An Open Question for Electric Feel Now About Her Ads

Hello Electric Feel Now.

I have noticed this in your adds:


(See reviews or showcase for digits)
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I have been curious for a while and have finally decided to ask. Why not just put your number in the ad? Yes, if some one goes and looks at the reviews they will find that your number is 512.693.1316but why do that? Is is a test that only those who can figure it out are maybe worthy of seeing you? Why put up unnecessary barriers between you and your customers. From a customer perspective it is almost like saying your customers are not worth the time it would take to put your number in your ad? It is like you hold your customers in low regard. I can only speculate. So,seriously, why do you do this. What do you think this does for you?
FS_ITC's Avatar
Have you texted it and gotten a reply?

I must not be worthy!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions.

When you learn how to ask personal questions personally, you might get an answer.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
When iz all y'all muthafukkahs gonna learn thet y'all ain't tha boss o' ol' EFN ? Yew cain't tells her whut ta dew 'r whut not ta dew! If'n thet ol' honey badger wuz a sex werker, EFN wuld be tha honey badger incarnate. When iz y'all a-gonna stop a-wastin' yer time a-tryin' ta git'er ta capitumalate an' beehave like yew all thank she shuld?

Congratulations, Mr. D.

You have Won The Internet.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions.

When you learn how to ask personal questions personally, you might get an answer. Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
A personal question might be something like "what is your worst fear" or "where did you grow up". However, when the question is about something that you post openly in your ad, it is not a personal question. This is a customer service question; a business question. It is hardly a private question so please don't try to make it into one. Anything you put out for your business is anything but private and open to customer inquiry.

On a related note, why the snide and mean spirited response? There are many different ways you could have answered that. If it really was a private matter (which I can't imagine what that would be), you could have just as easily said "Sorry, but that is a private question that I will not answer here" or "please ask me privately". You could have said "You know what, that is goofy. Let me change that." Or even better yet, you could have just answered the question. Instead you chose to be disdainful. Why respond so dismissively?

Getting back to the original question I asked you, look at this again:


(See reviews or showcase for digits)
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Imagine for a second that instead of this being an ad for a provider it was an ad for an auto mechanic and you wanted work done on your car. If the mechanic put out a ton of information about his services but effectively told you to go find the contact information yourself, wouldn't that strike you as odd and certainly unhelpful? Why make the customer do that? Wouldn't that come off as being demeaning to the customer?

So, again, as a customer inquiry, why do you do this?
Whispers's Avatar
So, again, as a customer inquiry, why do you do this? Originally Posted by PervusMaximus
One reason might be that her showcase contains additional information not present in the ad.

By directing someone to the Showcase she directs them also to information she may want them to have seen prior to a call.

Most ladies do not realize that a couple of pics of boobies or ass with a phone number is all most guys care about......

I experimented with the concept of not providing a phone number in an add and instead directed them to a webpage that answered 95% of the questions I would be asked when called. When people DID call MY first question was "Have you made yourself familiar with the information presented on the page?"

I can state from experience that many people are simply too damn lazy to actually read and seek out the information that they need and once they have a number call and ask the very questioned already answered in the sentence above where they find the number.
Most ladies do not realize that a couple of pics of boobies or ass with a phone number is all most guys care about...... Originally Posted by Whispers
I went hooker shoppin' a few days ago and I'm going to have to ad "rates" to that list. When rates can be anywhere from $100 for a HH to $450 90/min minimum, not always tied to how hot a girl is, having to go digging turns out to be a pain in the ass. Especially when you're looking on the mobile site. I tried to bitch about it in the locker room, but the carrot stick in my knickers didn't seem to fool anyone.

Obviously I'm not the average hobbyist so what the hell do I know, but EFN's ad > so horny [insert picture] 512-yea-dick. Skim for the pictures, the rates, and go at it.
One reason might be that her showcase contains additional information not present in the ad.

By directing someone to the Showcase she directs them also to information she may want them to have seen prior to a call. Originally Posted by Whispers
If that was the case she could have easily said so. I am not sure what the deal is with "When you learn how to ask personal questions personally, you might get an answer. "

I can state from experience that many people are simply too damn lazy to actually read and seek out the information that they need and once they have a number call and ask the very questioned already answered in the sentence above where they find the number. Originally Posted by Whispers
In the case of Electric Feel Now, she has all the information you could possibly want in her rather long ad except that one thing. I mean, she has this:

- - -

Clearly that is not going to redirect someone to more information so why do it with the number?

