First Review and Question?

Just did my first review earlier this morning and it says...."Review is pending Moderation"..what does that mean?
That means a Moderator hasn't read it to see if you will receive credit for it yet...

If you receive credit for it, meaning it meets all the board guidelines for an approved review, you will get 6 weeks Premium Access
Thanks for the answer DickEmDown. Normally how long does it take for someone to review it?
Depends...Moderators volunteer their time and we all have real lives just like you.

Give us a day or two at the most, someone will get to it
Thanks again. I will be patient.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Thegman25's Avatar
How do I put a pic in my review?
Mojojo's Avatar
Click the upload attachment button then once you've uploaded them insert them where you want them. It also might be easier to find a webhost and use the URL instead.