What's Your Favorite Game?

OK, not talking about sex games. Just old fashioned games you play for either the competition or for fun. I am interested in both what the Hobbyist like to play and also what games interest Providers.

I like games like Chess, Scrabble, Dominoes, Poker, etc. My favorite games require a certain amount of skill or sometimes a lot of skill, as opposed to games based strictly on luck.

As far as Providers go I know first hand that Laney Von is quite the Scrabble player. (she beats me every time we play) And another of my Hobby buddies and I get together and play Scrabble from time to time. Also slims099 and Tsan and I play in a Poker tournament (Texas Hold-em) regularly.

Just wondering what games everybody else likes. Heck, maybe we could have some sort of meet and greet sometime that is a game night.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I love Madden 2010 and Tiger Woods Golf on PS3. Dominoes, Texas Hold'em, Spades, & Hearts to name a few...
I myself like twister, and like playing the old school nintendo, like dunt hunt.
gman44's Avatar
repairman's Avatar
Omaha, if you like Scrabble, you might like a Scrabble spin-off......Upwords. I am addicted big time.
I love Trivial Pursuit ( mostly Baby Boomers, because it was "current Events") and also scrabble.

I am learning Mexican Train, slowly. I also love dominoes, BUT am very slow counting ( may run out of fingers and toes and when playing with my numbers minded family, I can't keep up as I can't count what is left in everyones hands, like they all can. Since I can't play with a strategy,it really messes them up when I accidentally win by blind

I like games that teach , dominoes, counting, as does 21 (for the younger set) and RISK for the older kids, Ever wonder why soem countried keepgetting involved in conflicts? A great learningexperience!
gman44's Avatar
I love Trivial Pursuit ( mostly Baby Boomers, because it was "current Events") and also scrabble.

I am learning Mexican Train, slowly. I also love dominoes, BUT am very slow counting ( may run out of fingers and toes and when playing with my numbers minded family, I can't keep up as I can't count what is left in everyones hands, like they all can. Since I can't play with a strategy,it really messes them up when I accidentally win by blind
luck! Originally Posted by lemontrees
oh yeah!! I love trivial pursuit too I was and possibly still am very good at that

and scrabble too and sometimes I play that on yahoo which they call it Literari
TexTushHog's Avatar
Very few games I don't like. Gin, 42, straight dominoes, hearts, spades, and the like are among my favorites. But for my very favorite is has to come down to two. No limit hold'em and bridge. Both for different reasons, but they seem to be the ones that I could really get into for long periods of time if I had the spare time.
Card games are my deal:

Canasta - My older family members love it!
Spider Solitaire

tsrv4me's Avatar
A great game to keep your mind active and it is online ......is Boxerjams ......Strike A Match ..... it is a word game that pits you against others that are playing at the same time ........No charge either ...love to hear if any of you play it or your thoughts on it .....WWW.boxerjam.com
Bushaholic's Avatar
Wii - Golf, Bowling, Tennis, Boxing, etc (all titles that require you to get-up, move around a little and be active, instead of sitting on the couch and pushing buttons)

other than that i like...monopoly, battleship, uno
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Any word type games, but Scrabble is my favorite. I'm enjoying Guitar Hero on my new Wii, but I am not very good at it yet..LOL. Pool, Foosball and Darts are also fun.
syeira pink's Avatar
Buck Hunter..............
Triple 7's ........slots!
I am overly competetive so I like just about any type of games.cards,board games,sports,video games.
used to play alot of spades,hearts even Canasta.Play poker.very good at trivial pursuit,Pictionary.You name it i will try it at least once.
Pistol Man's Avatar
Scrabble, definitely. I used to be pretty good but the brain may have atrophied as it's been years since I had a good challenge. "Spell Check" has taught the little grey cells to "cease and desist"! For Scrabble, I find it helps to be old and remember words no longer in use!! Grandmother's dictionary helps . too!

Now, if we could just organize a strip Scrabble tournament ... sign me up!

Pistol Man