Back in time for THIS?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This evil dick smoker will to more to fuck up America on purpose than Dubya EVER did by accident!

Things are going to be interesting from here on out!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Is that the best you've got?

Do keep pushing that bullshit story. It justifies your irrelevancy.


Buh-bye, President Urkel...

This fuckin' lame-ass, one-termer is destined for a lower rating than Bush ever had. Only 14 more points to go for a match! He'll make that by the end of the year... Easy. I have confidence in him.
S O B's Avatar
  • S O B
  • 08-15-2011, 07:58 AM
While you can google the Houston DPS incident... I have knowledge of an aide (gay) going off on Perry about some fag jilted shit in state house chambers until Rick took him out into the hallway. Many witnesses, two years ago. Any capitol insiders care to elaborate?
Is that the best you've got?

Do keep pushing that bullshit story. It justifies your irrelevancy.


Buh-bye, President Urkel...

This fuckin' lame-ass, one-termer is destined for a lower rating than Bush ever had. Only 14 more points to go for a match! He'll make that by the end of the year... Easy. I have confidence in him. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Perry doesn't have a chance in hell. I dissaprove in much of Obama's performance too, that doesn't mean I am going to go our vote for some secessionist zealot who thinks prayer is the best approach to solving our drought problem.

"I'm beginning to think that women should be denied the vote. Their hormones rage; they are too emotional." - Dr. Michael Savage
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I can always count on you for swet talk Junkie. But I'll ignore your lame and imbecilic insults to provide you an answer:


This thread is about Perry not the President. And yes, he got caught with his hand (and little Aggie dick) in the cookie jar. He even held a press conference to deny it.

The man has led our state from a position of prominence into financial chaos.

But he has slowed the flood of illegals into Texas by making it less attractive than Mexico.

World class hypocrite who is too fucking arrogant to realize he's going to spend the next six months answering for his sins against the people of Texas, and the church to which he so theatrically feigns devotion.

There is a great evil upon us, and it damned sure isn't Barack Obama.

Keep your snide jabs GFE. I don't post for my glory but for His!

Oh yeah .... good to be back!
gfejunkie's Avatar
I just hope this salacious rumor (and that's all it is) takes root (again!)
How long has it been? 2004? 2 re-elections as Governor ago? In a red state?
Really has a lot of traction to it, don't it?

Brings a whole new meaning to the term "desperation".

It must be hell being a liberal living in Texas. Knowing that your vote doesn't mean jack shit in the whole scheme of things.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Yssup Rider,
Please explain how Perry has led this State into financial chaos when compared to the rest of the United States. When making your arguments, please differentiate between specific actions Perry took and the country wide effects that ALL states suffered based on the recession. Texas leads the nation in jobs creation, our education sucks but those numbers have been low for the last 25 years, so that's certainly not Perry's doing. I'm just curious what specifics you can provide. As a voter, I'd like to have as much information as possible to help me make an informed decision come 2012.
well anyone who knows Texas Civics, knows the Governor of Texas has very little power, the Lt Gov. has way more.. so I dont blame Perry directly for any particular issue.. I just dont like the guy.....
chefnerd's Avatar
Perhaps this will enlighten some people about the true nature of all those jobs.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Perhaps this will enlighten some people about the true nature of all those jobs. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Even though this CNN piece tries to rain on Texas' parade, there's really no real negatives here.
"Texas has gained more than 1 million net new jobs in the decade Perry has led the state.
But that doesn't mean that all is well with employment in the Lone Star State. Texas leads the nation in minimum-wage jobs, and many positions don't offer health benefits"

So let's see, 1 Million net jobs but many are minimum wage jobs. Well, given the choice between NO JOB and $7.00+ minimum wage job, well everybody has to make their own choice I suppose but I know what I would do.
Take a drive around Austin and witness how many Hi-Tech companies have come to Austin in the last 15 years. Samsung just finished a huge hiring drive at their plant here in Austin. So it's not ALL minimum wage jobs by any means.

"Perry signed a budget in May that slashes $15 billion in government spending over the next two years"

How DARE he! He actually signed a budget that cuts government spending? Blasphemy!!

"The state's rapidly expanding population has been both a blessing and a curse. While it has spurred the creation of jobs to service the new residents, it has also kept the state's unemployment rate higher than one would expect for a place that's adding so many positions. Texas' unemployment rate is 8.2% -- lower than the nation's, but higher than 25 other states"

So basically, many, MANY people are moving to Texas, based no doubt partly on the fact that we're doing better than so many other states. In fact, people are moving here irregardless of whether they have a job or not because they believe that Texas provides them with the best shot at getting a job. And this is bad in WHAT way exactly?

Yep, this Perry character sure bears watching. I mean, under his Governorship, the state has created 1 MILLION jobs, he's cut government spending and people are tripping over themselves trying to get to Texas.
Yeah, we DEFINITELY don't want to set the rest of the country on this path to the future. No way!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yssup Rider,
Please explain how Perry has led this State into financial chaos when compared to the rest of the United States. When making your arguments, please differentiate between specific actions Perry took and the country wide effects that ALL states suffered based on the recession. Texas leads the nation in jobs creation, our education sucks but those numbers have been low for the last 25 years, so that's certainly not Perry's doing. I'm just curious what specifics you can provide. As a voter, I'd like to have as much information as possible to help me make an informed decision come 2012. Originally Posted by DTorrchia
Is this a test? Shall I start when he was Lt. Gov? A Democratic member of Gore's 1988 Texas campaign? A party boy on sco-pro at A&M?

