FBI: Operation Korrupt

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The FBI Further Proves It's an Irredeemable Dumpster Fire of Corruption
By Bonchie | Jul 15, 2021 3:45 PM ET

Perhaps no organization over the last half-decade has seen its credibility falter more than the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The once-storied agency, having ostensibly overcome its history of corruption, was exposed for having done anything but during the Donald Trump era.

From its illegitimate use of garbage intelligence (the Steele Dossier) to initiate an investigation of the Trump campaign to its lies to garner a FISA warrant targeting Carter Page, there appeared to be no limits to how politicized the FBI was willing to become. That culminated in the current FBI Director’s stonewalling of record requests and the DOJ’s refusal to charge anyone who had clearly broken the law from inside the bureau. Of course, we can’t forget the near-constant selective leaks, always targeting one side.

Well, that trend continues. Earlier this week, bombshell revelations dropped that FBI agents had lied in order to cover up a botched investigation against pedophile Larry Nassar, who reportedly targeted at least 70 women between the time the FBI was alerted to his activities and his arrest by Michigan law enforcement via another investigation.


Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett

NEW: Confronted with their failures to pursue Nassar sex-abuse allegations, FBI officials gave false or misleading answers, inspector general finds

A review of the allegations against the former doctor for U.S. gymnasts finds “numerous and fundamental errors” by FBI agents.


3:05 PM · Jul 14, 2021·Twitter Web App

957 Retweets 183 Quote Tweets 1,614 Likes
The FBI failed to properly investigate serious sex-abuse allegations against former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, according to the Justice Department’s inspector general, who also determined that FBI officials gave misleading or false answers when confronted about those failures.

The scathing report released Wednesday paints a disturbing portrait of the nation’s premier law enforcement agency being told details of what would become one of the most shocking cases of serial sex abuse in recent American history, yet failing to follow up with key witnesses or even notify other law enforcement agencies of potential crimes happening in their jurisdictions.

The report noted that according to civil court filings, about 70 women and girls were victimized by Nassar between the time when the FBI was first told of the allegations, and when Michigan officials arrested him on the basis of separate information.
If there was ever a point where FBI agents should have been charged for lying — something you’d be charged for if you did it to the FBI — this was it. Yet, as per our usual arrangement, the DOJ declined to prosecute because we clearly have two systems of justice in this country.

Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett · Jul 14

...The Justice Department declined to prosecute the former SAC for Indianapolis for alleged false statements to the inspector general about how he handled the Nassar case, or the supervisory agent for his alleged false statements...

263 Retweets 41 Quote Tweets 568 Likes

Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett · Jul 14

... leading John Manly, a lawyer for many of Nassar's victims to vent: "If an ordinary American lies to the FBI, they haul them out of their house at gunpoint, and yet these agents get a pass, they even get their pension"...

336 Retweets 21 Quote Tweets 934 Likes
Consider this your language warning for this next part as the victim’s lawyer rightfully loses it.

Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett · Jul 14

... Manly continued: "The message today is that it doesn’t matter if you’re an Olympic gold medalist or a little girl on the street being trafficked, you don’t matter, and if an FBI agent wants to fabricate evidence and lie about it, they’re not going to do a damn thing about it”

Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett

"What the fuck?" Manly said. "You can quote me on that: What the fuck?"

5:28 PM · Jul 14, 2021·Twitter Web App
Is he wrong? No, he’s not wrong. The FBI can track down grandmas who took selfies at the Capitol and confiscate lego sets, but they can’t be counted on to take down a pedophile when the witnesses and evidence are staring them in the face. As a result, dozens of women were harmed who otherwise could have been saved.

And I get that the apologists will claim this was just another isolated incident or that there’s some technicality I don’t understand regarding the lack of charges. Frankly, I don’t care, and I don’t think the American people care. This is obvious corruption and it’s blatant. Not only that, it’s a disgusting display of dereliction of duty in the face of real victims. At some point, the excuses have to stop. Hiding behind the “the rank and file are good people” canard has to stop. Pretending that FBI Dir. Wray is anything but a company man looking to protect himself and his underlings has to stop.

