Knew better but did it anyway.

Well I finally got bit by the pay up front payment bug. I know, I know, save me the lecture. Saw Kayla as my review said and had a great time with her as many of the ones who have been able to get a response which is few and far between it seems. And after that she started asking for money for various reasons. Dumb thing to do but I had a soft spot for one of the reasons she gave me and I did it. We agreed on a date twice since that money was sent to her. Last time got an excuse and this time she just flat out ghosted. Do what you will with the info. I’m not saying to do one thing or another. I thought maybe I could trust this one but was proven wrong. Buyer beware.
hoursefly2's Avatar
I hate that
That sucks. I had high hopes for this one.
She did the same thing to me 3 years ago when she was on seeking and i said no and she got my info and threatened to leave my business reviews and call my customers no joke. I got her a room and she said sorry and she was not going to do that. What a piece of shit! Shes a freak but watch all your info with her yall
No need for name calling. I don’t know your situation and won’t comment on it. I’m just giving a heads up. It’s my own fault not anyone else’s
  • AgFox
  • 09-01-2024, 10:26 PM
I did that once. Prepaid a girl in Portland. She laid on the "woe is me" pretty hard and I felt bad for her. Gave her the full amount for a session and then met up a week later to do the deed. After we banged. She looks at me and says where's my payment. I told her I'd already given it to her. She said that money was a gift and I said the hell it was. We went back and forth until I kicked her out. She left and sic'ed her pimp on me. Which is a whole nother story.
Taught me two valuable lessons: Never pay until you're in the room and never answer unsolicited contact.
your right man shes not a piece of shit for threatening to give out my info and trash my business for not giving her money........ Ummhhmmmmm
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
@mixmaster— are you sure you’re talking about the right lady. You said “three years ago.” She hasn’t been doing this for three years. All your reviews are from Joplin, MO. Are you sure it’s the same person we’re talking about here? Sorry that happened to you btw. That really sucks
hoursefly2's Avatar
Good pick up PTH
He said Seeking. Pretty sure he knows who he has seen.He's been on here since 2017. Doesn't take away what the original OP posted anyways.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Oh for sure bacon. It really sucks but hopefully she makes it right. I believe she will.
wyldthang1001's Avatar
I’ve given up on her.. I’m not going over my story again as I think most have great results.. I like the ladies that everyone “always” has great results.. I’ve heard she has multiple (possible) situations going on. She is too expensive as far as I’m concerned but what’s expensive to me me may be chump change to you.. enjoy
hoursefly2's Avatar
According to her seeking account she started July of 2022.
Might not have been her first time on Seeking. I've had a few tell me one thing and after a little digging find something else. It's a shame hopefully she gets her act together.
Yes, it’s Kayla. She hasn’t lived in Conway the whole time she used to live a little bit farther north closer to Mountain home she also didn’t have skip the games. She was always on Seeking three years ago and also she wasn’t really seeing anybody else. It was more privately, so definitely her.