Fergie's Dr. Pepper commercial

Ok, is it just me or is that a hot commercial?

She looks so damn good in that outfit, her red lips and her 'come fuck me' eyes...

Top that off with her tying the cherry stem in a knot....$hit, it's hot!

Then again, the Victoria's Secret adds drive me nuts....
Tailgunnr's Avatar
I have to say that is a FUKN HOT TV spot- I hate Dr. Pepper and went out and bought some just because Fergie was doing that thing!
I think this one qualifies as soft porn - and I effin' LOVE it. I really am amazed it hasn't created a firestorm yet, but I will watch it as long as it stays on the air. Beats the Hell outta Strahan or Kiss, that's for sure!
I've always had a girl-crush on her but this just turned me borderline stalker. Great commercial, my only complaint is it isn't shown enough
mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 01-06-2011, 01:34 PM
I didnt know that was fergie... i think she looks hot as hell in that commercial but i remember her a little thinner in the face.
Fergie is hot either way

Being a musician I have a thing for chicks that appreciate real music and/or have some musical talent.
I must say she is a hot woman!
I have a buddie, former local girl, who looks quite a bit like Fergie.

< gratuitous OT plug, though I have no financial in the series > You can catch her on Skinemax in the show "Lingerie" -- she's the completely hawt redhead who is the main character. I *do* think she looked better before the implants, tho.
DallasRain's Avatar
I would so totally "do" her....lol!
I would so totally "do" her....lol! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Fergie or Jenn?

Hmmmmmn Fergie *and* Jenn.

Reminds me of the time that Palin was on SNL, with Tina Fey doing her impression. L-M (she of the public sex) also resembles them. She called me that night, and said "I know you're watching, and don't even *try* to pretend you're not thinking "four way!"

I replied "I'd kick all three of you out of bed -- there's a *lot* more room to roll around on the floor."
barondrandy's Avatar
Didn't recognize her. Didn't think it was hot at all. Yes, YMMV
WALDT....makes the world go round....

My wife keeps asking me why i need to rewind it about 5 times...'it's the lyrics, i'm just trying to understand the lyrics'.....
Will Boner's Avatar
I think Fergie is hot; but not in that commercial. She doesn't exude the glamour of someone lilke Veronica Lake - In that commercial Fergie is doing a poor job of imitating glamour!