Get out your pitchforks gents

HDGristle's Avatar
All the classic signs were there.

Supporting gay marriage

Shining black people's shoes as an act of repentence for the sins of white people.

A vegan chicken sandwich.

Now the DEI will be strong
HDGristle's Avatar
I'm sensing some heavy fear in boycotting Woke Dan Cathy.

It's ok with me if you want to closet boycott and eat your nuggies while you're in there. I won't judge you for eating Chik-fil-A in the closet
This is hilarious. No more delicious chicken and fresh squeezed lemonade for the far right Cancel Culture Cult! I wonder if the Zelienople chapter knows about this?
Nah, they'll continue eating at Chik-fil-A, just like they continued watching the NFL after the anthem protests, and drinking Bud Light after a whole bunch of whining about "NEVER AGAIN". Conservatives are all bark and no bite when it comes to these types of things. They have no true resolve to actually boycott something they love for more than a week or two.
HDGristle's Avatar Originally Posted by HDGristle
Uh oh, conservatives are running out of crappy products to consume
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Nah, they'll continue eating at Chik-fil-A, just like they continued watching the NFL after the anthem protests, and drinking Bud Light after a whole bunch of whining about "NEVER AGAIN". Conservatives are all bark and no bite when it comes to these types of things. They have no true resolve to actually boycott something they love for more than a week or two. Originally Posted by tommy156
You’d be happier if they sent some wackjob to shoot up a democrat baseball practice?

Their food is actually decent for a slop-shop, 100x better than the other places, and their people are polite and well trained. Last time I was in there, admittedly a few years ago, they had a big drum of green army men kids could grab handfuls of and take home. I thought that was pretty cool.
HDGristle's Avatar
Literally unbelievable that we're running out of non-woke places to dine
When I look at the condition of a lot of the vehicles I see with Cult 45 type stickers on them, it's no surprise that corporate America is realizing that these folks aren't worth pandering too.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Someone remind me not to let on pet peeves to HD in the future.
HDGristle's Avatar
You'll get a reminder or two, and then someone will slip up and I'll be waiting to pounce
HDGristle's Avatar

Charlie Kirk hates chicken sandwiches
"Last week, Target was targeted with homophobic attacks for selling pride merchandise, which it has done for several years. The campaign became hostile, with threats levied against Target employees and instances of damaged products and displays in stores. In the end, Target opted to protect employee safety by removing certain items that it said caused the most “volatile” reaction from opponents.
Hurting brands’ sales and reputations was the stated goal of the campaign: “The goal is to make ‘pride’ toxic for brands,” said right-wing commentator Matt Walsh on Twitter. “If they decide to shove this garbage in our face, they should know that they’ll pay a price. It won’t be worth whatever they think they’ll gain.”"

I don't get the anger. How does it hurt anyone to walk by some gay pride merchandise?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Because it normalizes a lifestyle that people find abhorrent, and that they don’t want their families subjected to.