Spontaneous vs. Guaranteed Pussy--2nd Try

Don't know why this one disappeared so I'll post it again.

I went out with some business associates a while back and ended up having dinner with a very attractive, super-smart, A-Type personality woman. We've been on different sides of the aisle professionally so I respect her many talents. After dinner I walk her to her car, she propositions me in a clever manner and I stagger from her home the following morning. Gret, HOT sex. Totally unexpected.

Sometime before that I meet with a local Provider, place an envelope on the Entry Hall table. One hour later I'm staggering from her abode with a dopey grin on my face. I'd read her reviews and fully expected to be THAT satisfoed upon my departure. HOT sex, very well done!

So is one better than the other? Is it any more satisfying to stumble into a hot encounter or is it just a different kind of satisfaction?
I like my "Pussy" anyway I can get it. LOL!
Well, great sex is great sex either way. But if I had to rate them, I would give a slight nod to the 1st. The unexpected, you actualy scored holds an appeal that paying cannot equal.
the unexpected is always better......unless.....you have spent a couple of days teasing one another via emails/phone calls/pics, and have built yourself into a frenzy.
that works pretty darn well too.
To me, the combination. Going back to public-sex ex-fiancée -- I could pretty much assume I was going to get laid when we had a date, but I really believe she often made an *effort* to surprise me with how and where. Emotional connection + spontaneous in action: totally hot.

There are some stories I could also tell about the current fiancée, but if I did I'd be cut off.

No, *literally* cut off -- I think I've mentioned the ex-wife sent her "The Lorena Bobbitt Story" Christmas-before-last...
barondrandy's Avatar
Not to dis the hobby, but sex with a babe who picked you as opposed to one you paid? No contest. Yeah, the orgasm may feel the same, but nothing else about it is.