Short Notice Availability Thread Check Here (SNATCH)

Why... dose the Mississippi Board not have one???
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Good question, and it seems like a good idea. I suspect MS doesn't have one because it is not a feature anywhere on ECCIE. If you have seen it elsewhere on ECCIE, let me know. In the meantime, I'll ask that question.

Thanks for asking.

biomed1's Avatar
It is an OPTIONAL Thread that may be posted at the Moderators discretion.

In the Arkansas forums, we suspended the Short Term Ads Thread as the Membership could not / would not comply with the Thread Guidelines.

In Oklahoma, the Short Term Availability Thread is relatively trouble free.

On the Staff side of things, having a Short Term Ad Thread greatly increases the amount of time needed to properly Moderate the Forum each day.

There have been a couple of discussions on the topic in the Staff Area of the Board.

JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
It is an OPTIONAL Thread that may be posted at the Moderators discretion.

In the Arkansas forums, we suspended the Short Term Ads Thread as the Membership could not / would not comply with the Thread Guidelines.

In Oklahoma, the Short Term Availability Thread is relatively trouble free.

On the Staff side of things, having a Short Term Ad Thread greatly increases the amount of time needed to properly Moderate the Forum each day.

There have been a couple of discussions on the topic in the Staff Area of the Board.

Biomed1 Originally Posted by biomed1
Biomed1 is correct about the discussions in the Staff Area, and the consensus is that creating this thread is very time consuming for the moderators. Sadly, I know I don't have that kind of time to spend moderating, and I suspect vicinms is in the same situation. I'll wait for vicinms to add his thoughts, but I am not in favor of having it.


Thread Guidelines Issues... on the Mississippi Board are only caused by a
Certain Provider who fortunately NO longer resides here, besides
I believe
JustAGuyInMS is more that the right Gentleman for this Task

One Warning will be issued for the First Violation.
One Point will be Issued Next.
Five Points will be Issued Thereafter for failure to follow instructions.
(Seems Rather Elementary)
Biomed1 is correct about the discussions in the Staff Area, and the consensus is that creating this thread is very TIME CONSUMING for the moderators. Sadly, I know I don't have that kind of time to spend MODERATING, and I suspect vicinms is in the same situation. I'll wait for vicinms to add his thoughts, but I am not in favor of having it.

JaG Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
vicinms's Avatar
I looked at NOLA thread and many of those posts seem used by quite a few girls just as a means to get in an extra ad(s) rather than inform guys of any particular "short notice availability". I see that it could be a pain to keep up with from a moderation perspective.

Out of curiosity, are there other MS members who feel this would actually provide something useful & needed that the provider ad forums don't?
Our market is to small to make it relevant in my opinion. Its not like we have a ton of providers to keep track of to begin with.
I agree with Basscat . Seems of no use to me with the small market .
Yes... what would ECCIE be without strict adherence
to the wishes of its most Frugal Members (LOWEST common denominator)...
WE certainly do not want to improve the Boards Socioeconomics
Yup , opinions are like assholes . Everybody's got one .
Hmm , I just noticed the pic poster and Raj have about the same size breast . Nice .