Should they continue banning all the Humpty reincarnations?

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Considering that he just keeps coming back over and over with the same MO is banning him very effective?

He is easy to spot. He always talks about creampies for 2.0.

If you do not feed his lines do you think he will be more low key?
He has several handles it would appear. As soon as one gets banned the other comes out to play. But I do agree with what you have said. At least we know who he is and to avoid.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The creampies is one thing. Don't think that should be a bannable offense. I'm ALWAYS gonna be on the side of health and safety so what he says doesn't bother me at all.

HOWEVER. The provocative racist talk is against the rules and unacceptable in 2011. He does it to piss people off; and he succeeds at it.

Besides, without Humpty, the mods would have to spend their time chasing down assholes like us!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
He has found two topics to piss everyone off it makes him obvious to spot....

I really do not care. I just consider the source and move on.

The banning just doesn't seem to be very effective...

If it keeps the mods from messing with us I am all for it...
Plus it's amusing,keeps us guessing when and where he pops up next. Case in point this thread.
  • Booth
  • 08-21-2011, 09:07 AM
Bannings should be based on rule infractions and not member polls. He should be banned only when he commits an offense that merits being banned.
I find him amusing and entertaining, creampies rock!!! just not with high risk street walkers..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I definitely hear you and agree with you Booth, but as we've been told numerous times, this is NOT a democracy.

Maybe ownership has decided that the Humpty franchise itself is permanently banned. Maybe staff clarification would help. Shirley the Humpty reincarnations, with their racist and other forbidden posts, would seem to rack up the points pretty fast.
Some of you guys are easily amused. As far as I am concerned, he stopped being funny months ago. I can only laugh at the same routine so many times. But Booth is right, the bannings should be based on the rules of the board, which he seems to violate with regularity.
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 08-21-2011, 10:59 AM
Or maybe, he thinks his cream-pies are a blessing??

He should just keep coming back with new handles like
creampie4U, creampieDlux, creampie1, etc........
Instead of insulting our intelligence.

He really likes it here but has a hard time with the rules.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I would guess that his original 2 or 3 handles were banned for points or his racist rants. Since then, each new handle is a violation of rule against multiple handles. If he had waited out his first ban and come back, he probably would have been allowed to stay (until his next ban from accumulated points).

My guess is that it's much more work for him to create new handles than it is for mods to ban him. If he keeps at it, he should keep getting banned. To allow him to come back would be to create exceptions and give up enforcing rules because of his persistence.
Malcolm Exlax's Avatar
Bring him back!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I am sure you did!
  • E2
  • 08-24-2011, 08:52 AM
While I do not think most of his topics are ban worthy, I like playing the 'where's Waldo (I mean Hupmty) game.

But then again...

"I like my beats funky,
I'm spunky. I like my oatmeal lumpy."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gotta say, current incarnation is pretty damned funny!

Well played Malcolm.

"We didn't land on ECCIE! ECCIE landed on us!"