Calling out Names....Pls Update Those Showcase Pictures

Invisible1's Avatar
First, a huge THANK YOU to all the beautiful sexy providers who keep their showcases fairly fresh with updated pictures, profile and current specials. We Love You! This thread is NOT directed at you.

This is an old topic. I have just been surprised at the door one to many times.

I don't mind when pictures are less than about 2 years old so long as the weight, hair, and general looks have not significantly changed. I don't mind some older pictures mixed in too. But when almost all of the pictures, not to mention the profile info, in a show case are misleadingly out of don't want to hear what I am thinking when I arrive at your incall.

Although I will probably get reamed for this, its time to call out showcases where most of the pictures and information is more than 2 years old, AND now plain ol' misleading or false.

Here is my starting short list (click on names for link):

Hana of Dallas: Super old pictures..These have got to be at least 5+ years old. I thought she would have had new pictures taken when Sweet Candy Thai visited her and Dallas for a month.

Aprilofdallas: Most of her pictures are more than 2 years old.

AsiaJackie: I think her showcase pictures date back to at least 2010

Phoenix Dawn: Most pictures are more than 2 years old.

Little Miss Andriana: All her pictures date way back. No pictures are near being up to date here.

LindseyLacey: Beautiful woman, but pictures are more than 2 years old...

Jaci: There is one up to date fuzzy face picture in her showcase.

Hot Magen: Seriously.....are you kidding me. These pictures are so old.

I bet there are more..... Anybody else notice some out of date, misleading showcase pictures? or weight data?

Again, I don't care if the pictures or info is old.....I care when the showcase has become very misleading.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I love seeing new pictures, and wish all the ladies would at least put a few fresh selfies up from time to time. After all, constant pro pics would become outrageous....... But I've got a feeling this thread is going to go over like a fart in an elevator.

Well damn!
April DFW's Avatar
Excuse me those pics were taken last year Some in May some August!! Yes I am turning 51 this Thursday and am getting new pics in 2 weeks BTW!! You should not be rude because you are having a bad day and want to dis on girls today.Only thing that has changed on me is my hair longer and blonder and I weigh 120 so yes I am height /weight proporinate still.Look at my reviews sweetie they say I don't look my age...Have a great night lol
TheEccie214's Avatar
Excuse me those pics were taken last year Some in May some August!! Yes I am turning 51 this Thursday and am getting new pics in 2 weeks BTW!! You should not be rude because you are having a bad day and want to dis on girls today.Only thing that has changed on me is my hair longer and blonder and I weigh 120 so yes I am height /weight proporinate still.Look at my reviews sweetie they say I don't look my age...Have a great night lol Originally Posted by aprilofdallas
You're 51??? Damn girl, you got some great genes!!!
I have know April way back in the day since we both worked for Oes. She is a smoking hot woman and still is. Those pictures are less than 2 yrs. I remember when she got them taken and thought gosh thoughs pics look girl. And for 50 she rocks it everywhere trust me. Love ya Doll
April DFW's Avatar
Thanks you are really sweet! The pics in Black are and peach outfits are were in August last year I retired in 2010 and came back in April last year.The pics in the bright colors have no re touching what so ever.I have put on about 5 pounds since then but that's it...Again thank you, you seem to be a nice guy on here xoxo April
glade55's Avatar
this should be interesting i got a few in mind
April DFW's Avatar
Thank you Tara for you know like you said we have known each other 10 years plus!! xoxo April
Invisible1's Avatar sorry April. My bad. Glad you cleared up my mistake. Nice to see that you can post in coed and not mainly just post ads.

Happy Birthday October. I am guessing your parents didn't really name an October baby, April. Whatever, have a great almost Halloween birthday. And please accept my apologies. You are lookin great at 51!
damn. I threaded a similar thread last month but didnt think of calling out names. I see some in chat that post the same damn pics from quite a while back.
With social media makkkg everyone think they are a pro photographers, you'd think more recent selfies would be updated on the regular.
Gud luck.
Little Miss Adriana's Avatar
Well let me clear it up for you to! My photos are very recent. I also have reviews that my clients have posted when they see me ...but just to let you know I look better then ever and if you think a photo is so misleading why don't you come in and see for yourself!!! Here is an update just for you honey 😜 Taken by a client on October 20th no photoshop!
Invisible1's Avatar
Miss Andriana, thank you for your post. Wow! You are more beautiful in the photo above, than in your showcase photos. You also look very different in a more attractive way. How about adding the newer picture to your showcase so we don't have to pm you and ask for new pictures. Instead, we can just see what you look like and request to meet via p411. Easy as strawberry pie!

BTW, I probably would have already come in and seen you for myself if I had more confidence in who I was going to see. Also, the pictures that were posted in a recent review of yours were taken down. Regardless, your reviews are all very good.
Little Miss Adriana's Avatar
Thank you darling! I will update my showcase