Fear not. I'll give you more facts, figures, fancy and frenzy than you can swallow in the weeks to come.

Meanwhile, let's just leave it with ... He's a clown who will make you Bible thumpers pine for BHO!
DTorrchia's Avatar
Is this a test? Shall I start when he was Lt. Gov? A Democratic member of Gore's 1988 Texas campaign? A party boy on sco-pro at A&M?

Fear not. I'll give you more facts, figures, fancy and frenzy than you can swallow in the weeks to come.

Meanwhile, let's just leave it with ... He's a clown who will make you Bible thumpers pine for BHO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
1. I'm not a "Bible Thumper". Anyone that knows me or has met me would roll around on the floor laughing about that description of me.

2. Maybe I wasn't clear, I want facts based on his political work as Texas Governor. I've pretty much given up completely on finding an ethically or morally pure Political Candidate. I love cigars and I love women but I wouldn't necessarily insert one of my fine cigars INTO a woman while sitting at work in the Oval Office and then lie about it. Just sayin'. What politician is clean in his personal life these days? Forget about the irony that ANYONE on this board would question the sexual preferences or choices of someone else.
So let's stick to his "work" record and accomplishments or misdeeds.

3. I can say in all honesty, I will never find any reason to "pine" for Barack Obama.
Having said this I will admit one thing. When I looked upon the stage and viewed the Republicans in Iowa a few days ago, I got a sense of Deja Vu back to 2007 when I looked upon the Democratic field of contenders.
Both times I've been struck by the same thought: THIS is the BEST that our country can put forth for the highest Office?

It's really rather sad when you think about it.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
It must really hurt liberals in Texas knowing that their vote will not count for shit here....I know it pissed me off when Obama carried the last state I lived in....Glad to be back home....

You know I have noticed a lot of license plates around Austin that do not say TEXAS....

Let's see I have seen a lot of California plates I wonder why????Could it be because of the extremely over taxed citizens there can't get jobs....Lots of business leave the state because they are over taxed??? I thought big government and higher taxes encouraged job growth....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sorry about the Bible Thumper comment... that was an ignorant generalization. Been away for a while. Just trying to come up with the Right Response.

That said, maybe you're not a Bible Thumper, (fuck, we're all big sinners, right?) but if you want to get on the MoFo Train with Perry, you WILL be, or you'll be left on the platform when the rape-ture comes!

And yes, our choices are VERY LIMITED!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It must really hurt liberals in Texas knowing that their vote will not count for shit here....I know it pissed me off when Obama carried the last state I lived in....Glad to be back home....

Didn't somebody already say that? Was that the state of confusion?

You know I have noticed a lot of licensed plates around Austin that do not say TEXAS....


Let's see I have seen a lot of California plates I wonder why????Could it be because of the extremely over taxed citizens there can't get jobs....Lots of business leave the state because they are over taxed??? I thought big government and higher taxes encouraged job growth.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
You're talking out of your ass again, Wyldeman. If anything, Texas is undertaxed to the point that we cannot climb out of the financial hole our Tea-sipping Legislature put us in. And, everybody, the State of Texas has been run by the Republican Party since 1994. That's plenty of time to fuck things up, don't you think?

States without an individual income tax

Alaska – no individual tax, but has a state corporate income tax. Like New Hampshire, Alaska has no state sales tax. Alaska has annual Permanent Fund Dividend for all citizens living in Alaska after two years.[citation needed]

Florida – no individual income tax[6], but has a corporate income tax (at a 5% rate). The state once had a tax on "intangible personal property" held on the first day of the year (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds, etc.), but it was abolished at the start of 2007.[citation needed]

Nevada – has no individual or corporate income tax. Nevada gets most of its revenue from gambling and sales taxes.[citation needed]

New Hampshire – has an Interest and Dividends Tax of 5%, and a Business Profits Tax of 8.5%. A Gambling Winnings Tax of 10% went into effect July 1, 2009. New Hampshire has no sales tax.[7]

South Dakota – no individual income tax, but has a state corporate income tax on financial institutions.[citation needed]

Tennessee has a 6% tax on income received from stocks and bonds not taxed ad valorem.[8] In 1932, the Tennessee Supreme Court struck down a broad-based individual income tax that had passed the General Assembly, in the case of Evans v. McCabe. However, a number of Attorneys General have recently opined that, if properly worded, a state income tax would be found constitutional by today's court, due to a 1971 constitutional amendment.[9]

Texas – no individual income tax or corporate income tax. In May 2007, the legislature replaced the franchise tax with a gross margins tax on businesses (sole proprietorships and some partnerships were automatically exempt; corporations with receipts below a certain level were also exempt), which was amended in 2009 to increase the exemption level. The Texas Constitution places severe restrictions on passage of an individual income tax and use of its proceeds.

Washington – no individual tax, but has a business and occupation tax (B&O) on gross receipts, applied to "almost all businesses located or doing business in Washington." It varies from 0.138% to 1.9% depending on the type of industry.[10][11]

Wyoming has no individual or corporate income taxes.

SO TEXAS IS ONE OF TWO STATES WITH NO INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE INCOME TAX. I guess folks can't find Wyoming to flee the oppressive taxation of the state and local governments. (BTW -- that's NOT Washington, bubba!)

That's a good article, even for wikipedia. Follow the links if you want to pick at it. Fact is, Texas is UNDER-TAXED, which is why our state is in such a huge fucking hole.

Want to talk about Perry's role in that? Want to talk about his relationship with the insurance and pharmaceutical industries?

Or shall we just PRAY FOR RAIN with the next leader of the free world?