Trump admits he’s actively blocking funds to the USPS to thwart mail in voting. — blames Democrats of course

HoeHummer's Avatar
How many ways will this rotten bag of garbage try to derail his overthrow?

On behalf of all of us in the Great White North, your country needs to clean it up!

This guy will end up on Mount Flushmore and well deserveds.

Trump accuses Dems of 'sabotaging Post Office' after saying he is blocking $25 billion USPS bailout

Donald Trump attacked Democrats Wednesday for wanting to 'sabotage the Post Office' by pushing for more money to fund universal mail-in voting measures in November.

'The Democrats are sabotaging the Post Office because they're not approving $25 billion that was requesting,' the president said during a press briefing, likely referencing Democrats blocking the GOP proposed coronavirus relief package last month.

'So they're sabotaging the Post Office and then not allowing the Post Office to function properly. And they're certainly not allowing mail-in votes when they do that,' Trump confusingly argued since it is Democrats who are pushing for remote voting measures.

Trump also said during his White HOuse press briefing Wednesday evening that Democrats are wanting $25 billion in funding for the Post Office in the next coronavirus relief package is 'politically' motivated because it will bolster the USPS ahead of mass amounts of ballots flooding their offices.

'They also want $25 billion additional for the Post Office… so the Post Office can handle this vast amount of ballots that are being sent at random all over the place,' the president lamented of Democrats.

'They have no idea where they're going,' he continued.

'Now they want to take it countrywide – mail-in voting,' Trump said after railing against recent failures with mail-in voting leading to confusion over who actually won.

Trump claims Dems 'sabotaging' USPS by not agreeing COVID package

Donald Trump decried Democrats on Wednesday, confusingly claiming they are 'sabotaging the Post Office' by asking for more money to bolster the USPS for mail-in voting

'It's going to be the greatest fraud in the history of elections,' he continued, pointing to Democrats as the biggest threat rather than foreign entities trying to interfere in the elections.

'When you always talk about Russia, Russia, Russia, China, Iran on voting. Your biggest problem is going to be with the Democrats not with China, Russia and Iran,' he said, reiterating: 'Your biggest problem is going to be with the Democrats.'

During his briefing, the president claimed that it would be impossible for Democrats to force nationwide mail-in ballots if they don't get the money for it through another piece of sweeping stimulus legislation.

Trump has long expressed his displeasure with the proposal that all American voters cast their ballots by mail in November in light of the prevailing coronavirus pandemic.

The president has claimed moving the country to those fully-remote measures would increase the likelihood of fraud and disproportionately benefit Democrats.

He suggested Wednesday that he would not sign off on a relief bill that allocates billions going towards mail-in voting.

'They turned down this bill because they want radical left agenda items that nobody in their right mind would approve,' Trump said of Democrats refusing to agree to the GOP bill proposed at the end of last month.

'The bill's not going to happen because they don't even want to talk about it because we can't give them the kind of ridiculous things that they want that have nothing to do with the China virus,' he said, again referencing mail-in voting and money for the Post Office.

'So therefore, they don't have the money to do the universal mail-in voting, so therefore they can't do it, I guess, right?' he proposed. 'Are they going to do it even though they don't have the money?'

Trump listed measures Democrats have demanded be part of the next bill, even as negotiations collapsed on Capitol Hill last week.

'So they want $25 billion and they want – think of this – they want $3.5 billion, would you say that's enough to cover it? I think we could do it or less,' he said.

Democrats are demanding $25 billion for USPS to bolster its staff and capabilities – and the party also wants $3.5 billion specifically allocated toward mail-in voting so the Post Office can handle a higher-than-usual volume of critical mail.

'I think we could do it for less,' Trump insisted. 'But they want $35 billion for the Post Office because of this.'

He also put his trust in new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who just took lead at the USPS in mid-June of this year.

'And remember, the new man who is a great person, a great businessman – just got there a little while ago,' Trump said of DeJoy, claiming the Post Office was previously 'run poorly for many, many decades.'
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 08:12 AM
if it were not for XiNN Lies - poor YR would have nothing at all to post.

USPS has been a source of political graft, corruption, and mismanagement by Congress and its' micromanaging denizens in return for money from bulk mailers , and shifting costs to first class - for decades.

Now Congress - naz pelosi and Schumer - who have personally benefited from the graft - are blaming the management who have been stuck with Congress self-serving rule and regulations.