There is no trust left in the FBI outside of the most rabid, left-wing partisans, and that’s only because those people feel the FBI’s politicization helps their side. The entire organization is tarnished and rightfully so. If current and former officials and agents don’t think that’s fair, they are welcome to push for the necessary reforms. But the excuse-making isn’t moving anyone anymore.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

The FBI Further Proves It's an Irredeemable Dumpster Fire of Corruption
By Bonchie | Jul 15, 2021 3:45 PM ET

Perhaps no organization over the last half-decade has seen its credibility falter more than the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The once-storied agency, having ostensibly overcome its history of corruption, was exposed for having done anything but during the Donald Trump era.

From its illegitimate use of garbage intelligence (the Steele Dossier) to initiate an investigation of the Trump campaign to its lies to garner a FISA warrant targeting Carter Page, there appeared to be no limits to how politicized the FBI was willing to become. That culminated in the current FBI Director’s stonewalling of record requests and the DOJ’s refusal to charge anyone who had clearly broken the law from inside the bureau. Of course, we can’t forget the near-constant selective leaks, always targeting one side.

Well, that trend continues. Earlier this week, bombshell revelations dropped that FBI agents had lied in order to cover up a botched investigation against pedophile Larry Nassar, who reportedly targeted at least 70 women between the time the FBI was alerted to his activities and his arrest by Michigan law enforcement via another investigation.


Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett

NEW: Confronted with their failures to pursue Nassar sex-abuse allegations, FBI officials gave false or misleading answers, inspector general finds

A review of the allegations against the former doctor for U.S. gymnasts finds “numerous and fundamental errors” by FBI agents.


3:05 PM · Jul 14, 2021·Twitter Web App

957 Retweets 183 Quote Tweets 1,614 Likes
The FBI failed to properly investigate serious sex-abuse allegations against former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, according to the Justice Department’s inspector general, who also determined that FBI officials gave misleading or false answers when confronted about those failures.

The scathing report released Wednesday paints a disturbing portrait of the nation’s premier law enforcement agency being told details of what would become one of the most shocking cases of serial sex abuse in recent American history, yet failing to follow up with key witnesses or even notify other law enforcement agencies of potential crimes happening in their jurisdictions.

The report noted that according to civil court filings, about 70 women and girls were victimized by Nassar between the time when the FBI was first told of the allegations, and when Michigan officials arrested him on the basis of separate information.
If there was ever a point where FBI agents should have been charged for lying — something you’d be charged for if you did it to the FBI — this was it. Yet, as per our usual arrangement, the DOJ declined to prosecute because we clearly have two systems of justice in this country.

Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett · Jul 14

...The Justice Department declined to prosecute the former SAC for Indianapolis for alleged false statements to the inspector general about how he handled the Nassar case, or the supervisory agent for his alleged false statements...

263 Retweets 41 Quote Tweets 568 Likes

Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett · Jul 14

... leading John Manly, a lawyer for many of Nassar's victims to vent: "If an ordinary American lies to the FBI, they haul them out of their house at gunpoint, and yet these agents get a pass, they even get their pension"...

336 Retweets 21 Quote Tweets 934 Likes
Consider this your language warning for this next part as the victim’s lawyer rightfully loses it.

Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett · Jul 14

... Manly continued: "The message today is that it doesn’t matter if you’re an Olympic gold medalist or a little girl on the street being trafficked, you don’t matter, and if an FBI agent wants to fabricate evidence and lie about it, they’re not going to do a damn thing about it”

Devlin Barrett@DevlinBarrett

"What the fuck?" Manly said. "You can quote me on that: What the fuck?"

5:28 PM · Jul 14, 2021·Twitter Web App
Is he wrong? No, he’s not wrong. The FBI can track down grandmas who took selfies at the Capitol and confiscate lego sets, but they can’t be counted on to take down a pedophile when the witnesses and evidence are staring them in the face. As a result, dozens of women were harmed who otherwise could have been saved.

And I get that the apologists will claim this was just another isolated incident or that there’s some technicality I don’t understand regarding the lack of charges. Frankly, I don’t care, and I don’t think the American people care. This is obvious corruption and it’s blatant. Not only that, it’s a disgusting display of dereliction of duty in the face of real victims. At some point, the excuses have to stop. Hiding behind the “the rank and file are good people” canard has to stop. Pretending that FBI Dir. Wray is anything but a company man looking to protect himself and his underlings has to stop.

