Musings about the 'Ruling Elite' ...

I was browsing through the thread on football, when S O B said this:

Anyone familiar with the term bread and circus? The corrupt Roman leaders knew, you could keep the ignorant masses placated with welfare and simpleton distractions.Gigantic waste of money in salaries et al that could be used for more immediate, nay, higher purpose.
I'm not picking on S O B here, as I see comments like this all the time, eluding to the belief that the rich are responsible for practically every one of society's ills, as an attempt to keep themselves richer and the poor poorer. Even George Carlin made a comment about how sports was created as a distraction to keep people from thinking about how bad they're being fucked by the upper 1%. That being the case, I have a question ...

Exactly how much money do you have to make before you get that secret email that says:

Ok, here's how we fuck over the poor/middle class:

1 We ship manufacturing jobs overseas. Not only does that line our own pockets, but it also means that niggers won't have a place to work. Afterall, we certainly don't want those apes to get ahead, do we?

2 Keep them distracted with drugs, sports, religion, television, and whatever else.

3 ...

Well, I'm sure you get the idea. I don't know about you, but if I were making 7-8 figures and got such an email, I'd probably share it with the world. Maybe it doesn't come in the form of an email, but rather a couple of guys in black suits and ties that show up at your front door, and assimilate you into the Elite collective.

Once you're in the collective though, wouldn't you also have to meet with the other Ruling Elite from time-to-time to discuss new ways to fuck over the poor/middle class, and how you're going to remain masters of the universe? Obviously, these meetings would have to be secret, but I assume it would be sort of weird if the billionaires of the world all disappeared for a few days, and nobody knew where they went, or where these secret meetings take place. I mean, you would assume that SOMEBODY (possibly a person who prepares the food or serves coffee) would've spilled the beans by now ...

I'm just a little perplexed
Oh, one more thing ...

I just did a google search for the richest men in the US, and #1 on the list was Bill Gates at $54 billion. I know that Gates just happens to be an avid baseball fan, so does that mean he is distracting himself ???
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
So you think greed is a conspiracy, rather than a cultural norm that we have to work against personally. You seem very erudite, I would like to hear more wisdom from you.
S O B's Avatar
  • S O B
  • 08-20-2011, 07:45 AM
Whoa worknman. I was not eluding to any rich v poor theory. Just the gigantic waste of money spent on pro ball salaries stadiums and players. The misapropiated monies of college ball. How many scholarships could be funded by coaches and their staffs salaries, vip boxes, players perks. If you want modern day gladiators... these are not them. Watch the UFC or boxing for individual accomplishment.
So you think greed is a conspiracy, rather than a cultural norm that we have to work against personally. Originally Posted by Takeshi Miike
No, actually I was suggesting the opposite.
The ruling elite are the Israeli Zionists. Their agenda is working well and it must be stopped.