Most successful businesses do their level best to remove as many barriers between themselves and the customer making the purchase as possible. What she is doing seems counterproductive and seems to show a level disregard, if not down right disdain, for the customer.
OP: I tested, and it took 2 extra mouse clicks to find the phone number. Clearly, you found it, because you were able to post it.

There is a plethora of providers that have 'see reviews for menu'. Are you going to call them out too?

I have never seen EFN and I am no white knight, but I really don't get it. If people have a problem with her, why not add her to their ignore list and move on - instead of posting a daily (or hourly) diatribe? (by that I mean the multiple threads)

There are a few providers that pissed me off by either NCNS or other flakiness - including stealing $$. I blew it off as lack of research on my part or lack of a Plan B. I moved on to greener pastures instead of making it a mission to trash someone whenever possible.

Surely there are more interesting topics for this forum.
There is a plethora of providers that have 'see reviews for menu'. Originally Posted by Smith_v2
Menu is one thing. Contact information is another.

That being said, it is still lazy marketing on the part of the provider. Why make it harder for the customer to by the service? It would make more sense to put the menu in an ad or at least a show case or web site.
If you don't like a provider's ad, why not just move on to the next one?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-14-2014, 03:24 PM
OP: I tested, and it took 2 extra mouse clicks to find the phone number. Clearly, you found it, because you were able to post it.

There is a plethora of providers that have 'see reviews for menu'. Are you going to call them out too?

I have never seen EFN and I am no white knight, but I really don't get it. If people have a problem with her, why not add her to their ignore list and move on - instead of posting a daily (or hourly) diatribe? (by that I mean the multiple threads)

There are a few providers that pissed me off by either NCNS or other flakiness - including stealing $$. I blew it off as lack of research on my part or lack of a Plan B. I moved on to greener pastures instead of making it a mission to trash someone whenever possible.

Surely there are more interesting topics for this forum. Originally Posted by Smith_v2

Smith no offense but I need to use you for an example, hope you understand.

SMITH V2 Join Date 2 months 13 days ago...21 total posts, zero reviews...claimed residence some bay area.

WHY is it the posters siding or defending this trainwreck have few or zero reviews...and generally a short posting history?

Are they legit mongers or providers posing as mongers? Are they simply newbies & don't understand what is going on? Or, are they merely out of touch with her history & too lazy to research?
Smith no offense but I need to use you for an example, hope you understand.

SMITH V2 Join Date 2 months 13 days ago...21 total posts, zero reviews...claimed residence some bay area.

WHY is it the posters siding or defending this trainwreck have few or zero reviews...and generally a short posting history?

Are they legit mongers or providers posing as mongers? Are they simply newbies & don't understand what is going on? Or, are they merely out of touch with her history & too lazy to research? Originally Posted by Toyz
Well, we have Sean Rider and now this V2. Like you say Mr. T, nothing contributed in the way of reviews, short posting history but they sure do like EFN....

WTF is all I want to know. Let them visit with EFN, bcd, and see what the outcome is in a short while when she completely implodes!

nuglet's Avatar
Smith no offense but I need to use you for an example, hope you understand.

SMITH V2 Join Date 2 months 13 days ago...21 total posts, zero reviews...claimed residence some bay area.

WHY is it the posters siding or defending this trainwreck have few or zero reviews...and generally a short posting history?

Are they legit mongers or providers posing as mongers? Are they simply newbies & don't understand what is going on? Or, are they merely out of touch with her history & too lazy to research? Originally Posted by Toyz
Ok Toyz, you're welcome to use me as an example.
1: I DO read and make note of a lot of the discussions here and it's easy to see who offers real info and who are newbies that haven't done any homework prior to posting.
b: why are SO MANY of the notes posted here done by you, with the sole purpose of dragging someone through the mud? Like was said prior, if you don't like someone, or their price, or service .... move on.. the multi posts about this provider, or ANY provider, (I've not ever seen, or even met this one, so I don't have a dog in this hunt), are doing nothing to help the BOARD.. just trashing one fem doesn't add to the info here after the first couple of rants.
2: I DO POST AND I DO REVIEW and have offered info several times to guys looking for info, mainly I post pms to the OP when I do have info.
3: I understand this is an INFORMATION EXCHANGE, but beating a dead horse doesn't accomplish anything.

I'm not defending nor siding with anyone, just curious why the venom?
(and YES, I have read what the heat is all about, and decided, after a short time, it was of no use for my searches or interests.

I say fuck em', have a good time, report your experience and let everyone decide who to see.
Some new subjects or discussions would be beneficial for everyone.. just my $.02.
Join date 3.5 yrs ago, posts 3191 (as if that means anything at all) REVIEWS 13.. and THAT does offer info.