Loving YOURSELF... :) Brookies positive post for the day ....

I finally found myself.... and truely love myself with out make up and without others approval. Thanks to my clients and members here I found that people are going to love you for who you ARE... and that " If you dont love and cherish yourself, who will?" Yall are great!! Please learn to love yourself, because when you do... it is the best high ever!! HAppy hobbying!!

o People and things will come and go in your life. But You have yourself for the rest of your life, you will never be able to escape from yourself, so it's a good idea to get along well and establish a loving relationship with the person you will live with for the rest of your life.
o If you love and treat yourself well, you will be able to set boundaries and people won't have the power to hurt you. Because if you don't hurt yourself, why would you allow others to hurt you, mistreat you or abuse you?
o When you love and accept yourself with your virtues, as well as your flaws, you are able to go through life being YOU, freely and genuinely, without the burden of acting, pretending or wearing masks. You are authentic and you will attract people similar to your true self.
o When you love yourself, you realize that you don't "need" anyone or anything to fulfill you or make you happy. There is no gap to fill. If you love yourself you feel whole and joyful, either when you are alone or around people. That way, you seek company of others because you want to share who you are, not because you depend on others to make you feel good. People will enjoy your presence because you irradiate joy from within.
o When you love and respect the person you are, you are more likely to develop healthy relationships with others. Your relationships with others are a reflection of the relationship that you have with yourself. Take a look!
o Loving yourself is taking responsibility of your own life and happiness. Your decisions, choices feelings, emotions, are yours and nobody else's. Your life is what you make of it; your relationships are what you make of them. There is no need to blame others for our pain or misery; we are not victims.
o When you love yourself, sharing becomes a natural flow. You irradiate joy and powerful energy from inside and people perceive that. People with similar energies are attracted naturally to you.
o Loving yourself allows you to be who you want to be and not what others expect you to be. When you love yourself you know what you deserve and you respect your desires, needs and wants and don't settle for less.
Does it sound like a good deal to love yourself?

Love Brookie
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I knew I really liked you for some reason. Brooke, you're a honey!
thank you sweety.. thought id give people a reason to smile...
Damn, Thought this was gonna be a different kinda thread....

Teasin, Brookie.... You never fail.... to get PPE's attention.... Good and Bad.....

Good for you!

ppe your mind is always in the gutter!! still upset i missed your bday!! ... oh well. probably best i didnt go, you would wanted to spank me im sure.. since, as you quoted, "brooke cumsalot is the coolest pain in the a**"

Much love ,
I love this post and couldn't agree more. Very thought provoking and what a great attitute! You go girlie!
I can relate.

Although I am still new, I think I have changed a lot since I jumped into all this. I also have learned to love who I am and have learned a lot about myself I didn't know, but more importantly I have learned to better myself, both physically and mentally. Better career, better physically, and better hobbies...

exactly !!! cant wait to meet you!
thanks SP!! You handsome handsome man!
And wanting to spank you is bad in what way?

Thank you for trying, I know you didn't get in and I feel so bad that I didn't see you...

Bah! Love is overrated. Anger, fear and hate is so much more powerful and sexy. Give me pain and misery any day.

talking in my sleep again
eyes twitch
a sentimental something

looked lorn and we burned and burned
I was a cinder body soul in my dreams

breakdown amidst the mixtures
avoid addictive plea
responding disillusion
encrusted cruelty
decribe why nails enclose me
eating so evenly
there exists a lot of reasons
to support fatality

abstience possessed hardly what you think it is
hearts beat positive
provided there's progress
ignorance does insist of the right coffin

took some food offered me
can't see myself
drank the wine
wished the feverish burst of terror

breakdown amidst the
mixtures avoid addictive plea
insist that nothing happened
chilled bloodless fatigue
recharge with bitterness
fanatics beckoning
mistook a look impassioned
absorbed with clarity

consciousness drifts away
discarded memory
packaged shelf life bad display

breakdown amidst the mixtures
avoid addictive plea
excessive near romances
comfort is treachery
so pound the nails in tight
eyes screaming out of sight
against a grain like curtain unbearably alive
Nice read Brookie, I love your upbeat personality. It was the first thing I noticed at the social, eerrr just after your eyes, DDG face and hot body.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
When you love and accept yourself with your virtues, as well as your flaws, you are able to go through life being YOU, freely and genuinely, without the burden of acting, pretending or wearing masks. Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
Good stuff .. The older I get, the more of that "fuck it" attiude I've gained. Good or bad, it's helped me accept myself. I'm too old (26) to hurt myself by being a motherfucker I'm not. Shit, I can't let what a man or woman thinks of me hurt my world.

My God, how I could rant about acting as something I'm not for a woman. That bullshit is dead, I'll kill myself before I act a fool for a "woman".

Good post.
No knock masturbation, it lest it is sex with someone you love - Woody Allen