I was looking trough Mitt Romney's website to learn more about his budget plans and how he plans on balancing the budget in 8-10 years as stated during the debate and I was immediately drawn to his Quick Facts section indicating that the total debt accumulated by the first 43 Presidents was $6.3 Trillion, while Obama has accumulated $6.5 Trillion. Now, if I'm not mistaken, our current debt is $16.2 Trillion, so if Obama has accumulated $6.5 Trillion, wouldn't the debt level when he took office be $9.7 Trillion and not $6.3 Trillion? Can someone explain how Romney came up with the $6.3 Trillion number? We all know that by the time GWB left office we were already close to $10 Trillion in debt, so I wonder how $3.7 Trillion are unaccounted for in Mitt's website.