
Wat can I do wen some one keeps changing my password on Eccie n even makes a side line under my name help
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
Why/how would someone be able to have access to your info? Are you sharing a computer,or did a "friend" help you set up your account?
Mojojo's Avatar
Why/how would someone be able to have access to your info? Are you sharing a computer,or did a "friend" help you set up your account? Originally Posted by The Cock Connoisseur
This is pretty much the only way someone is able to access your account. Please email to straighten this out.
tandyscone's Avatar
This is pretty much the only way someone is able to access your account. Please email to straighten this out. Originally Posted by Mojojo
I would say it is the most likely way. Eccie does not use https, which means your username and password are transmitted in clear text every time you log on. Many people have the knowledge and access to intercept that transmission. Few of them probably have much incentive to intercept it (fortunately).
ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 05-17-2016, 11:23 AM
If someone uses the same computer or has had access to it at some point, they could have installed a key logger. It only takes 2 or 3 minutes and is downloaded from a web site. This records every keystroke and saves it. The recorded keystrokes can even be retrieved remotely. The logger is usually hidden on your computer and would require some knowledge to remove. So even if you change passwords a person would be able to see the new password and change it.
I'm having this same problem.. in a way.. this person has access to my phones as well.. i know who he is.. he laughs at me and is trying to make me pay him.. he keeps my phone from ringing.. delays emails has gotten photos videos ..all private things off my laptop.. I'm stocked by my own phone and lap top.. i feel crazy saying it out loud.. this is the !st time saying this to anyone..i saw this post and felt i could..
Misty you need to get your phones and laptop encrypted. Relatively easy. Only drawback is some slight slowdown in your internet activity. Encryption keeps you secure.
What is that? I know what he is doing is against the law.. I just don't know what to say.. I'm loosing money.. and is really getting me down.. he said he has my flash drive as well and will return it for 10.000 smh..
Contact admin.Who else has your password to get into your account?
Research a good encryption program.. Lots of them out there puthe encryption apps on yours phones and the programs in you comouter. Once they are installed only you have the key to access them. Do a factory reset on ohones. They install encryption programs. Extortion is a fed crime. I can send your more info when.I get home from work if you'd like. Don't give in to him. Keep your power.
Security Now does really good podcasts and has some pretty legit software recommendations. I think they cover encryption pretty regularly. They're super techies though so 90% of what they say goes over my head, unfortunately. But I'm learning... slowly.
Thank you ..Thank you very much .. Hi im Misty