
What's really going on here?
According to most dictionaries
ESCORT DEFINTION: a person, vehicle, ship, or aircraft, or a group of these, accompanying another for protection, security, or as a mark of rank.

But what does it mean to most That's fine if it does...but is that what it means for ALL hobbyist? If you see a lady advertise under "Escort" services does that really mean you have the right to pay her for sex even if she makes it BEYOND CLEAR she does not offer sex? Is she a horrible person for advertising under escort? Is she a liar and a Deceiver? Is she so horrible because she gets Business from The escort side? Is she so horrible for just wanting to make a living and pay her bills while (CLEARLY) leaving behind a trail of satisfied customers? Seriously guys what's your reasoning behind this?

I do body rubs only I advertised everywhere and I feel like my body rub is an escort / GFE like FBSM experience. I ALWAYS make it SUPER CLEAR WHAT I DO. I include it in text on the ad, I also include it in my pictures for those guys who don't read the text in the ads. Also when a guy emails or texts me my first response ALWAYS includes what I offer. I also have 100 (all above good) reviews that All state I do body rubs!

So I don't understand why some guys continue to email and text me asking me why I post in the escort section and if I provide full-service. And why am I posting under escort if I don't offer full service? Are you f****** kidding me?

I've never had anybody say that I've deceived them in any way shape or form so why are you so worried about where I advertise? Or confused about what services I provide? When me & my reviews make it LOUD & CLEAR?

It's my body my life my business and I DO have the right to advertise where I want to advertise especially when I'm not hurting anyone and all the responses from the gentlemen who have seen me are all positive. Not to mention these sites ALLOW IT!

So worried about me what I do and where I advertise why? The only thing I can think of is these guys are SELF-ENTITLED they feel like they have the right to pay me for sex when I don't offer that! They get upset about where I advertise and what I do and email me and text me about it! There are so many girls who offer all of those things why not just move on and call the next girl it's not like I'm trying to trick anybody into seeing me by advertising under escort. I could understand if I posted under escort and made it very vague and didn't say what I did and then when the guy shows up I say surprise body rub only! LOL but I've never done anything like that I'm always very transparent so when guys approach me like that they come off as self-entitled because I can't think of any other reasons why they would be so upset. The guys who have met me love what I provide and it's clear in my reviews that nobody has ever been deceived.

So for the guys who do this...other than being self entitled WHY would you do this??
Do you feel like I duped you even though we NEVER met? Do you think I'm duping other guys (yet no one mentions it in my many reviews)? Do you think I'm just lying about not providing FS & that maybe I do actually provide it(even though I've NEVER had 1 FS Review?)

There are also plenty of sites mainly for "escorts" where body rub ladies are also allowed to advertise (just like this site!) are those web sites also wrong for allowing body rub girls to advertise alongside escorts? Should I stop posting on all sites that say there for escorts? Should I decrease my income just because there's a handful of guys crying that I don't offer full-service yet advertise on the escort section? LOL

If I'm not hurting or deceiving anyone,INCLUDING YOU, what's it to you??