouldn't give a no-spin answer to any hard question. Originally Posted by gnadfly

I'm sure your BF taught you that when he punches your head...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Donkey Punch
The Donkey Punch is when your engaged in anal sex and when your about to ejaculate you punch the poor little lady in the back of the head so her anal cavity tightens making the orgasm all that more better (for you ofcourse).


Bill wouldn't give a no-spin answer to any hard question. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Here's the real definition from the same source:
donkey punch
Pathetic urban myth about anal sex and misogynist violence made up by virgins who don't get laid much. Besides being medically impossible (read a biology book folks, knocking someone out doesn't cause that effect), any gay male will tell you that smacking someone who you are having sex with will lead to you getting beaten to a pulp.

Men who talk big about "donkey punching some ho" are usually just too immature to admit that they are actually gay.
There you have it, Assup is calling Eva Biggen a virgin. You two have a great New Years experimenting. Be sure not to report back.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I remember the first Cray I had to verify for an oil company, damn it took a long time to set up.
You could actually sit on it.