There is no trust left in the FBI outside of the most rabid, left-wing partisans, and that’s only because those people feel the FBI’s politicization helps their side. The entire organization is tarnished and rightfully so. If current and former officials and agents don’t think that’s fair, they are welcome to push for the necessary reforms. But the excuse-making isn’t moving anyone anymore. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Federal Bureau of Incompetence
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Federal Bureau of Incompetence Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
its more like Federal Bureau of "I won't do my job".
  • oeb11
  • 07-17-2021, 08:27 AM
partisan application of teh justice system
Fascist DPST's hatred will destroy america into a Civil WAR!
matchingmole's Avatar
partisan application of teh justice system
Fascist DPST's hatred will destroy america into a Civil WAR! Originally Posted by oeb11
So how is antifa treating you now?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hatred and chaos is all Marxism understands throughout History
i'm wondering what is taking the fbi so long on the hunter/joe biden laptop corruption
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 09:10 AM
Could it be DOJ subversion and fascist DPST corruption?????
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hunter art dealer WHO ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Defendant in Whitmer 'Kidnap' Plot Says Zealous FBI Agents Stagecrafted It and Entrapped Defendants

By Victoria Taft Jul 22, 2021 9:23 AM ET

Were FBI agents investigating an existing plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, or were they more like movie producers conducting a casting call for dupes to play roles in their twisted screenplay?

One of the six federal defendants says in a new court filing that the whole plot, which has eerie connections to the January 6 Capitol riot, was the FBI’s idea and that defendant Brandon Caserta was entrapped. He demands to see the text records between a man paid $54,000 to oversee most of the plot and the FBI agents who ran him.

A few text messages that were apparently “inadvertently disclosed” to defense counsel appear in the motion showing a degree of FBI stagecraft that hadn’t been disclosed before.

Attorneys for other defendants are considering asking for the same materials.

Revolver News first reported the hinky connection between those FBI agents running this alleged Michigan kidnap case and their connection to the January 6 Capitol riot. In fact, it was the same FBI agent who oversaw both.


Now BuzzFeed News, the outfit that published the phony Hillary Clinton, FBI, and DOJ Russia! Russia! Russia! dossier – starring the pee tape! – is beginning to have some questions about this case and the FBI’s role in it … as if the Russia hoax wasn’t a clue.

BuzzFeed reported on the motion filed by the attorney for Brandon Caserta, which contains text messages that may reveal that something is rotten at the FBI and DOJ with this kidnap plot, such as the FBI having a “hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot.”
[The motion by the attorney for defendant Brandon Caserta] maintains that this evidence shows many of those who were charged not only expressed anti-government sentiments, but also took concrete steps toward the goal of kidnapping or killing law enforcement officers and elected officials.

An examination of the case by BuzzFeed News also reveals that some of those informants, acting under the direction of the FBI, played a far larger role than has previously been reported. Working in secret, they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception. The extent of their involvement raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them. [emphasis added]
The text messages are eye-openers, to say the least.

They’re between Confidential Human Source 2 (CHS 2), who was hired to snitch from the beginning to the end of the investigation and allegedly was “the central figure” in the plot, and one of his FBI handlers. CHS 2 was “involved in almost every” plot point in the drama. In addition to getting paid $54,000 and given a computer, phone, and other devices, the FBI’s point man was promised a spot in the witness protection program after the big bust.

Caserta’s attorney, Michael D. Hills, claims the records inadvertently revealed so far show how the informant and FBI agent discussed ways to ensnare people into the pre-planned, FBI-directed conspiracy.


Fed Recruiter Poso@JackPosobiec

Here are screenshots of the actual text messages between paid FBI informant 'Thor' and his FBI handler discussing how to entrap suspects in criminal activity

"I have a few goals for today"

3:39 PM · Jul 21, 2021·Twitter Web App

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Fed Recruiter Poso@JackPosobiec

Replying to @JackPosobiec


3:40 PM · Jul 21, 2021·Twitter Web App

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BuzzFeed distilled the messages.
[FBI agent/handler] Impola and CHS-2 coordinate[d] to get as many people into this overt act as possible. S.A. Impola indicates “Are we on Saturday or Sunday? And I default to getting as many other guys as possible, so whatever works to maximize attendance.”… “That would be a good day”.
Or, as Caserta’s attorney translated the message, “In other words, if CHS-2 could induce or persuade (whatever works) as many people as possible to commit a crime, or an act in furtherance of the crime, i.e. the recon, the F.B.I.’s conspiracy theory gets better, the government could convict more people and that would be a good day.”

