Are You Cautious? P411 is Mutually Beneficial

For years I never put my info with any site, but finally I chose P411 because it is a MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL means of introduction. Since then, I have joined others, but none are as good as P411, in my humble opinion.

It has grown rapidly because Gina, Nicole, and the other staff have put so much effort into creating a reliable database for BOTH SIDES of the equation, and they will take the time to chat live with you when you have questions.

For you guys out there who are hesitant to let out into the wild any information about yourself, P411 is a very safe means of providing screening to ladies you wish to meet. Every page is an HTTPS secured-site delivery mechanism. It is not an open database where any provider can browse and view your profile. It is closed off until YOU CHOOSE to give your information to a provider, and once you do, you can track that provider's access to your information, and cut it off again if you so desire. Just be sure to use the secured means within the P411 site for initiating all communication. The security works in your favor, as well as in the favor of the provider. It is MUTUALLY beneficial.

The thorough, but non-invasive, verification process is handled by the staff in Ontario -- outside of the US -- and everything is personally reviewed by a staff member to ensure accuracy and privacy. The providers know this, and thus you find it much easier to initiate an introduction because of the reliability and reputation of the P411 service among the providers.

And this is also true for the screening of ladies. Their ads are thoroughly reviewed before being approved for inclusion in the P411 community. Gina, Nicole, and all the staff work very hard at all hours of the day to ensure their site has reliable information from both sides of the equation that can be confirmed.

When they receive a problem report with confirmations, they act quickly. If a provider has verifiable information to cause serious concern about trustworthiness, P411 has a process to handle that matter in a way that protects both the gentlemen, and the ladies. When a provider has used fake photos -- such as misappropriating pics of a super model -- and this is reported with confirmation, P411 will take an appropriate action for confirmed bait/switch situations (NOTE: Not all sites do this, as has been noted in other threads on this forum).

As with any service, there is always a risk that something of concern may slip through, but P411 is so thorough on both sides that it is far less likely to occur.

Guys, take a look at their site (, and if you want a measure of peace of mind, sign up. (DISCLAIMER: I receive NO PERSONAL BENEFIT OF ANY KIND from this recommendation.)

Whether you join or not, ALWAYS do your homework. There are too many risks out there to be a blind hobbyist or to be lax in researching even if you are confirmed on verification sites. Research, and a mutually beneficial screening process, can never completely eliminate all risk but can significantly reduce those risks.

After all, the hobby is about having fun isn't it?

Well then, if we get the research and screening done, then fun may commence!!!

Best Regards To All.