Photos and videos of dates

Dick BadCock's Avatar
For some time I have flirted with the idea of having a small porn site. The idea would be Point of View videos with providers. Although I am not sure if I would want to do that.

I have also gotten the idea of getting into being an adult photographer and and have actually bought a half decent camera. I think that would be a better idea than having a porn site...obviously I know what my porn name would be...

Of course it would always be interesting to have photos or video of your date experience. I have heard of some ladies that are willing to do that. Just curious how many women are open to that and what would be the best way of asking?
I have done it once before with a well reviewed hobbyist....i was really into i no idea i wasnt camera shy lol...but he just simply asked and i was ok with it for a lil bit more of a donation...but i had for putting it up on a site i dont think id agree to that just for personal reasons.
Ive also have done photos..forgot to say that
coachstl's Avatar
AJ, aren't you worried they will post it without your permission?
no coach im not I trust the guy I did it with...a few of my friends also allowed him to do them as well...he has way more to lose than me!
For some time I have flirted with the idea of having a small porn site. The idea would be Point of View videos with providers. Although I am not sure if I would want to do that.

I have also gotten the idea of getting into being an adult photographer and and have actually bought a half decent camera. I think that would be a better idea than having a porn site...obviously I know what my porn name would be...

Of course it would always be interesting to have photos or video of your date experience. I have heard of some ladies that are willing to do that. Just curious how many women are open to that and what would be the best way of asking? Originally Posted by Dick BadCock
One guy just asked me if he could take a few photos of me. He was very nice and respectful, and a true gentleman, so I allowed him. Another time, a regular (during an overnighter) started to take photos while I was half asleep. In a sleepy haze, I asked him what he was doing, and he quickly put the camera in his drawer and said "nothing." I didn't appreciate that, so I put him on my do-not-see list. To be honest, if only he asked for my permission, I wouldn't have been so mad.

So those are my 2 experiences. One was good, one was bad. My advice to you is, simply ask for permission first.....some will be into it, some won't. The best way to ask? Just be upfront about it. The one guy I met was upfront and honest, so I posed for him and it turns me on to know he's getting off to those photos. The other guy, was sneeky and dishonest, and no one appreciates that, on both sides of the spectrum.
-Just my 2 cents. XOXOXO, Tatiana
Dick BadCock's Avatar
I figure it would only be cool with girls that are willing to show their faces in advertising. Many of the women that I see have done porn in the past, so they assumably would be cool with it. And some girls have pictures on their sites where it looks like they could be a model.

Taking pictures without ones permission is definantly not cool. That is a sever breach of trust. post in those pics would be unbelievable uncool.

I was thinking also maybe and pictures taken I would copy to the profider if they wanted to use them on their sites...just some thoughts.
ben dover's Avatar
I am a professional photographer and i've done a lot of providers photos, however when I am going to an appointment I wont even bring my camera. If a lady wants photos done I schedule a shoot that usually lasts 2-3 hours and gives her a ton of great images. To sneak photos is just wrong and should be dealt with just as Tatiana did.
DDBD Photography's Avatar
I am a professional photographer and i've done a lot of providers photos, however when I am going to an appointment I wont even bring my camera. If a lady wants photos done I schedule a shoot that usually lasts 2-3 hours and gives her a ton of great images. To sneak photos is just wrong and should be dealt with just as Tatiana did. Originally Posted by ben dover

I have photographed providers for over 2 decades and there is a lot more to it than just getting a camera and taking photos. As a photographer you always maintain a sense of professionalism when dealing with your clients. If you are seriously approaching this as a business venture then trust me, do your homework, learn your craft, learn how to market to your demographic, and be prepared to put in countless hours of work - it's a great profession but it's exactly that - a profession and if you don't treat it as such you're setting yourself up for major problems.
ICU 812's Avatar
I've thought about a porn vide business with professional porn performers. The idea is to shoot a bunch of scenes with different combinations of performers. Then the Hobbyist comes in and pays for a session (or a “screen test"?) with one of the ladies.

Now, most of us Joe-Shmoes are not up to the level of a PSE performance (ok-OK—I know some actually think they are) but by cutting, editing and using stunt-cock doubles along with fluffers and pharmaceuticles—as they do for a porn flick anyway— the Hobbyist would have a experience with a great PSE provider and a video that makes him look like Johnny Holmes at his prime!

This would probably be legal in California and Nevada.

The cost to the hobbyist would be enormous.
ICU 812's Avatar
Back to the OPs topic:

I would think you could find girls willing to do that kind of thing on web-cam sites. I mean—they are already doing it . . .right?
pyramider's Avatar
Why would I want to document my ineptitude with the ladies?
Crash Davis's Avatar

there is a lot more to it than just getting a camera and taking photos Originally Posted by DDBD Photography
I had a GF that loved to have her picture taken, so I bought a nice SRL camera....some pics were good but nothing like a pro would do, it takes more than just having a nice camera.
ICU 812's Avatar
There is a who;e nitch profession called Boudoir photography.

Read a few books and look up the work of pros who do that type of photography.
DDBD Photography's Avatar
There is a who;e nitch profession called Boudoir photography.

Read a few books and look up the work of pros who do that type of photography. Originally Posted by ICU 812
It's more than just reading books and looking at what we do - it's learning lighting, settings, rules of photography, framing, how to pose your models because most of the times we have to direct the shoot, knowing which lens to use, understanding how a photo is made (depth of field, focal points, shadows, etc.)...that's the biggest misconception that people make is that they can just read a book or look at what we do and duplicate it...I've been a pro for over 2 decades and trust me, it's much more to it...I encourage anyone that wants to take up this profession but there are ways to go about it - just because you can change the oil in a car does not make you a mechanic - it's the same with what we do - which is why there are professional photographers and hobby photographers - if you look at the successful porn sites many of the ladies work with pros and it shows in their images.