For the redistributionists out there...

gfejunkie's Avatar
It does my heart good to know that not all young skulls are full of mush...

It's funny to watch the pain in their faces as they try to wrap their brains around their own hypocrisy. Perhaps they won't grow up to be old skulls full of mush like Effie and YR.

We can only hope...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's some substantive stuff, there, gfe. You don't have a high school conservative blog to link to?
Elephant's Avatar
Keep taxes low. A reset is coming regardless.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Before I got sidetracked by F-Sharp, lol, I mentioned that the System is broken. I stand by that. This mess won't be fixed by Democrats or Republicans. It will require the American People to stand up and demand fundamental changes to our entire political process. Until that happens, the downward spiral will continue no matter who's captain of the ship. Imagine if 1/3 of all Americans simply refused to go to work until the changes that the PEOPLE want are implemented in Washington. If several hundreds of thousands marched on Washington and protested for ONE month. There is simply no incentive for the politicians of either side to fix this mess. They have benefited from the current system of government for decades and won't make meaningful changes until forced to do so. That won't happen by voting them in or out. They have all shown that they will tell whatever lies necessary to get in, then do what they want once in office. Both sides have shown that over and over. Therefor the people are no longer being represented. Plain and simple.
I really like this one they had. Gotta love the guy who signs a petition banning certain talk, claims he's for free speech, then doesn't know what the first amendment is.