
Just a heads up.
She reached out to me on SA. Does not follow through with the activies she answered to in out text convo. Likes to talk more than anything. Don't get your hopes up in meeting up with her.
For those of you who went looking like I did.
Sorry, forgot to put that in there. Thanks Neverasp11!
SA is a goldmine but you need to know which nuggets to keep. Some will just come out and ask you to send them something with no intent to see you. Some will ask if you want to buy pics or vids. Hell, I don't even view the free porn online. Well, not that much. Others want you to take them to dinner and shopping with no activities. I always insist on a meet and greet first to lay out the rules. If their are no activities there is no second date. If it doesn't work out then you are out a dinner. When it does work out it is great. The girls I have met do not operate by the hour but by the date. You will spend 3 to 4 hours or even overnight for what you pay for an hour.
Sorry, forgot to put that in there. Thanks Neverasp11! Originally Posted by Joseki
No Problem, I saw where you put it in the encounter report figure there were others like me who want to see immediately who to avoid lol jk

Love SA but it is hit and miss but I will say I love it over eccie and STG.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
Yeah, SA was hit-and-miss for me. Never give a gal money up-front with a promise of a date or activities. I learned this the hard way recently. (I posted a "BEWARE" in the Men's Lounge Forum)

I did find ONE who is easily open to activities (heck, our first encounter was nothing BUT activities... lol).... but she lives pretty far away from me, so I can't see her as often as I'd like to.