Nasty encounters

Just thinking back on some the most nasty encounters . All have involved SW quality providers, which tells you a lot. Some have been so smelly car dates they left the car seat smelling so nasty I got to the point of always having a fresh spray to masked the odor until I could properly wash the seat. I remember one car date and got ready to DATY and there was white powder and some nasty excretion coming from the vagina. Then several encounters where I didn’t want to even be touched due to seeing lesions and sores on body. Most of the times I would just gift a twenty and be on my way. Throughout the many hobby years I did have many wonderful experiences at a much reduced rate. Now retired and into walk-in Asian massages.
dumars's Avatar
Probability should have defined “nasty”!

In my decadent mind, “nasty”, as opposed to “naughty”, is a VERY good thing!! In my world you’re describing “gross”!

My 2¢!

Just thinking back on some the most nasty encounters . All have involved SW quality providers, which tells you a lot. Some have been so smelly car dates they left the car seat smelling so nasty I got to the point of always having a fresh spray to masked the odor until I could properly wash the seat. I remember one car date and got ready to DATY and there was white powder and some nasty excretion coming from the vagina. Then several encounters where I didn’t want to even be touched due to seeing lesions and sores on body. Most of the times I would just gift a twenty and be on my way. Throughout the many hobby years I did have many wonderful experiences at a much reduced rate. Now retired and into walk-in Asian massages. Originally Posted by happy 1
Yes agreed Dumars Gross Encounters
Yes agreed Dumars Gross Encounters Originally Posted by happy 1
Well I dont know why your complaining about these nasty encounters?
Ya got what ya paid and nasty!
Says alot about the level of standards you have.
Enjoy those trafficked Amps.
Im sure they are so lucky to have you!
Yi Yi Yi
Agree BD! I guess as long as Happy was Happy??!!??!! I can't even imagine the diseases he was exposed to. And if he didn't pick one up...he should go out and buy a LOTTO ticket right now!
Still around @76 and Happy1 !! Asian massages are economical in these tough times, easy on the wallet for a quick release.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Why in coed..
Why not men's locker room
6 went missing..probably more.
Why would you post this now? And publicly.

FIRST off STFAH..those WOMEN have pimps who have them strung.. they probably flip through 10 or more of the cheap & creepy clients that partake down yonder.

6 women went you think the KC police did anything..NOPE
The brilliant ones who are going down there now are surely under a microscope.

The right thing to do..
For any of you is if you have noticed any o FCC those Women ( humans in a really horid situation) are missing.. ou r even missing from STG or elsewhere.
Make as n anonymous report.
Don't sit there and destroy people whom are already destroyed.

Find this topic funny?? NOW??

Why don't you write about something like pumpkin spice or Halloween or something of value. Do any of you know what a moral compass is? Maybe we should write about that.
Those girls had a pimp? How do you know?
Agree Moon some SW’S did have pimps but a quickie @ a good price does work well. All this happened 30+ years ago and people just think back on previous adventures. I’m just trying to see if others wanted to share on the topic. M-F glad to read your input. Now a days I wonder how many are working the streets? I’m over that period in my life. Many previous encounters were SW’S Staff edit The Dr homeless. They were happy to receive a few green backs for their services. And a release for the male is about the same High $$$ provider vs Low $ provider just the environment difference.
Okay happy but in your original post you said that these SWS are high quality how are these ladies high quality if that's the experience that you're getting with them like I have never heard of that on here that is gross and so sickening that you would post some s*** like that on here.
Nikki you may need to read the original post “street walker quality providers which tells you a lot” not HIGH QUALITY, I don’t know where you read that? Thanks for contributing to the post.
SW’S on drugs and homeless. They were happy to receive a few green backs for their services. And a release for the male Originally Posted by happy 1
Couple thoughts here, first off these girls are in a real bad situation due Staff edit The Dr homelessness.
They are desperate and need help.
Or they dont have a choice with a pimp.
Seems a little taking advantage of someone down on their luck.

I also dont believe these girls give a hoot about your release...its a means to an end for them.
So they can give their pimp.his cash, or they can get money for their vice...leading to never getting help.
I get it SW aint ever goin away and been around forever...just makin a point.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Couple thoughts here, first off these girls are in a real bad situation due Staff edit The Dr homelessness.
They are desperate and need help.
Or they dont have a choice with a pimp.
Seems a little taking advantage of someone down on their luck.

I also dont believe these girls give a hoot about your release...its a means to an end for them.
So they can give their pimp.his cash, or they can get money for their vice...leading to never getting help.
I get it SW aint ever goin away and been around forever...just makin a point. Originally Posted by BigDeal
Agree 100%
BD several of the SW’S did have pimps but many were running their own “business “, had their own apt. Or home. Some had live in boyfriends and I would pick them up on the street they would run the BF out for our encounter. As is even today in business transactions many of those SW’S would want to up charge or after the release would ask for extra $$ to help pay the light bill, etc. one of the worst encounters was when on Main I picked up a what I thought was a female SW and after driving one block realized “she” was a he. Changed my mind and “she” was so upset “she” shut my engine off and yanked the keys from ignition and ran down the street , throwing my keys into the gutter. By the time I came around to pick up the keys “she” had disappeared. The keys were just inches from going down the storm drain. So many stories I could tell of the old street walker days.