I really need help. I HATE TO ASK!!!

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Hi there,

I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE to ask...but I was wondering if there was a couple of guys willing to prepay for a hour session with me.

For those of you who know me, I've been around for awhile and I have a great rep. I try to help out others when I can and I'm very drama free. And not to mention, I have NEVER asked for ANY kind of help before. So for me to ask this, it's a BIG deal.

I wont go into details but I had to move a month earlier than I planned. The guy down stairs from me was giving me a hard time and since my lease was up on July 12th for it was decided that it was best for me to leave. So, with one week to pack up (and I JUST paid my $1,100.00 rent). Yes, I left in good standing and I do get a refund on the remainder of my rent.

Let's just say...my new landlord is AWFUL!!! I will tell the whole story to anyone who is willing to call. And my apartment is NO WERE NEAR ready to have company come over. I've lost almost 2 weeks of work. I've had to pay double rent and a deposit. And since my landlord has 100% dropped the ball on me, I've been stuck doing the painting and cleaning (It looks like a dang crack house).

So, my bank acct down to zero...I have $40.00 in my pocket and I've got a couple of bills past due (the first for me...ugh). So if anyone is willing to prepay a couple of sessions will me, I will MAKE SURE I will honor the debt. I will even add of a extra 30 mins to the session.

If you do decide to prepay, I would rather you come over to drop the money off to my place personally. For 2 reasons.
1. You can see for yourself how bad of shape my place is (I will be working on it all weekend).
2. You know where to find me.

I will give you my personal cell phone number so I will be VERY easy to reach.

But I want to be upfront with you if you do decide to help. Mother nature is going to be giving me my monthly gift Wednesday of next week. So if you want to see me Monday or Tuesday, that will be great, other wise, I can't play until the Monday the 27th (that is if the gift comes on time).

Sooooooooo if anyone can help a girl out, please do!

My phone number is down below and I'm not kidding when I say, I really do need this money.

Thanks you.

Wow girl, I hope someone helps you out. You seem sincere and like a good person who just needs a hand.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I am and I do. I'm a very stable and honest person and normally...money would be fine and bills would be paid.


But, I have faith!!!!!
LovingKayla's Avatar
She is a fantastic Girl. She's been there for anyone that needed help. To my recollection she's never asked for a thing, not even when precious Toni passed. Kaylee, I'm in baby. Where do I send help.

Damn I meant to turn that sig line off. I apologize.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Awwwww.....Kayla, you're such a sweetie. I did ask for help to raise money for her funeral but 100% of the cash went to that. It was very uplifting to see how many people came together to help such a great person out. I miss my bestie everyday.

I would be more then willing to meet you some where or you could swing by. Either or. I really don't need a bunch of money. Just enough to get me through this bumpy road.
[quote=Kayleehotchick;1394561]I am and I do. I'm a very stable and honest person and normally...money would be fine and bills would be paid.


But, I have faith!!!!

And your kinda beutiful, pm me today!!!
because i'm gambino!!!!!
Wow girl, I hope someone helps you out. You seem sincere and like a good person who just needs a hand. Originally Posted by incognito isis

I'm gambino let me help
LovingKayla's Avatar
Bumpy roads are my specialty.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I can certainly vouch that Kaylee's come through for others here when they've needed help.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thank SJ.
bailey243's Avatar
I might be able to slip by there tomorrow if you still need help
Kaylee...PM me with a mailing address...seriously. Want to contribute.
berkleigh's Avatar
I can vouch for Kaylee as well.

- Kaylee -
I cant help financially as I just purchased a new car yesterday and have my offspring home for the summer (so that an extra bill for me), but I can come help you over the next few days with moving, painting and or groceries...whatever I can help with babe.

You have my number girl - Take Care
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I sent you a pm