Its hard to find a good massage therapist indeed. The best ones i found so far are either males or escorts like me ;-)) (lol)
Originally Posted by ninasastri
Hahaha...yes there are some things men are just better at.
That's another good point actually Nina...
My right glut goes into spasm frequently, despite doing stretches and exercise on a regular basis. When I see the chiropractor (male) I always get him to work on that as well as other things. I moan like HELL when he works my glut because it just feels so good. Oddly, I'll feel really wierd moaning if it were a woman working my glut...not sure why lol.
I do make sounds though when the MT(female) is working my arms, shoulders etc...but not the same ones as I make when I'm getting my glut worked
C x
Oh, one other thing I ABSOLUTELY love....scalp massage. That is the closest damn thing to an orgasm if it's done right. I always try and get a 10 min scalp massage when I get my hair cut. I don't care if it's a man or woman that does that because I just disappear into my own little world whilst that's going on muttering "Oh, that is sooooooo good" lol.