trump and the long game against china

trump had the cfo of huawei, who is the daughter of the its founder, and big in the communist party, arrested in Canada

she is set for extradition to the united states

all the moves trump has made against china indicate to me that he sees china as the number one danger to a peaceful world, and I might add, correctly so

unlike Obama, trump recognized and has recognized for years the trade issues and more importantly the theft of intellectual property and the strong-arming of American companies by china

and, unlike Obama, he is determined to do something about it

trump as a strategist, praises xi, but undermines all his plans

unlike Clinton and gore, who gladly sold secrets to the Chinese for campaign contributions and unlike the citizen of the world, Obama, trump is putting, not just America first, but the world for the next several generations, first

he is doing something, maybe even trying to set in motion the take down of the communist party in china

may the totalitarian and surveillance and the militaristic state of china be gone

the question remains the amount of rope trump has to accomplish things

how much pain can the American people take in the form of tariffs both ways and the cost of items before they tell trump no more and self serving politicians take up the expedient cry?
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  • WTF
  • 12-06-2018, 08:41 AM

trump is putting not just America first, but the world for the next several generations, first
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Trump is putting the Saudis first, maybe the Chinese need to start staying at more Trump properties!
themystic's Avatar
Trump is putting the Saudis first, maybe the Chinese need to start staying at more Trump properties! Originally Posted by WTF
Hey thats a cheap shot WTF. The Chinese rent more office lease space from him than anyone.

I know its confusing. The Saudis rent the hotels. The Chinese rent the office lease. The Russians rent the condos
are these attempts at hijacking?
Trump deserves the Nobel Prize!
themystic's Avatar
are these attempts at hijacking? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Let me get back on track. Trump is a fucking genius on China. Obama, Clinton and Gore? are dumb asses. If the average man can hold out without any money then everything will be Great in the long game. MAGA!
Let me get back on track. Trump is a fucking genius on China. Obama, Clinton and Gore? are dumb asses. If the average man can hold out without any money then everything will be Great in the long game. MAGA! Originally Posted by themystic
well as sarcastic as you may or may not wish to be

you have to admit trump is making an issue of something that needed to be an issue for a long time and wasn't
themystic's Avatar
well as sarcastic as you may or may not wish to be

you have to admit trump is making an issue of something that needed to be an issue for a long time and wasn't Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I do agree with you on that
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  • WTF
  • 12-06-2018, 01:11 PM

you have to admit trump is making an issue of something that needed to be an issue for a long time and wasn't Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The question is wtf can he do? The market seems to have caught up with his antics as has the rest of the world.

If the past is any indication...he will reword a few things and tjencarry on as usual. Just look at North Korea.
themystic's Avatar
The question is wtf can he do? The market seems to have caught up with his antics as has the rest of the world.

If the past is any indication...he will reword a few things and tjencarry on as usual. Just look at North Korea. Originally Posted by WTF
We were about to be nuked by NK. Tump stopped them. And they are shutting down their nuclear program. Right? I was so fearful of NK. Tump made me safe
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  • WTF
  • 12-06-2018, 02:35 PM
We were about to be nuked by NK. Tump stopped them. And they are shutting down their nuclear program. Right? I was so fearful of NK. Tump made me safe Originally Posted by themystic
His followers let Trump get away with such foolishness ...IB is crying about an obituary and a god damn service dog and said nothing while Trump trashed Bush 41 about his points of light.

If Trump was trashing 41 right now... IB. would be saying " Fuck that service dog , Scully!" Be telling us how the dog crashed a plane...
Cumandgitit's Avatar
You guys who buy the Trump hatred and lies are who really scare me.
Thump's actions in the middle East have made all Americans fair game as targets anywhere outside of the United States.
His actions (rather his NON ACTIONS regarding the Saudi Prince) has essentially indicated that one can kill Americans in a foreign country
without any consequences if the killer is rich enough. All he cares about is money -- his money!!
I say BULLSHIT. TRUMP is a menace to our country and he is tearing it apart, spewing hatred and making constant lying the norm as a way of governing.
His lawyer, Rudy Gilliani (sp) said it all for him when he said about one of Trump's whoppers, "Truth isn't truth!"
He has no respect for anyone or anything except himself and his money. Did you see him at the Bush funeral? He folded his arms and pouted
the whole time because he wasn't the center of attention. He looked like to me he needed a nipple to suck on!!
What a coward! He dodged the draft 7 times because he had a hangnail. What a poor, spoiled little baby! May God help us from Donald Trump!!
You guys who buy the Trump hatred and lies are who really scare me.
Thump's actions in the middle East have made all Americans fair game as targets anywhere outside of the United States.
His actions (rather his NON ACTIONS regarding the Saudi Prince) has essentially indicated that one can kill Americans in a foreign country
without any consequences if the killer is rich enough. All he cares about is money -- his money!!
I say BULLSHIT. TRUMP is a menace to our country and he is tearing it apart, spewing hatred and making constant lying the norm as a way of governing.
His lawyer, Rudy Gilliani (sp) said it all for him when he said about one of Trump's whoppers, "Truth isn't truth!"
He has no respect for anyone or anything except himself and his money. Did you see him at the Bush funeral? He folded his arms and pouted
the whole time because he wasn't the center of attention. He looked like to me he needed a nipple to suck on!!
What a coward! He dodged the draft 7 times because he had a hangnail. What a poor, spoiled little baby! May God help us from Donald Trump!!
Originally Posted by Cumandgitit
The Saudi's kill people all the time, and Kashoggi was not an American.

Not our fucking concern unless we raise shit over the other million killings they have gotten away with over the years.
Trump needs the orange fake bankrupt person prize. He will get it next year. It's going to be awesome.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump needs the orange fake bankrupt person prize. He will get it next year. It's going to be awesome. Originally Posted by Tsmokies

don't plan your social life around Trump's downfall. you may not have a parade to go to!