sHoRt PoLl - What really happened to the lone rangler that left the discord chat

Funny little survey, as if anyone cares
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
I voted even though I already had inside information on what happened, not from you, fantastic poll, I see what you did with the word short,. LMAO
TheTopG655's Avatar
Doubt anyone actually cares, but I mean if ya'll actually want to know why I left. There were 3 main reasons as to why I left.

For context, just as an example before I get to those reasons:

On one occasion we were talking about the lackluster service of Japanese providers in Dallas. It was Me, Ronin, Erik, Ricky ( Off the top of my head, this is searchable in chat) We all agreed to some degree that the service from Japanese providers was lackluster. Fast forward, the same conversation happens, but Casper singles me out and calls me weak minded for this view. After Multiple people having this view. Dude just doesn't like me (Searchable btw.)

1: Casper keeps insulting me constantly
I was miserable. I just took it multiple times and finally got fed up. I could have kicked him multiple times but didn't.

2: Aspen California constantly condescending me.

I don't know if he knew he did it or how it was coming off, but on one occasion he sent me a review of Mina getting railed and asked me if I was butt hurt reading it. The straw was when we were voting on people to add to the group White tiger's name came up, I said no because we're an anti promoter group. He tells me I'm just saying that because he disagreed or spoke out against me, which never happened. Even Ronin agreed white tiger was a promoter. He just always threw that type of shade.

3: I didn't have ownership of the group at the end

I was tired of Casper and was finally at the decision to kick him. I gave ownership to AJohnDough at one point and never got it back, so when I told him to kick casper because I was done, he just said to block him. Mind you 98% of the time always had this dude's back. Whenever he told me to post something about a girl, that later turned out to be not true, always did it no questions asked. Dude didn't have my back.

My options were stay in the group and be miserable or leave and have some peace, so I left. It wasn't complicated.
I voted even though I already had inside information on what happened, not from you, fantastic poll, I see what you did with the word short,. LMAO Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
We'll let it cook and see if anyone is interested in what really went on. Its funny how a lot of people on here mentioned he got kicked out but he never corrected them so he could look like a victim. The real story is a short bus comedy
ntxguy's Avatar
txcasper and AspenCalifornia are my new heroes!!!! I too had inside information and it really is quite the drama. The little guy just can’t help himself.
TheTopG655's Avatar
The statement in itself is just factually incorrect. That's not how discord functions. I know, especially because I set and gave everyone their mod privileges. regular members can't kick anyone, mods can only kick regular members, and the owner which is the highest mod privilege can kick anyone including mods.

A mod cannot kick another mod which was the technical issue I had. I'm not sure why I made you a mod. Only the owner could kick a mod. This whole notion that a bunch of people kicked me is just false by how discord functions. Only AJohnDough had that mod privilege and that wasn't the discussion that was had.
ntxguy's Avatar
The statement in itself is just factually incorrect. That's not how discord functions. I know, especially because I set and gave everyone their mod privileges. regular members can't kick anyone, mods can only kick regular members, and the owner which is the highest mod privilege can kick anyone including mods.

A mod cannot kick another mod which was the technical issue I had. I'm not sure why I made you a mod. Only the owner could kick a mod. This whole notion that a bunch of people kicked me is just false by how discord functions. Only AJohnDough had that mod privilege and that wasn't the discussion that was had. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
Sounds like you’re scrambling around like a dog chasing its tail to me. I’ve got my popcorn popped and ready for the other handles to jump in and try to back you up. It’s funny that you continually point fingers and accuse everyone of multiple handles, especially me, and your little world of handles is crumbling down on you.
TheTopG655's Avatar
I suppose the point is moot. The only ones I really respect in the discord group are Let's go and BigBamboo.
TheTopG655's Avatar
Just like any lady, repeat visits are only going to get better, so to claim that LoneStar is a promoter because of his views on her are just out of left field. Originally Posted by RickyG2002
This is relevant to the topic because it's about a member discord group and that situation. If ya'll saw a modicum of our pms on discord this wouldn't even remotely be a debate. I'm not posting them because of rules, but this isn't coming out of nowhere. A lot of manipulation, a lot of discount chasing at the expense of others, like he told me he was grandfathered in at AS and CP, then later contradicted himself. He said, hey GTR studio has actual pictures of girls, you should go look...
ntxguy's Avatar
I suppose the point is moot. The only ones I really respect in the discord group are Let's go and BigBamboo. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
What a surprise. Were your other handles not allowed in the group? I guess they didn’t need to be since your TopG/SF handle was on there.
ntxguy's Avatar
This is relevant to the topic because it's about a member discord group and that situation. If ya'll saw a modicum of our pms on discord this wouldn't even remotely be a debate. I'm not posting them because of rules, but this isn't coming out of nowhere. A lot of manipulation, a lot of discount chasing at the expense of others, like he told me he was grandfathered in at AS and CP, then later contradicted himself. He said, hey GTR studio has actual pictures of girls, you should go look... Originally Posted by TheTopG655
“He” who? Also what rules prevent you from posting pm’s from your beloved discord group? You’re already outing handles you suckered into your little group. Go ahead and show us if you’re so sure you’re correct.
This is relevant to the topic because it's about a member discord group and that situation. If ya'll saw a modicum of our pms on discord this wouldn't even remotely be a debate. I'm not posting them because of rules, but this isn't coming out of nowhere. A lot of manipulation, a lot of discount chasing at the expense of others, like he told me he was grandfathered in at AS and CP, then later contradicted himself. He said, hey GTR studio has actual pictures of girls, you should go look... Originally Posted by TheTopG655
Meds are to be taken twice a day with a meal preferably

From what I was told was said by you in the discord from a DS member. You said Blossom K gave you a free visit with Mina because you rated them #1 in your studio rankings thread. From there they hired you as promoter, probably why you kept reviewing them during your “boycott” (searchable btw). Not just BK but AS too.. Was also told about your Asian Star completely made up $20 Purple review towards your Haru visit.

Back on topic, drop the truth Casper! We wanna know lol
2balls75's Avatar
Ahhhh, it doesn’t surprise me that the short, smelly, rude Indian (confirmed by him in a prior post) got bounced from his own group. TopG/Springfest has ZERO credibility, I’m predicting another request of a name change from him.

Yes Casper, let us know, he dropped yall under the bus more than you know.
Yeah I heard they call this guy "the elf"
What an odd thread. It seems like this Discord server is invite-only and not a function of this forum? Why spill drama over here if we are not privy to the chat? Seems like just a circle-jerk and to bait the dude that left the server.

Maybe I'm just butthurt I wasn't invited to the frat club though.