Caserta’s attorney also writes that the texts show the FBI sought “to actively bring Caserta into a recon to create an act in furtherance of a conspiracy, or create evidence of an agreement regarding a conspiracy” and that “the government relied upon [it] for key parts of the conspiracy for which the group was indicted.”

The phone records belonging to Agent Impola, one of the agents handling the informant, were “accidentally” revealed in papers released to the defendant. Now the defense wants the rest of them, fearing there is much more to the story of bringing Caserta into the plot.

The defense attorney alleges that the FBI sources and agents were architects of the plot, promised explosives, and provided other material support, such as hotel rooms, to those coaxed into the plot while the rest were just big talkers who exercised their free speech rights. Defendants claim this is a political witch-hunt.

The case is turning into a hot mess.

The lead agent in the case is now in criminal trouble for attacking his wife after a “swingers party.”


Robert Snell@robertsnellnews

BREAKING: Lead FBI agent in Gov. Whitmer kidnapping case bloodied wife during fight after swinger party, court records allege

FBI agent at center of Whitmer kidnap probe assaulted wife after swingers' party, authorities say
An FBI agent at the center of the plot to kidnap and kill Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is accused of assaulting his wife after swingers' party, records show.


10:56 AM · Jul 21, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

346 Retweets 97 Quote Tweets 504 Likes

And BuzzFeed reports that one of the lead prosecutors handling the case is under investigation for withholding evidence from the defense in a murder and arson case in 2000.

At least 12 and maybe more confidential human sources and informants took part in the investigation that includes 13 state and federal defendants.

Entrapment defenses seldom are successful, but we’ll await with the highest degree of interest what this additional discovery reveals – if we ever get to see it.

Bring on the transparency.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^ yup becoming clear that the feds are pushing the agenda , "" look up Dark winter " 2001 fu*king scary
The same term puddens keeps using
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
^ yup becoming clear that the feds are pushing the agenda , "" look up Dark winter " 2001 fu*king scary
The same term puddens keeps using Originally Posted by rexdutchman



or this?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Covid “Dark Winter”: Political Announcements of “Highly Contagious Virus Variants”

The 2001 Anthrax Deceptions and those being Perpetrated Today.

By Edward Curtin and Dr. Heiko Schöning
Global Research, January 01, 2021

Region: USA
Theme: Intelligence, Media Disinformation, Science and Medicine

As I write on January 1, 2021, the new year is not starting very auspiciously. Ominous pronouncements are coming from the usual high places and their media mouthpieces, announcing “highly contagious virus variants” of so-called Covid-19.

Joseph Biden has warned of “A Very Dark Winter” to come.
His use of that term “Dark Winter” has been echoed by officials everywhere adept at reading the talking points handed to them. The echo chamber is resounding with dark warnings.

Anthony Fauci and the CDC are predicting hundreds of thousands of deaths this month alone.

These officials are now saying the vaccines they are rolling out will take time; will not eliminate the virus, etc. Hedging their bets as they announce utter disaster to come, rather like a fire and brimstone warning from Jonathan Edwards for the sins of celebrating festive times.

Guess who will be blamed?

Grim projections are following the holidays like buzzards to a dead carcass. Just follow the mainstream corporate media headline news to confirm this.

You don’t need any linked directions from me.

I prefer to be brief so you can read about the incredibly important 2014 book by Graeme MacQueen, The 2007 Anthrax Deception.

Then read his book. (click front cover to order from Clarity Press)

His analysis of the anthrax attacks tied to 9/11 sheds important light on the current corona virus crisis.

Then listen to this new video – before it is disappeared – with Heiko Schöning speaking about the 2001 anthrax deceptions and those being perpetrated today.

Schöning is a German doctor and one of the world-wide leaders fighting to expose the truth about COVID-19 and the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset.”

The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Edward Curtin and Dr. Heiko Schöning, Global Research, 2021
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the above article didn't have a link to Heiko Schöning's video on Dark Winter. I think this is the video.