The usual DimLib hypocrisy - bit tje Republicans have gone along with the charades and are equally to blame./

As usual - the hysterical dimLib Marxist posters have no clue - XiNN covers Up All the FACTS!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Where on American media was this story, oebsy?

This is English medias.

And for a change, yous are condemning anything that spotlights the corruptions of your master, which is pretty much everything nowadays.

And all yous do is whine about CHIIIIINAAAAAA

How pathetic is that?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I feel like we should just go to the polls like normal. If we can go grocery shopping and congregate in mass protests/riots, what the heck is the big deal with voting?
with the actual fate of the republic in the balance

to expect a political party such as the dimocrat party

that believes in and worships politics and power with the zeal of a religious adherent

that was shocked and enraged by its last defeat

that spares no artifice and believes no ploy or lie out of bounds

that spent four years in shameless paltering regarding a duly elected president

that would ruin the lives and treasure of any innocent for the sake of power

that is determined to not taste once again the bitterness that was the election four years ago

that as a body hates, a real and palpable hate, president trump

that has a history of shading every election law, bending every rule, stuffing every ballot box

that has used its own physical assault troops , to break plate glass and trash candidate offices, to intimidate, to puncture tires

that denies the existence of antifa and proclaims riots and looting as peaceful or due and righteous

and we are to expect the mailing of ballots to not be a part of the continuing dimocrat fraud?
HoeHummer's Avatar
If you’d get in line now, yous may be able to sneaks into Mexico! Canada is not open to Yanks at present.

May be the only way to escapes the inevitable!
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 01:20 PM
with the actual fate of the republic in the balance

to expect a political party such as the dimocrat party

that believes in and worships politics and power with the zeal of a religious adherent

that was shocked and enraged by its last defeat

that spares no artifice and believes no ploy or lie out of bounds

that spent four years in shameless paltering regarding a duly elected president

that would ruin the lives and treasure of any innocent for the sake of power

that is determined to not taste once again the bitterness that was the election four years ago

that as a body hates, a real and palpable hate, president trump

that has a history of shading every election law, bending every rule, stuffing every ballot box

that has used its own physical assault troops , to break plate glass and trash candidate offices, to intimidate, to puncture tires

that denies the existence of antifa and proclaims riots and looting as peaceful or due and righteous

and we are to expect the mailing of ballots to not be a part of the continuing dimocrat fraud? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

NGUT - well written, good Sir!
Lou Spowells's Avatar
Does your tinfoil hat also protect you from covid19 boy?
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 06:56 PM
Well, sir - to whom do you address, and refer to in the above post.

Please clarify - enquiring minds wish to know!
smokedog01's Avatar
A federal judge in the battleground state of Pennsylvania just ordered the Trump campaign to turn over any actual proof that they have of voter fraud from mail-in voting by Friday in the lawsuit that they filed against 67 Pennsylvania County election boards. That judge (a Trump appointee) is basically telling them that if they want to stop mail voting in that state then prove why its bad. Interesting to see what proof the re-election campaign and the party is going to finally turn over. Smart money is they do not produce a damned thing and silently let the deadline pass.
rexdutchman's Avatar
never is correct and why now mail in voting you can stand in line at Walmart and tom thumb but cant vote really
  • oeb11
  • 08-14-2020, 08:40 AM
An acitivist democrat judge made the order. Just prepping the way for massive DPST vote fraud.

DPST's are already drooling ove the opportunity - just like chicago, DC, Ny, and every other DPST dominated area.

presses are already printing the fake ballots!!!
smokedog01's Avatar
An acitivist democrat judge made the order. Just prepping the way for massive DPST vote fraud.

DPST's are already drooling ove the opportunity - just like chicago, DC, Ny, and every other DPST dominated area.

presses are already printing the fake ballots!!! Originally Posted by oeb11

Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan was nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate. Please explain how that makes him an activist democratic judge? While you are at it, also explain how simply asking for their proof of voter fraud is "prepping for massive DPST vote fraud"? If they have actual concrete evidence to put on the record proving that voting by mail will cause massive fraud, why wouldn't they want to reveal it in a court of law? If anything that would help your case. Why would you possibly be against that?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Dems push for mail in voting because they know they’re going to get trounced in a fair election. Same goes for voter ID, how anyone could be against verifying citizenship/age/eligibility to do something as important as voting is mystifying unless,of course, you plan on cheating.
pleasurem's Avatar
You have plenty of time to vote safely... quit crying!!!